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Kara Zor-El jumped what she hoped was a possible height for a human before gently throwing her basketball into the hoop. She smiled at the fact that this time the hoop didn't break.

"Nice throw Supergirl" (y/n) referred to her with the nickname her shirt had earned her and nodded as he watched the girl walk over to the ball and grab it.

"Why aren't you in your gym clothes?" Kara asked as she turned back to the boy and threw him the ball.

"I refuse to change in a room with others-" Kara nodded in understanding, she herself used her speed or change before the other girls arrived. "And my ass doesn't look nearly as good in those shorts as yours does" Kara once again nodded in understanding, he was right of course although she was a bit shocked that he would point it out.

"What if you get your normal clothes all sweaty?" Kara asked as she motioned for the boy to throw the ball. He did so and missed.

"That's why I don't do much during this class" (y/n) spoke as Kara tossed him the ball again. He once again tossed the ball, it bounced off the rim.

Kara watched as the ball fell to the ground. "Are you even trying?" The boy nodded. "Huh. Alright" she picked up the ball before walking to where the boy was standing. She bumped him out of the way with her shoulder. "This is how it's done"

Kara quickly and gently threw the ball and of course it landed in the hoop and fell through. "If you want to applaud now is the time"

"Yeah... no thanks" (y/n) shook his head as he went and grabbed the ball. He walked back to Kara and was about to throw when Kara suddenly shot her hand up and grabbed a ball that was about to hit his head. "That was fast" (y/n) spoke as Kara threw the ball back at the boy who threw it. "Good reflexes"

Kara smiled at the boy as she nudged him with her elbow. "You're welcome"

"Well I was gonna thank you but after that smugness I don't think I will" the boy threw the ball and it once again missed. The bell suddenly rang and the boy breathed a sigh of relief. "Schools done"

"Meet you by the front?" Kara smiled, earning a nod in response from her friend. She gave him one more nod before walking back to the locker room.


Somehow by the time (y/n) had made it to the front of the school Kara was already there. "You a world class runner now?" (Y/n) asked as he walked past her and waved for her to follow as he exited the building.

"Something like that" Kara replied as she sped up to match (y/n)'s pace and walk beside him. "You have time to tutor me tonight?"

(Y/n) shrugged. "I suppose so"

Kara frowned. "You don't seem to enthusiastic"

(Y/n) shrugged once more. "You're worse at writing than I expected. I didn't think teaching you would be so hard" he spoke frankly.

Kara glared at the boy, quickly putting her glasses on in case her anger triggered her powers. "No need to be mean. We'll have a good time! I'll make sure of it"

"And how do you plan to do that?" (Y/n) asked with an unbelieving look.

Kara considered that question for a moment. "I can dress myself in something cute?" She shrugged as she looked down at her usual outfit. "I mean we'd need to go stop in town, most of my clothes are like this"

(Y/n) sighed as he nodded in agreement. May as well give himself something to look at while he taught Kara. "Deal"


"How's this look?" Kara asked as she held up a crop top.

"I mean it's hot but you promised cute" (y/n) replied from the seat he was sitting in before looking back down at his phone.

"Right" Kara nodded as she walked over to some more clothes, looking through them. "Thoughts on overalls?" Kara asked.

(Y/n) looked up at what she was holding and nodded. "Not cute on men, absolutely the cutest article of clothing for most women. Go for it" Kara smiled before quickly walking to the changing room.

Once out of the changing room Kara quickly stuffed her normal clothes into her bag before paying for the overalls and using her super speed to take the tags off. "(Y/n)! Let's go" she called to the boy.

He quickly looked up from his phone before shoving it into his pocket and standing up. He turned and looked at Kara, a smile forming on his face as he walked over to her. He nudged her with his shoulder. "Looks great"

"Thanks" Kara smiled as she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. They walked out of the shop. Kara looked down at the boys arm before intertwining her own with it.

The boy looked down at her but didn't pull away. She didn't meet his eyes as she just stared straight ahead in the direction they were walking. She leaned up against the boy a bit and smiled as they kept walking.


"Kara Kent is the absolute greatest" the girl whispered as she tried to write what she spoke.

(Y/n) gave Kara a look before shaking his head. "You spelled absolute wrong. There needs to be an E at the end" Kara frowned as she made a small E in the small space between the letters. "You also need more space between letters and an E between the first T and the S of greatest"

Kara groaned as she went to hit her head against the table before quickly stopping herself so she didn't accidentally break it. "I hate writing"

"You're getting better" (y/n) pat the girls shoulder as she sighed once again.

Word count: 1043

(For those that are gonna say some of this was very quick, everything I've written that includes physical contact in this chapter is something that has happened between me and my friends so it doesn't necessarily mean anything romantic. Favorite scene of the chapter?)

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