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"There we go" Kara Kent smiled as she placed the framed drawing on the wall. "Is that straight?"

"I think so" (y/n) nodded as he looked at the picture. It was a cartoonish doodle in Kara's signature style of her and (y/n) playing a game of poker with a bunch of dogs. Unlike her previous doodles she had colored this in with her color pencils.

"Great" Kara nodded as she turned back to the boy. "Now I've got to go" she spoke as she quickly walked past him.

"Where are you going?" He asked as she super sped upstairs before returning back down in her suit. "It's the first day of fall, I thought you wanted to spend that together?"

"Grodd is attacking Central City" Kara quickly spoke as she walked to the door and opened it. "I'll be right back!"

(Y/n) sighed and sat down on the couch. "Won't be seeing her for a while... you better make it back in time for our date!"


Kara stood triumphantly over the gorilla who she had successfully defeated in less than a second. "How does Wally have issues with you?" She asked the unconscious ape with a laugh. "Is he getting slow?"

"I'm right here Kara" Wally sighed as he leaned against a building, nursing his injured knee as it quickly healed.

"And I took down Grodd" she replied with a smirk. "Your monkey villains just don't compare to mine"

"Ape. Gorillas are apes not monkeys" Wally replied with a sigh as he finally put his full weight on his now fully healed leg.

"Same thing" Kara replied with a shrug even though she knew what she said was wrong. Her super hearing suddenly kicked in and she flew away again.


Kara groaned in pain as she arrived, beaten and bruised, back home from an impromptu battle with Amazo. "Everything hurts" she groaned as she floated towards the bedroom window and opened it before falling inside.

"Jesus Kara. You look like you got run over by a Kryptonite bus" the girl groaned, her face against the floor as she tried and failed to get up. "I'm guessing you'll need to postpone our date?" Kara groaned even louder. "Ah so you forgot the date"

"Sorry" she whispered as the boy grabbed her by the arm and helped her up.

"Holy crap" he muttered as he got a good look at her bruised face.

Kara coughed and laughed a bit at his expression. "Do- do I look hot?"

"Of course you do, you know I'm into this" (y/n) replied which caused Kara to break into a loud laugh before breaking into a fit of coughs.

"Finally got you to admit it" she whispered with a small smirk.

"Yeah I figured you deserved it after taking whatever sort of beating you got today"

"You should see the other Android" Kara whispered as the boy sat her down on the bed. "Kic-" she coughed violently for a few seconds. "Kicked his ass"

"I'm sure you did" (y/n) nodded as he helped Kara get her jacket off. "Now shut up so you don't keep coughing"

Kara moaned and flinched in pain as the boy started helping her out of the skin tight suit. "Careful. My stomach is one big bruise"

"Oh really?" (Y/n) asked with a smirk, knowing full well that that moan she let out was one of more pleasure than pain. "So I shouldn't do this?" He asked as he reached for her clothed stomach and lightly slapped it.

Kara yelped before breaking into a smirk. "You little bitch!" She laughed before coughing violently again. "Finally coming out of that prudish shell Hm? Embracing your kinks?"

"Okay now actually shut up" (y/n) spoke as he slapped Kara's stomach again and she moaned before shutting her mouth. "Now do you want to sleep like that or get undressed" Kara held up two fingers. "Alright now no snarky comments" he spoke before resuming to undress her.

Once Kara was out of her suit the boy threw it onto the floor and lay the girl down on her back. "You weren't kidding about your bruises" the boy spoke as his hand ran over her mostly purple stomach. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Amazo" Kara groaned as she looked up at the boy. "He's an android with the powers and weaknesses of most of the league. Cass and Bruce arrived with Kryptonite and yellow spray paint and saved my ass last second"

"And they let you leave like this?" (Y/n) asked with a frown.

"I insisted I'd be fine" Kara spoke as she let out a nervous laugh. "I figured if I went back like this that maybe..." the girl trailed off.

"What was that Kara?" (Y/n) asked as he leaned in closer to the boy.

"I figured if I came back like this then maybe... you'd finally admit to being into this" she nervously laughed again. "And my mission was a success"

"I hate you" (y/n) spoke slowly as he smacked Kara's stomach, causing her to help again.

"Want to hate fuck?" Kara braced herself to get hit again but was disappointed it didn't happen.

"Nope. I'm out of here. Get yourself downstairs to your fortress and heal yourself" (y/n) spoke as he stood up and walked towards the exit.

"I thought you were starting to finally be fun!" Kara called after the boy before sighing and leaning back into the bed. She groaned in pain as she moved a bit to much. "Okay I may have gone a bit far" she whispered to herself.

Kara was silent for a moment before trying and failing to get out of bed. "(Y/n)!" She called and coughed again. "Can you help me?!" She was met with silence. "I deserve this... it was worth it" she smirked again as she enjoyed the feeling of her stinging stomach. "We are so fucked up. Made for each other"

Word count: 1002

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