Ultra Part 1

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(I've been told some guy on AO3 has stolen this book and put it up as his own. Hello my little thief. If you're going to steal my work can you at least credit me? Also can you tell me how your readers like it?)

"Bank robbery" Kara groaned as she was woken up by the sound of a silent alarm. "God damn it" she slowly slid herself out of her boyfriends arms and bed before using her super speed to change into her uniform.

Moments later Kara was standing in front of the bank, about to walk in when she suddenly got a strange feeling. "What the hell?" She muttered. She began walking but stumbled to the ground.

"Everyone knows Superman doesn't do magic" A female voice called out as Kara grabbed her head. It sounded like she was speaking from inside her. "Pretty easy to guess the girl with his logo on her chest doesn't either"

Kara's eyes glowed red as her body began to heat up, she was hoping that she may be able to just burn away what was affecting her. As she tried this she failed to notice that the bank robber was getting away.

"Thank you for making this so easy" the voice taunted before going silent.

Kara gasped as she finally felt the magic lifting off of her. She quickly looked around with her X-ray vision but aside from the bank security guards who were tied up and the janitorial staff of other buildings she saw nothing.

Kara quickly used a mixture of her X-ray and heat vision to break the ropes that the security guards were tied up in before standing up and quickly heading inside to see what they had seen.


It doesn't make sense" Kara whispered as she bit into a strawberry.

"Hey!" (Y/n) quickly snatched the strawberry back. "Stop taking my food"

"The person who attacked me knew about my weakness to magic and used it against me" Kara continued as she ignored her boyfriend. "But the security guards described the Ultra-Humanite as the attacker. And why would he even need to rob a bank? It's not like they got the wrong guy. He's a big albino gorilla"

"Even villains need to pay for stuff sometimes?" (Y/n) shrugged which prompted Kara to also shrug. "Maybe this magic user is working with him?"

"Maybe" Kara frowned. "But that doesn't feel like it"

"Have you tried asking anyone for help?" Kara gave (y/n) a look like she couldn't believe he had even asked that. "What? This is your cousins first villain. May as well ask"

Kara shook her head. "I want to do this on my own. If I can take down Ultra then Kal will have to see how good I am"

Just throwing this in the middle so there's a chance the thief doesn't see it. If you're reading this on AO3 just know this work was copied without asking. Come join us over on wattpad @BaguetteManOfficial

"That's stupid" (y/n) muttered which earned a glare from Kara. "Not that you want him to see. I get that. I just mean refusing to ask for help when you could be out of your league"

"You think I'm out of my league?" Kara frowned.

"He fights the JSA on a regular basis Kara" (y/n) crossed his arms. "Yes I think you're out of your league"

"I don't date you for good points, I date you for unwavering confidence in my abilities"

"I never had that" (y/n) shook his head. "Look you do whatever you want. Just don't get killed"

"That's better" Kara kissed the boys head. "I'll have this case cracked by Sunday"


The case was not cracked by Sunday. "I expected another attack by now" Kara groaned.

"It's the Ultra-Humanite... maybe. He's probably planning every last detail" (y/n) replied with a shrug.

"Maybe" Kara shrugged as she sighed. "Want to go for a fly?"

"No" (y/n) was quick to reply. "I'll go for a walk though"

Kara groaned. "I hate walking. It's so slow when I do it with you"

"Not all of us have super speed Kara" (y/n) replied as he gently shoved her arm. "Come on"

Kara was about to groan again when she heard a woman's scream. "Gotta go" she gave the boy a brief kiss, hoping that since it was brief it wouldn't end like their last few had, before quickly flying up and out the window.

Within moments Kara was flying over Smallville. "Ultra!" She smirked before quickly grabbing the raging gorilla which was tearing up down town.

 "Ultra!" She smirked before quickly grabbing the raging gorilla which was tearing up down town

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The giant ape roared as it grabbed Kara's hair and tugged it. Kara yelped and pulled her hair away before the ape could pull it all out.

"Looking a little feral aren't we Ultra?" Kara smirked as she quickly punched it in the face although it didn't do much.

The ape didn't reply with a scathing retort as Kara had expected. Instead it just grabbed her throat and started choking her.

Kara gasped and quickly tried to pry his hands away. She had yet to encounter anyone who had the strength to choke her out but she didn't doubt this creature could.

Kara quickly found that struggling was worthless as her windpipe was crushed. She found herself blacking out but was quickly able to get out one last laser beam right into Ultra's mouth, knocking out a few teeth.

Then Kara blacked out.

Word count: 936

(I'm seriously tempted to fuck this story up just to mess with my thief)

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