The Light Part 4

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Kara Kent-Lang was starving. She knew that somewhere if they kept walking they'd find another body to eat but she didn't want that anymore. She continued to lay on the ground, her happiness completely faded after what felt like weeks but must have been many years, as she sucked her thumb to get any little bit of taste that she could.

A minute later she realized her husband was trying to talk to her. "Hm?" She asked, her voice muffled by her thumb.

"I asked if you'd be willing to start walking again" she could hear the boys stomach growling over the what felt like the last day so she knew he must be hungry too. "We need to find something to eat"

"No" Kara replied quickly as she shook her head violently. "I told you I'm not walking anymore"

"But we'll starve if-"

"So?" Kara asked as she bit into her thumb.

(Y/n) was silent for a moment before Kara could feel him standing up. He began walking, pulling Kara by their shared arm. "Stop it!" Kara demanded, she began crying again as she was dragged slowly by the boy. "Let me die!"

(Y/n) didn't reply except for continuing walking and dragging Kara. She left a trail of unseeable blood behind her since the wound on her arm had yet to heal, she didn't even know if it would heal in this place.


"Eat" Kara kept her mouth shut as her husband tried to force her to eat. "Come on Kara! You can't just not eat, I won't let you" he sighed as he pressed the meat against her lips but she wouldn't open up.

Kara proceeded to be like that for what felt like the next hour before finally pushing her husband back and away from her. "I'm not eating" she spoke quietly before suddenly feeling the boy shove the food into her mouth. She quickly spit it out and onto the ground. "Stop it!"

"I'm not going to sit here and listen to you die" (y/n) replied as he sat down and sighed.

"You don't have a choice" Kara replied as she lay down on the ground beside him. "If we are still alive this isn't even a life worth living"

"We're together, that makes it worth living" (y/n) replied as he lay down as well.

"No, no it doesn't" Kara spoke quietly as she once again began to cry. "I'm done. I'm not leaving this spot until I die or if we get out of here. And I won't let you make me this time" she whispered as she wiped her tears away.

There was a gust of wind that felt almost like maniacal laughter but Kara ignored it. (Y/n) sat up and looked around although he couldn't see anything. "Who's there?"

"It's just the wind" Kara whispered. "Don't let it play tricks on your mind"

(Y/n) was quiet as he listened for any more laughter. All he heard was the sound of Kara biting her arm to speed up the loss of her blood. "Which of your villains could trap us somewhere like this?" He asked the girl.

"Any that could kill me" Kara whimpered as she cried. "This is Hell"

"It is not Hell" (y/n) replied although he no longer sounded like he was sure of that. "Who could trap us like this?"

Kara was quiet. "The Ultra-Humanite? Mxy? Gspy? Any magic user"

"Damn straight!" Said an unmistakable voice. "Took you long enough"

Kara and (y/n) quickly looked up and were surprise they were each both able to actually see the villain.

"You little bitch!" Kara quickly got up, driven by adrenaline, and jumped at the imp who quickly disappeared and reappeared once Kara was past him.

"Is that any way to treat a friend?" Mxy asked with a pout. "Especially one who went through the trouble of creating a whole new dimension just to-" he disappeared again right as Kara tried to punch him. She stumbled and fell to the ground as he reappeared. "-torture you" he finished his sentence.

"Let us go" Kara spoke and surprisingly she sounded like she was begging. "You've had your fun just let us go and I won't ever stop you again. I'll leave that all up to Kal"

"Wow" Mxy glanced at (y/n) who had just now realized his hand and Kara's were no longer connected. "She really is a broken toy now isn't she?" The boy nodded. "Well that's no fun" he looked back at Kara. "Hmm... nah"

With a poof the imp disappeared, surprising both of them. Kara cried out before hitting her head against the ground. "I'm not spending another moment here!" She yelled louder than she had yelled in years.

"Alright alright, no need to kill yourself" she quickly looked up as her head bled at the Imp who had reappeared. "You wanna go? Just do one thing for me"

"Anything!" Kara replied quickly as she scurried over to the imp and looked up at him. (Y/n) also watched but from a distance, he still couldn't see Kara. "What do you want?"

Mxy laughed as he considered his options. "You're going to retire from being supergirl" he watched with a smirk as the girls smile fell. "You're going to have some reporter write an article, one about how supergirl was finally killed by her most powerful enemy. Me! I'll be the imp who killed Superchick!"

(Y/n) was about to object but Kara spoke.

"Fine. You killed me, it'll be official" she spoke quickly as she looked up at Mxy.

"If you ever put the costume back on, I will send you back here. I want to always be the imp who killed you" Mxy spoke as he put his hand out for the girl to shake. "We got a deal?"

"Deal" Kara replied quickly as she took the inter dimensional imps hand and in a second she and the boy disappeared.

Word count: 1005

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