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Kara Kent straightened her white cowboy hat as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"What's with the hat?" She turned to see her boyfriend walking into the room.

"It's cute!" Kara replied as she put her arms out, only for the boy to grab her under her armpits and lift her up like a cat. "Ooh!" She giggled, not having expected that.

"It is cute" the boy agreed as he placed a kiss on Kara's slightly exposed stomach. "I'm headed out"

Kara quickly frowned. "You? Leaving the house? Did someone die?"

"No!" (Y/n) quickly replied as he put Kara back down on the ground, much to her disappointment. "I'm taking Imra to the movies, to try to take her mind off everything"

"Oh" Kara nodded understandingly. "Alright, that makes sense"

"You want to come?" The boy asked hopefully.

Kara gave him a sorry look. "Sorry, this Barbie has a trip to Texas to make" she motioned to her cowboy hat. "cheerleading my first game there"

"Alright" (y/n) sighed. "Don't have to much fun without me"

"Is there such thing as fun without you?" Kara asked as she gave the boy an overly dramatic loving look.

"Yes" (y/n) replied simply as he kissed the girls hat. "Now go" he slapped her ass, causing the girl to stumble forward. "Dallas awaits and so does Bruce, you know, the guy who gives you the money we need to live?"

"See you tonight!" Kara quickly flew towards the window and out it, still a bit flustered.


"That was strange" Imra spoke as she and (y/n) exited the movie theater.

"How so?" (Y/n) asked as he took off his 3D glasses.

"Well in my time the 3D doesn't require glasses" Imra replied with a shrug.

"That must be fun" (y/n) smiled, prompting Imra to let out a small smile of her own.

"It was" she nodded slowly as the two walked down the street. "The movie was good"

"I'm glad you liked it" (y/n) replied as the two kept walking. "Feel like grabbing dinner?"

"No thank you" Imra shook her head as her hands fiddled with each other. "I'm tired, I think I should get some more sleep"

(Y/n) frowned. Imra had been spending most of her time in bed recently and he couldn't remember the last time she had eaten. He knew enough about depression because of his sister to be worried for this girl. He stopped walking and put his hands in his pockets to feel around. "Looks like I forgot my keys. How about we get pizza while we wait for Kara to get back"

Imra gave the boy an impatient look. She held her hand out and the keys quickly flew from the boys pocket and into her hand.

"Imra you need to eat" (y/n) spoke as he crossed his arms. "And you can't stay in bed all day"

"I'm an alien to you. You have no clue what I need" Imra replied as she started walking again.

"Kara did the research. You need to eat" (y/n) replied as he quickly caught up with the girl. "You can't keep starving yourself"

"If I eat I'm going to throw up" Imra shook her head as she glanced at her ring and she began floating. "I don't want to talk about this. I'll leave the door unlocked" she quickly flew up into the sky and out of (y/n)'s sight.


"Mm, hey sexy" Kara spoke as she entered the bedroom through the window before noticing the blank expression on her boyfriends face. "What's the matter?"

"Imra" he replied simply before elaborating a quiet moment later. "When we were younger my sister was depressed, none of us knew. One day she tried to kill herself"

Kara sat next to the boy and ran a hand through his hair before he continued. "Imra is a lot less subtle than Sara but I feel like it's going to end up going the same direction"

Kara was silent for a moment. "I'll keep an ear on her okay?" The boy nodded, although he didn't look any less upset about this. "I'll spend tomorrow with her too. You go talk to your sister. If she's gone through this then she's the best person to ask for help"

"That makes sense" (y/n) nodded as he leaned his head against Kara's chest as she lay down in the bed beside him. She was still in her cheerleading outfit, the clothes she had worn out of the house now in a duffel bag which must have been given to her after she left.

"We're not going to let anything happen to Imra" Kara spoke soothingly as she continued to run her hand through the boys hair.

Word count: 856

(I cannot for the life of me remember if I set up Sara's suicide attempts. If I didn't, whoops. Hope at least those of you who watched Superman and Lois know this isn't completely out of the blue. Thoughts on this chapter? Sorry it was short, didn't have much time and it felt better shorter)

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