Another One Joins The Cast

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"Yaddle" (y/n) spoke with a level of confidence unmatched by any man, woman, or child that has ever lived.

"Really?" Nia asked with wide eyes. "Yaddle is your favorite Jedi?"

"Without a doubt" (y/n) replied as he nodded. "...maybe one doubt. Quinlan vos is also good"

"I zoned out twenty minutes ago. What's happening?" Kara quickly asked after a moment.

"Your boyfriend is choosing obscure Jedi to be his favorites" Nia nodded as she stared at the boy.

"It's not my fault you don't read the books so you don't get to know the treasure that is two hundred year old master Yaddle"

"(Y/n)!" The boy quickly turned to see his mom walking into the house with groceries in her arms. "What are you doing here- hi Kara, hey Nia" she nodded at the two and they quickly responded with their own greetings. "You're supposed to be getting your sister from the airport" she spoke once again to her son.

"Ugh" (y/n) was about to reply when Lana spoke again.

"(Y/n) Lang if you don't go get your sister I promise you Kara Kent will never step foot in this house again" Kara huffed, annoyed at being pulled into this. Nia just chuckled.

(Y/n) sighed before standing up. "Alright" he walked past the two guests before walking to the kitchen to grab his car keys from the counter.

"Want me to come with?" Kara called to the boy.

"Nah, I'll be fine" He replied as he walked back into the room. "Just stay here and entertain Nia"

"Will do" Kara nodded as she watched her boyfriend walk out the door.


"How long does it take to pick someone up?" Kara groaned as she leaned against Nia who was getting tired of Kara's whining. "That was a genuine question, I've never been to an airport"

"A long time... but not usually this long" Nia replied as she put an arm around Kara and pat her back. "Why don't you call him? He's probably stuck in traffic or something"

"Good idea!" Kara quickly fished her hand into her pocket and pulled her phone out. She dialed the number and waited only not to have the boy pick up the phone. "Ugh. Stupid Kansas phone reception. Can you-" Kara turned only to see that Nia had fallen asleep and was now laying with her cheek smooshed against the floor. "Oh"

Kara silently got up only to hear the door opening. She quickly turned only to see someone she had never met coming in. The girls stared at each other for a moment, both looking confused.



"Ah. Okay" they both nodded, both now knowing who the other was. "Where's (y/n)? That idiot was supposed to pick me up. I had to take an Uber, he knows I hate that"

Kara gave another confused look. "He left to go get you"

"Well he never got there" Sara replied as she pulled out her phone. After a moment she turned the phone. "He's at the bank. He ditched me to go apply for a credit card or something"

"You can track his phone?" Kara asked, not having known phones could do that.

"Yeah" Sara replied as she turned off the phone and shoved it into her pocket.

The two were silent for a moment, unsure as how to proceed.


(Y/n) came to on the front deck of the house. He could hear people talking inside. There were four voices, had he already picked up his sister from the airport? If so then why was he still outside standing here.

Only one way to find out.

The boy slowly pushed the door open and walked in, he hadn't even noticed the car wasn't parked outside. "Where've you been?" He quickly turned to see Sara and the others all looking at him expectantly.

"I didn't pick you up from the airport?" He gave a confused look.

Sara responded with a just as confused look. "Obviously not"

"Then I have no clue" he shrugged as he rubbed the side of his aching head. "I blacked out when I hit heavy traffic"

"Blacked out?" Both Nia and Sara quickly asked.

"Yeah... he's been doing that" Lana replied before she mouthed to Sara that they'd talk about it later. "Maybe you should stop driving until you're back to normal"

"Ugh" (y/n) groaned as he unbuttoned his blue jacket. "I hate it when good points are made by people who aren't me" he turned to the stairs and started walking to them.

"Where are you going?" Kara quickly asked.

"I've got a splitting headache and I no longer need to go pick up my sister from the airport. I'm going to go take some Advil and lay down in bed"

"Want some company?" Kara asked as she stood to go with him.

"Sure" (y/n) shrugged before quickly pointed to Nia. "I'll take that one. She's the quietest and the least likely to make my headache worse"

Kara huffed and sat back down as she watched (y/n) disappear into the upstairs.

It was silent for a minute until Nia finally spoke up. "So do I go or..?"

"I think he was just messing with Kara" Lana quickly added in as she pat the girl on the back.


Once in his room the boy pulled his jacket off and threw it onto a chair. He picked up his water bottle he had left in the room that morning only to find it frozen by the time he had uncapped it. He was to tired to think about that much. He threw the bottle to the other side of the room.

He glanced at the clock on his desk. 7:30.

The boy yawned as he sat down on his bed only to


Notice a sticky note on his pillow. He frowned, certain it hadn't been there a moment before only to glance at the clock again. 7:35.

He quickly picked up the note and read it. "Crashed car earlier. Going shopping tomorrow-" he quickly glanced outside and noticed the car wasn't there. "-If they ask where you got the money say that you got a job" seemed like a flimsy argument but the boy wasn't about to fight with a piece of paper.

He just needed some sleep.

Word count: 1078

(Passover is almost over and once it's done things should start getting uploaded more frequently once again)

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