The Black Place

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Kara Kent-Lang lay once again in the white void that had been her dreams ever since (y/n) had made her start sleeping again. The void drove her mad but everyone kept assuring her that if she didn't give up then eventually the void wouldn't continue to be her only dream. She had yet to see any evidence supporting this hypothesis.

"Kara" an annoying voice called out and the girl worried for a moment that Mr. Mxyzptlk was about to show up before she remembered that this was a dream. She silently willed the imp who she could feel appear before her closed eyes into something more comforting.

"Kara Zor-El" the new voice that came a moment later was accompanied by the disappearance of the light that Kara could see through her eyelids. She opened her eyes and was met with darkness, only pierced by a hard to distinguish shape and glowing eyes.

Kara bowed her head at the sight of the Old God before suddenly finding her eyes opening, for real this time

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Kara bowed her head at the sight of the Old God before suddenly finding her eyes opening, for real this time.


Kara blinked slowly as she took in the sight of her room and the boy sleeping beside her. She had woken up in the middle of the night.

Kara thought about what she had just experienced. It was probably just a dream. It probably meant nothing outside of the fact that her brain was finally starting to fight back against the fear that Mr. Mxyzptlk had planted and made to grow inside of her.

She had seen the God before, in paintings, murals, and many things of that nature. But she had never dreamed of him. Hardly anyone ever dreamed of the Gods, many prayed for visions such as the one she had just experienced. Many prayed for any sign that they were real.

A thought popped into Kara's head, a quote from an ancient prophet of the house of El. "When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change"

She had always imagined that quote to refer to mental changes or even physical changes, but perhaps that could mean spiritual changes as well. It would make sense, the words having come from a prophet.


When Kara had finally gotten back to sleep she found that she was once again in the black place that seemed to belong to Nightwing. She almost cried tears of joy that she wasn't in the white place again.

"Kara Zor-El" the comforting words echoed out from the darkness.

Kara quickly sank to her knees and bowed her head. She didn't know if looking upon her God had forced her out of her dream or if it had been something else but for once she didn't want to wake up, so she avoided eye contact.

"Rise niece" the command was simple and served to remind Kara of her heritage. She was of the house of El. She was a descendant of the Gods.

She did as she was commanded.

Kara knew this was a dream, she was asleep after all. But every religion in the universe seemed to think that their Gods could contact them in dreams, so perhaps this dream was something more. Either way it didn't matter, she was just glad the dream had changed from the one that had plagued her.

She still avoided eye contact but now she stood once more on her feet. "My lord" she nodded in acknowledgment as she heard the dragon's heavy breathing.

The God said nothing as he watched Kara, she didn't know what was going on. Suddenly his breathing disappeared and he was gone. Kara couldn't feel his presence any more.

Yet this blackness remained. As did the calming aura of the place. Her little haven from the light which had tormented her for so long. Her gift from the Gods. "Thank you" Kara whispered as she looked up towards the sky, where she realized little stars shimmered.

Kara got no response. She still had no clue if this dream had any real spiritual significance or if it really just was something her mind had made up in order to help her.

Kara felt suddenly words pop into her head. "When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all" she spoke them aloud, sure that if this was a vision of sorts then she was supposed to learn from them.

She would have been more willing to take the words as proof that this had indeed been a vision if only she hadn't recognized them from a human television show that (y/n) and her had watched together.


When Kara next awoke she found that it was now light out. Her husband was getting dressed across the room and was oblivious to the fact that she was awake.

Kara wanted to overthink and over analyze the dream that she had had but she knew that it would do her no good. If it had been the God then she would never truly know.

She had to have faith.

She had to believe that she had been granted a small miracle. She had to do her best to prove that she was worthy of the miracle and the faith that Nightwing had given to her.

Kara felt a rush of happiness, an emotion she hadn't truly felt in weeks, before she heard a voice. "Ah, you're awake" she looked up and saw (y/n) looking over at her as he buttoned up his Hawaiian shirt. "Is that a smile I see?" He asked excitedly as he jumped onto the bed beside Kara.

It took Kara a second to realize the question was aimed at her. "I guess so" she replied as she tried and failed to make the smile go away.

"Well good" the boy smirked as he placed a kiss on Kara's cheek. "I've been missing that beautiful smile of yours"

"I know" Kara leaned into the boy as he wrapped his arms around her.

Word count: 1030

(How do you all feel about religion in stories? I'm a very religious man so I like to include it but many times don't because it can end up feeling forced)

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