What To Do?

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After the suicide attempt and Frost's intervention things slowly started to go back to normal. Other than Kara telling (y/n) what had happened they didn't much talk about it. Imra started eating once again and with every day she spent less and less time holed up in her room.

"Hey" (y/n) spoke as he walked downstairs and saw Imra at the table reading the newspaper. "Kara gone already?"

Imra nodded. "I'm about to head out too" she replied as she slipped her ring onto her finger.

"Ah. Right" the boy nodded. "Everyone has jobs now. That's weird"

Imra shrugged as she put down the paper and stood up. "Enjoy your alone time" she spoke as she walked out of the room and towards the front door.

Once she was gone (y/n) considered having breakfast before electing to skip it. The boy took a moment to look for a cat before spotting him asleep on the ceiling.

A minute later he was outside and walking down the pathway towards the street. The boy watched as a car drove by. What was he supposed to do now that the house was empty? He hadn't considered this back when he had elected to stay at home.

He glanced at the farm, perfectly kept up by Kara who seemed to make it her hobby.

The boy sat down on dirt by the side of the road as he thought. "I could learn an instrument" he said to himself. "Nah, that's a lot of effort" the boy shook his head.


"I'm back!" Kara Kent shouted as she arrived home, still in her cheerleading outfit. She closed the front door behind her and walked further into the house. "(Y/n)?!" She called as she looked around for the boy.

"In the kitchen" her delicate hearing picked up on the boys voice and she quickly walked into the kitchen and up behind the boy.

"What's that smell?" Kara frowned as she wrapped her arms around the boys chest and buried her face in his back.

"I tried cooking brisket. I forgot about it and it burned" the boy huffed as he looked at the burned meat that was in the open oven.

"You're learning how to cook?" Kara asked with a smile as she pulled away from the boy and moved so she was in front of him.

"I know how to cook... some stuff. I'm just trying to get better" (y/n) replied as he huffed.

"What brought this on?" Kara asked as she turned and picked up the brisket before closing the oven with her foot.

"Well I need something to do when you're not here" (y/n) replied as he watched the girl toss the brisket into the garbage can.

"Oh?" Kara smirked before turning back to the boy. "So you missed me?"

"How could I not?" (Y/n) replied as he took a few steps back and sat on the counter. "I get bored when I'm home alone"

"Well-" Kara began before jumping up and landing gently on the boys lap, her legs wrapped around the boys waist. "-you have me now"

"Right but that doesn't help me earlier or tomorrow" (y/n) replied as he felt Kara's hands start drifting around. "And therefor I still have an issue"

Kara sighed as she leaned forward and kissed the boy. "Maybe you could get a job?"

"Not a chance" (y/n) quickly shook his head as Kara started unbuttoning his Hawaiian shirt. "I worked hard to find a woman who can support me so I don't have to work"

"No you didn't!" Kara quickly spoke as she looked back up at her boyfriends face. "You didn't even have to ask me out, I asked you out!"

(Y/n) was silent for a moment. "I worked hard to make sure this relationship worked out" he amended his words. "And I worked even harder to make sure you didn't realize how crappy I am"

Kara was silent for a moment. "Yeah that sounds more accurate" she spoke before going back to unbuttoning the boys shirt. "So how about you just play with Streaky?"

"All day?" (Y/n) asked as Kara pulled the boys shirt off and dropped it in the ground.

She huffed. "Why do you have so many layers?!"

"It's just two" (y/n) replied as he looked down at his undershirt. "Now can we get back to my problem?"

"I don't know what to tell you" Kara replied as she shrugged. "Get a job, mess with Nia, take a trip to Paris, whatever you want" she spoke as she once again kissed the boy.

"A trip isn't a bad idea" (y/n) spoke between kisses. "I could go somewhere and you could join me after work"

"Sounds romantic" Kara smirked before ripping the boys shirt off by accident.

(Y/n) glared at Kara who gave a nervous smile. "You need to stop doing that"

"I'll buy you more" Kara promised as she once again placed another kiss on the boys lips.

"Get to it then" the boy spoke as he pushed Kara off of him.

"Come on!" Kara groaned as she floated and pouted. "Now?"

"Yeah" (y/n) spoke as he grabbed his Hawaiian shirt and put it back on. "Imra will be back at any moment so this wasn't going to happen anyways"

"I hate you" Kara huffed before flying away and out of the house.

"I know!" (Y/n) replied with a small laugh as he buttoned up his shirt.

Word count: 938

(How have I been #1 in DCcomics but not #1 in NiaNal or Dreamer?)

(How have I been #1 in DCcomics but not #1 in NiaNal or Dreamer?)

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