Mxy Strikes Back

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(Chapter 100!)

"Okay" Kara spoke to Streaky as she paced around the otherwise empty house in a new and beautiful, yet still modest, dress. "This needs to be perfect" she quickly pointed to the cat. "Which means best behavior!"

Streaky meowed.

Kara's hearing quickly picked up on the sounds of her boyfriend's car and she quickly ran to grab the flowers she had bought him.

Once the door opened Kara was there to meet him with her hands and the flowers behind her back. "Good evening" she smiled.

"Good evening" (y/n) responded as he looked up at his girlfriend. "What's going on?"

"I got you flowers" Kara smiled before pulling it the bouquet. However, instead of the Lego flowers she had built for the boy all that was in her hands were a few dead roses. "What the-" she quickly lost her smile.

(Y/n) gave Kara a confused look before snatching the flowers from her hands and sniffing them. "Burnt roses. My favorite"

"Don't patronize me. Must have mixed up the flowers... somehow" Kara sighed before grabbing the boys hand. "But I'll make up for that with dinner"

"Ooh okay" (y/n) smiled as he was pulled into the kitchen. "What's for dinner?"

"Lamb!" Kara said excitedly as she sat the boy down at the table before she walked over to the oven. She opened the over door and was startled as a baby lamb quickly jumped out of it and into her arms. "Lamb!" She spoke with surprise as she pet the startled animal.

"Kara whatever this joke is it's not funny" (y/n) noticed as he looked at the oven and confirmed it had in fact been on.

"I didn't put this little guy in there!" Kara spoke frantically as she looked in the oven and confirmed their meal was gone.

She growled as she realized what must be happening. "Mxy!" She yelled as she continued to pet the lamb. "I learned my lesson alright! Next time I won't annoy you I promise! I'll play the hero like you wanted!"

(Y/n) looked around as if he may see anyone. "What else did you have planned for tonight"

At those words Kara's face suddenly went pale. She placed the lamb safely on the floor before closing the oven and super speeding outside. "The fireworks!"

Once (y/n) had reached the front door he was just in time to see Kara fly up towards what looked a bit to much like an atomic bomb. She gently grabbed the bomb and flew it up into space.

(Y/n) waited until there was suddenly a big and distant explosion. He held his breath without realizing until Kara, her nice dress reduced to atoms, slowly descended down towards the sunflower fields a few fields over.

Kara returned a moment later, her breathing labored as she sweat profusely. "What the hell happened?" (Y/n) asked as he walked over to her.

"Nuke" the girl groaned. "Those sunflower fields are dead now. I drained them of all solar energy to get back to normalish"

(Y/n) quickly caught the naked Kara before she could fall to the ground and held her up. "Let's get you to bed"

"No" Kara groaned as she struggled out of the boys hands and floated a bit to stop herself from falling. "He's using my plans for tonight. There's still-"

Kara groaned in pain as her super hearing picked up on something. "Oh no" she whispered as she turned towards the house and watched as a giant cake fell on it, like an anvil in a cartoon, and smushed it.

(Y/n) was silent for a minute. "I know he's trying to twist what you had planned but I'm still gonna eat that cake"

"Really?" Kara asked with a glare. "I'm standing here buck ass naked and you're talking about eating another man's cake instead of mine?"

"Yes" (y/n) replied as he watched Streaky dig his way out of the cake with something in his mouth. "Kara I love how romantic you planned to be tonight but please tell me you didn't have anything else planned after the cake?"

Kara sighed as she slowly sat down on the grass, looking over the giant cake and the house hopefully still repairable within. "Just one thing" she whispered as she started to tear up while Streaky walked over to her and placed a box into her hand. "I realized I wouldn't have been able to top the car so I just decided, fuck it. Romance and then I'll do it anyways" tears fell from her eyes as she looked down at the box. "Mxy probably changed this too"

(Y/n) watched silently as Kara opened the small box and her tears increased in speed. "I spent a week making your ring and he replaces it with a piece of candy!" She growled as her skin burst a bright blue and she held up the ring pop. "I- I made it with pieces from my pod. Irreplaceable pieces"

"Kara" (y/n) slowly sat down beside the naked blue girl. He took one of her hands in his while taking the ring pop with his other. He slipped it onto his finger before taking a lick of it. "It's cherry, want a lick?" Kara glared at him.

"Look Kara, you're blue, you're naked, there's a hundred foot cake-" the lamb tunneled its way out of the cake. "-now we have a sheep, and I got a lollipop as a ring. The only thing that could make this proposal better is if you'd smile"

Kara's crying morphed into a confused frown as her crying slowed down. "Really?" She asked with a small laugh.

"Really" (y/n) smiled as he held the ring to her face and she took a quick lick of it. "It may not have gone how you wanted but this is without a doubt the most memorable proposal in the history of planet earth"

Kara's frown turned into a small smile and she wiped her tears away. "You're right" she let out another small laugh. "Nobody's ever gonna top that"

The two sat there in silence for another minute. "So just to be one hundred percent clear..." Kara smiled as she licked the ring pop again. "You are agreeing to marrying me right?"

(Y/n) chuckled. "Of course I am Kara" he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her blue lips. "There's nobody else I'd rather spend my life with"

Kara smiled wider than she wanted to before jumping on the boy and kissing him more passionately than she ever had before.

Word count: 1138

(There's no doubt in my mind this is the best 100th chapter I could have written. It had everything! Mxyzptlk, lamb, Lego, a ring pop, cake, and a nuke!)

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