Crash And Burn

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(Fair warning, this chapter gets dark. Like INCREDIBLY DARK)

For a week or so it seemed like things were starting to get better, then in true depression fashion Imra had crashed and burned worse than before.

She no longer ate, even when threatened. She no longer hid her depression at work. She didn't even leave her room when home, instead she put up a psychic barrier that stopped anyone from coming inside. The only one she'd sometimes let in was Streaky.

Streaky was the only one who didn't try to force her to do anything. He would just come in and cuddle with her.

"Imra!" The girl buried her face in her pillow as she heard Kara call out to her. She hated how worried the girl was for her, it made her feel even worse than she already did. "Please just come out!" She called with more worry in her voice than Imra had ever heard from her.

"Go away!" Imra's volatile emotions caused her to let out a psychic attack which she hadn't meant to cause. She could hear Kara go flying into the wall which crumbled behind her.

Imra buried her face even deeper in the pillow as she realized what she did and cried. This girl had done nothing but try her best to help her and she had just attacked her.

Imra read Kara's mind to make sure she was alright and found that she had been knocked out by the wave of psychic energy. She wouldn't stay out for long.

Imra made the decision in that moment. She quickly grabbed her Legion flight ring, the biggest tie she had to her now dead future and slid it on to her finger. She both hated wearing it because of the memories it caused her and simultaneously needed it for what she was about to do.

Imra walked open to her window before opening it. She stared outside at the farm and the crops as she asked herself once more if she wanted to do this.

She held her ring up to her mouth and willed it to transmit to the only other ring here in this time period. He couldn't get here in time to stop her anyways. The most he could do would be try to call Kara and (y/n).

"Goodbye Michael" she spoke, quickly turning off the transmitter so she couldn't hear the inevitable response and begging for her not to do whatever it was she was about to do.

Imra willed the ring to lift her into the air before she flew out the open window and out into the fresh Smallville air.


Imra sat in Smallville hospital. She hadn't known where else to go. She wanted a painless way out and this seemed like a good idea at the time. She looked at the mask as she held it in her hands and just stared. Was this really what she wanted to do? She kept asking herself that, over and over, even though she was sure she knew the answer already.

Imra sighed before holding the mask to her face. She switched on the ether and it began coming out.

"Hey!" (Y/n) quickly came into the room and saw what she was doing. He snatched the mask just as Kara came into the room. "Stay still, we're gonna talk!" She knew in that moment that she shouldn't have taken that moment to say goodbye to Booster. She had sabotaged herself.

"Just let me do it!" Imra growled as she cried and used her powers to pull the mask back from the boy. "Let me end this nightmare!"

"Not a chance!" Kara spoke as something seemed to switch inside the boy to her side. He put his hand inside his pocket and Kara suddenly gasped before falling to her knees. He pulled out the kryptonite which was still in the now open box. He gently placed it down on a table.

"Alright" the boys words shocked Imra as she watched his hair and eyes change color. He quickly walked up to her and grabbed the mask. "If you want to die let's do this right. The second you fall unconscious you're going to drop that mask"

Frost grabbed the mask and held it tightly against Imra's face. She started feeling drowsy as the ether began to take affect.

"Get off!" Her muffled words came out instinctively as her body began running on pure instinct, she quickly grabbed the boys hands and tried prying them away. "You're insane! You're trying to kill me!"

"Of course I am! Isn't this what you wanted Imra?" Frost asked as he kept holding the mask to her face. "I thought you wanted to die? I'm here to help you!"

Imra screamed. "No!" She suddenly sent the boy and the mask flying backwards with a psychic blast. She gasped for air and began to cry as she glared at the boy and he got back up. "If you come near me I'll- I'll-"

"Now that's more like it" Frost spoke as he dropped the mask. "Now you're fighting to stay alive" he slowly began walking back to Imra.

The girl panted, her breathing heavy as the tears continued to fall. She prepared another blast but didn't use it as the white haired boy approached her and wrapped his arms around her in a hug. "The part of you that wants to stick around is stronger than the bit of you that wants to take the easy way out"

Imra returned the hug as her tears fell faster and in greater numbers. "You're terrible" she cried as she buried her face in his shoulder. She was grateful to him but he was horrible. "Would- would you have-" she couldn't finish her question.

"Of course not" Frost replied as he stroked her hair. "Worst case scenario I would have just stopped right before you passed out"

Imra tightened her hug on the boy. "Thank you" she whispered before again burying her face in his shoulder. She continued to cry as she closed her eyes and her tears continued to fall onto the boys shoulder.

Word count: 1063

(The attempted suicide scene is based off a scene in the show M*A*S*H. I recommend you all go watch it, one of the greatest shows ever. Definitely the greatest sitcom ever)

 Definitely the greatest sitcom ever)

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