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"You use your powers to watch me undress?!" (Y/n) asked as he crossed his arms.

"That's what you got from that?" Kara gave a confused look.

"Yes! I knew there was something else going on inside my body but I didn't know you were also irradiating it in order to see me naked"

"That's not the point-"

"It should be the point" (y/n) glared at the girl.

"It's not a big deal"

"Say that again once you've given me cancer"

Kara rubbed the side of her head. "Alright! I'll stop using my X-Ray vision on you. Happy?"

"It's a start" (y/n) replied as he stopped glaring at Kara but kept his arms crossed.

"How am I the one in trouble right now?!" Kara huffed as she sat down on the boys bed. "You're the one literally living a double life!"

"Yeah but I can't control that. You on the other hand can control those cancer beams you shoot from your eyes" (y/n) shook his head.

"You are not going to get cancer!" Kara quickly yelled as she stood up and poked the boy in the chest causing him to stumble back. "Sorry"

"Ow" the boy muttered as caught himself before he could fall over. "Anyways my point is you owe me"

"What do you want me to do?" Kara asked, not wanting to be in the boys debt. "Want me to do your homework? Walk around naked all day? Fly you over to Legoland?"

"I- uh" the boy shook his head. "Why would the second thing that comes to your mind be walk around naked all day? We have to head to school"

Kara gave the boy a confused look. "Is that a no? I can skip school if we need"

(Y/n) shook his head. "It's a no Kara"

"I'll never understand you" Kara sighed as she sat back down. "Theoretically though you wouldn't stop me if I were to undress here?" She asked as she started unbuttoning her overalls.

"I'm out of here" (y/n) walked away before exiting the room.

"He'll be back" Kara said confidently as she took off her overalls.

"Of course I will this is my room!" (Y/n) called back as he closed the door behind him.


Unfortunately they had school so Kara was required to get dressed once again and leave her boyfriends house. He was nowhere to be found, this worried her but she knew she may have crossed a line this morning so she left it be.

The boy reappeared during the couples first class together of the day. He sat in his seat with his eyes closed before Kara sat down in her spot beside him. "Hey sunshine"

"Morning hornball" Kara rolled her eyes at the nickname but didn't argue. "You going to behave?"

"That's the plan" Kara shrugged. "Until we go back to your place that is" the boy sighed. "I'm kidding. I'll behave"

"Good" (y/n) reached over to Kara and rubbed her head. She quickly leaned into the touch. "No more X-Ray vision?"

Kara sighed. "No more X-Ray vision. But we need to have a serious conversation about how you spend your free time"

"If you want we could have your cousin use his heat vision to fry the part of my brain that's abnormal" (y/n) offered only to see Kara with a horrified look at the idea. "What? That's what he did to Manchester Black to take away his powers"

"Let's save the lobotomies for when we're certain there's no other way" Kara spoke as she took the boys hand in her own. "We have no clue what sort of effect that could have on you"

"Only side effect for Black was becoming powerless"

"Drop it. We're not lobotomizing you" Kara said sternly which caused the boy to shut up. "It's to risky"

"He's Superman"

"It's to risky!" Kara replied a bit to loudly as her eyes glowed red. The loud response drew a few looks from the other people who arrived to class early.

"Alright I'll drop it" (y/n) held his hands up in mock surrender.

Kara slowly calmed down and her eyes went back to normal.


The rest of the day went by a bit quieter than most days. Kara was mostly sucked into her thoughts while (y/n) stayed silent.

Once home Kara pulled the boy into the living room and sat down on the couch beside him. "Want to watch a movie?" She asked hopefully, she just wanted her mind off of all their problems for a little while.

"Sure" (y/n) shrugged as he put a hand around Kara and pulled her into snuggling his chest.

"What do you want to see?" Kara asked as she kissed his clothed chest.

"Something funny" (y/n) replied as he grabbed the tv remote and gave it to Kara. "You decide sweetheart"

"Sounds good" Kara smiled. She looked to the TV and was quick to turn it on before picking a movie. "This look good?" She asked with a smile.

"Oh yeah. I've seen this it's good" he nodded before leaning down and placing a slight kiss on Kara's lips. The girl kissed back before suddenly pulling away and coughing.

"Kara?" (Y/n) asked as he quickly grabbed her head in his hands. Her skin was cold, ice cold. She was also looking a bit blue. "You okay?"

Kara quickly nodded as her eyes burned orange and red. Slowly she began to grow warmer. She coughed again and this time out came a lot of water which she ended up throwing up on the floor.

"What the hell?" (Y/n) muttered as he pat her back.

"Ice" Kara coughed. "Ice in my lungs. Was in my lungs" she coughed again and more water came out. "I burned it out"

"I almost killed you" (y/n)'s eyes widened.

Kara coughed again and shook her head although she knew he was right. "You didn't-" she coughed again. "I'm fine" she gave the boy a sultry smirk. "The risk adds to the kissing" she spoke as if she hadn't almost died.

"You're fucked up in the head" (y/n) muttered. Although he appreciated Kara trying to make him feel better it didn't help. He needed to get control of this now.

Word count: 1063

(Favorite part of the chapter?)

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