Up, Up, And Away

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(Just gonna point this out but I think a lot of you missed a chapter when I uploaded two at once

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(Just gonna point this out but I think a lot of you missed a chapter when I uploaded two at once. And it's a cute one so I advise reading it)

Kara Zor-El floated in the sky in her overalls and white T-shirt as she looked down at the world below. It was tempting to just stay up there. She looked up to the heavens, wondering if she'd be able to breath once she exited the earths atmosphere. She decided not to try it, not only because she may not be able to breath but also because she didn't want to risk her clothing burning up on re-entry.

Kara slowly started descending back down towards the school building she had just flown away from, she screamed for a moment as her powers gave out and she fell, she quickly started flying again a moment afterwards.

She landed atop the building. "I should really get back to class" she muttered as she used her speed to get into the building and stop in front of the class door before re-entering it.


"This is boring" (y/n) muttered, his rested head on his palm as he watched the teacher teach.

Kara sat back down beside him a moment later. "Where'd you go?"

Kara shrugged. "Bathroom" she lay her head on the table as she looked up at the boy. "I can't handle these classes. They're ridiculously slow"

"Agreed" (y/n) sighed as he sat up, his palm tired from carrying his head for the past ten minutes.

Kara continued to stare at the boy for another two minutes before sighing. That's when she got the idea. She made a small circular opening with her mouth and exhaled, the room started to get much colder.

"Of course we can't get cool during the spring but autumn we get decent air conditioning" the teacher muttered as he looked towards the air vents.

It only continued to get colder for the next minute as Kara continued exhaling, annoying both the students and the teacher. "Alright! Everyone get out of here. I'm going to go complain" the teacher threw his marker onto his desk before matching out of the room.

Kara stopped blowing and let out a satisfied smile. "Let's get out of here" she turned to (y/n) again who seemed to be wishing he had brought a coat. "Aw is baby cold?"

"Are you not?" He replied as he rubbed his arms to try and warm them. "You're wearing short sleeves too"

"It's colder where I'm from" Kara shrugged before standing up. People were already starting to stream out of the room. "Let's go"

"I can't feel my fingers" (y/n) spoke as he also stood up.

Kara rolled her eyes, she was pretty sure the boy was over exaggerating. "Here" she held out her hand and the boy quickly took it in his own.

"Ooh you're warm" (y/n) smiled as they began walking hand in hand out of the classroom.

"That is why I gave you my hand" Kara wasn't sure if that was true or not but she didn't think much about it. "We still have half an hour until our next class. What do you want to do?"

(Y/n) shrugged as he got a bit closer to the warm girl. Sure it was warmer in the hallways than the classroom but the school was still a bit cold since Kara's freeze breath had indeed spilled out of the class. "I don't know. Can't get a lot done in half an hour"

"Maybe you can't" Kara laughed as she thought of all the things she could possibly do with half an hour. "I could get to the Eiffel Tower, pick up a baguette somewhere nearby, eat it and get back"

"Sure you could" (y/n) rolled his eyes as he continued walking with Kara. "Pick me one up too next time you go"

"Will do" Kara smiled as she quickly broke away from the boy and left him behind.

Once outside Kara wasted no time in flying up into the air. "Up, up, and away!" It was fun to shout that, she understood why Kal used to do it. She sped up, faster than she had ever flown before.


(Y/n) sat outside on the schools steps as he waited for the next class to start. He still didn't know why Kara had left him but he had just shrugged it off.

"Bonjour" the boy quickly turned to see Kara standing behind him, a beret on her head and a baguette in her hands.

"Were you just keeping those in your locker?" (Y/n) laughed as he snatched the baguette from her hands.

"No" she spoke as she sat down beside him and watched him begin to eat the bread. "I went to Paris"

"You are such a goofball" (y/n) laughed as he bit a piece off of the baguette.

Kara's smile faltered for a second. "I don't know that word. Is that a good thing?"

"It's a very good thing" (y/n) reached over and put an arm around the girls shoulder. She leaned into him and smiled as she quickly took a bite of the baguette.

"Hey, we may be having a moment but that doesn't mean you get to eat my food" (y/n) said sternly as he moved the baguette farther from her.

Kara stared at him with a sad look until he finally sighed and held the food back over to her.

"Thank you" Kara smiled again before taking another bite of the baguette before (y/n) did the same.

They both went for the next bite at the same time and hit their heads together. "Ow! Why is your head so hard?" (Y/n) groaned as he took his arm back from around Kara and held his head.

Kara quickly walked down and stood at the bottom of the stairs before she looked the boys head over with her X-Ray vision in order to make sure nothing was cracked or broken. "I-uh- there's a metal plate in my head because of previous head damage" she lied as she leaned down and kissed the top of the boys head before wrapping her arms around it as she stood back up straight. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine" the boy replied as he tried to block out the pain that Kara's super-skull had caused him. "The girl of steel. You really deserve the nickname Supergirl"

"You have no idea" Kara replied as she ran her hand through the hair on the back of the boys head.

Word count: 1115

(Favorite scene of the chapter?)

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