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After moving all his stuff into the house Kara was determined to take the boys mind off the stress that he'd be living somewhere new.

"Come on!" She spoke as she clapped her hands together, startling the boy as he turned to see she had appeared behind him. "Those powers are only the beginning of what that tech can do for you, let's try unlocking more"

"What's going on?" (Y/n) asked with a confused look as he bit into his chocolate bar.

"You, me, fortress. Now" she quickly grabbed the boys arm before leading him into the basement and her Kyrpton styled room within. "Put on the crest"

The boy frowned but removed the thing from his pocket and put it on his chest.

Kara put her hand on the crest for a few seconds and it turned on. "Okay now let's see what you can do"

"You know what I can do" (y/n) replied as he grabbed the girl with one arm and picked her up easily. "This and lasers"

"That's only the beginning" Kara insisted as she shook her head. She got out of the boys arm before grabbing a crystal from a table and putting it in a clear tube attached to the wall. A hologram appeared of a the boys device. "I've been studying the schematics"

"Okay?" (Y/n) replied with a shrug. "A bit of elaboration would help you make your point"

"The source used to power this is X-Kryptonite. Theoretically it could make you faster, able to fly, and more" she spoke as she took the boys hand. "I've never actually seen it before"

(Y/n) shrugged. "Cool I suppose"

"You suppose?" Kara asked as she crossed her arms.

"I suppose" (y/n) confirmed with a nod. "I mean I'm afraid of heights and I'm not a big runner"

"Oh. Right" Kara frowned. "Alright then..." she turned off the boys device and put it back in his pocket. "Then how about we..."

"No need to try and distract me Kara" (y/n) spoke as he crossed his arms. "I'm going to go check out the fields alright?" The girl slowly nodded before the boy exited the room.

Kara sighed before removing the crystal from the tube and putting it back where it had been. She stared for a moment at the wall picturing her gods.


(Y/n) walked slowly through the wheat fields that came with their newly bought home. The field went on for acres, he'd probably get lost if he kept walking for long. He was lucky Kara could find him if that happened.

The boy pushed through the wheat until he suddenly heard a noise. He looked around and heard it again, a meowing sort of noise.

After a minute the boy found the source of the noise. An orange cat with little yellow thunderbolt like streaks of fur on each side. "Well hello" he smiled as he crouched down and looked at the little guy.

 "Well hello" he smiled as he crouched down and looked at the little guy

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The cat meowed as it looked up at him and walked towards him.

"You're the cat that was living in the house before aren't you?" (Y/n) asked as he held out his hand and the cat sniffed it. A moment later the cat walked onto the boys hand and up his arm. "Oh okay" he shrugged as the cat walked up onto his shoulder and sat down. "Guess we have a cat now"

The boy turned back the way he had come and began walking towards the house. "You're going to need a name. Are you a boy or a girl?"

The cat only meowed in response. "Alright" (y/n) nodded, unsure what that meant. "Guess we could go with something gender neutral such as-"


"Streaky!" Kara smiled as she held up tue cat and looked at the lightning shaped streaks on its sides. "I'm going to call you Streaky!"

"Real original" (y/n) shook his head as he let out a small laugh. The girl was so excited that she was now floating two feet off the ground.

"Oh shut up! I love him" Kara spoke as she very carefully pet the orange animal. "We have a baby!"

"A baby?" (Y/n) asked as he looked at the cat who seemed to be enjoying being pet. "Kara that's a cat. And it's not even a kitten"

"It's our baby" Kara replied sternly as she glared at the boy. "Streaky the Supercat"

"Alright fine" (y/n) shook his head as he let out a small laugh and sat down on the couch.

After another minute or so Kara floated back down and onto the boys by lap. "Are cats one of the animals on this planet that fly?"

(Y/n) gave her a look as if he didn't believe she didn't know the answer to that question. "No. Cats cannot fly" he replied as he took the cat from Kara and held it close to him. "Streaky is strictly a ground animal. A good rule to go by is that animals without wings generally don't fly"

"That's unfortunate" Kara frowned as she watched the boy holding the cat. "Can you hold me like that too?" She asked quietly.

The boy rolled his eyes but put his other arm around Kara and pulled her so that she was held against his chest and face to face with streaky. "Is that good?"

"Perfect" Kara smiled as she closed her eyes and leaned into the boy.

Word count: 924

(Probably won't be introducing Supergirls Horse for obvious reasons)

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