Hanging Out

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(Y/n) Lang watched as his girlfriend exited the kitchen. She was biting into a bagel before noticing him and walking over to the living room. "Morning" she smiled as she stood in front of the boy and took another bite of her bagel.

"Sit down Kara, it lets you use your best part" (y/n) pat the couch cushion beside the one he was on. Kara nodded before sitting down on his lap.

(Y/n) yelped and tried to adjust so he wasn't so uncomfortable. "Kara you're to big for this!" The boy spoke as he kissed her bare back. "You also need to put a shirt on"

"We live alone now" Kara argued as she leaned back into the boy. "I'm surprised I'm even wearing these sweatpants"

"Someone could come over" (y/n) spoke as he turned his head and glanced at the window.

"I'd hear them before they even decided to come over" Kara replied confidently. "Don't be paranoid"

"What if Clark comes over?" (Y/n) asked as Kara turned her head to look back at him.

"Then he'll knock before coming in. It's Kal, he always knocks" Kara responded as she turned herself around so that she was facing the boy she was currently crushing. "Don't. Be. Paranoid" she repeated herself slowly.

"But-" Kara put her hand over the boys mouth to silence him.

"If you don't stop being paranoid I'll smother you with my tits" Kara spoke bluntly and playfully as she moved her chest closer to the boys face and uncovered his mouth.

"How is that a threat?" (Y/n) asked, earning a smirk from Kara.

"Because if I push them to hard against you then you'll end up with at least a broken nose" Kara replied as she leaned over and kissed the boys forehead.

"Ah" (y/n) frowned. "Fine. I'll shut up"

"Thank you" Kara smiled before leaning down and kissing the boys lips as she took his hands and made him grope her. "How about we-"

(Y/n) quickly cut her off. "I told Booster I'd hang out with him today"

Kara pouted. "And is Booster really important enough to push this off"

"Kara it's Booster Gold" (y/n) replied as he pulled his hands away from her breasts before pushing her off of him and onto the floor. "Of course I'm gonna go hang out with him"

"You suck" Kara huffed as she looked up at the boy from the floor as he stood up.

"No, you do" (y/n) parroted his usual response for when she said he sucked. "Now would you mind getting dressed and running me over there?"

"My day off and I still have to go to Gotham" Kara sighed before running off to go get dressed.


"So there I was. Me and Ted. We held down that shark and thanks to us Bats was able to get out his shark repellent in time" (y/n) had been listening to Michaels stories for what seemed like an eternity now and he still wasn't bored.

"Batman really has shark repellent?" The boy asked with a confused look.

"Bat shark repellent" Kara corrected from where she was sitting on the ceiling. "Let's go out and do something! No offense Mike but your apartment kinda sucks"

Michael frowned but nodded in agreement as he glanced around at his mostly empty apartment. "None taken. What did you have in mind?"

Kara quickly stood before flipping back down onto the ground. "There's a Gala at Wayne manor"

"Pass" Michael quickly replied. "A gala is just a party that's so fancy it's no fun"

Kara crossed her arms. "The food is good and free"

"Gala it is!" Michael quickly clapped his hands together.

"Can Cass get us in?" (Y/n) asked as the girl grabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet.

"Of course she can! What's the good of having rich friends if they can't get you into their dad's parties?" Kara asked before quickly grabbing Michael and running the two boys towards Wayne manor.


"I've never had to wear a suit before" (y/n) groaned as he frowned down at the outfit. "I hate this"

"Yeah but I look great so you have to too!" Kara laughed happily as she spun around in her fancy new red dress.

"All three of us look great!" Michael butted in as he looked at himself in the mirror. The three of them were in Cass' room. The little assassin was in the corner watching them in her own modest black dress.

"Let's go" Cass stepped out of the corner and waved at the group to follow her. "It's starting"

"Coming!" Kara said before quickly grabbing (y/n)'s arm and pulling him out of the room and after Cass, michael following quickly behind them.

Word count: 839

(At the same time I post this I should be posting another story called Kord. It works as either a standalone book or a sequel to the blue beetle movie. Go check it out!)

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