Kara Kent

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Kara Zor-El flew high above Smallville, looking down from above at the small town. Her temporary costumes baggy sleeves flowing in the wind almost as much as her cape. She listened for a moment before realizing that once again there was no serious crime going on, just a bit of the kind of stuff she wasn't going to get anyone in trouble for.

Kara sighed before slowly floating back down towards the ground before landing in front of her home. She glanced towards the neighbors house, it had recently been soundproofed. She would be suspicious but she knew how snoopy she was so it made sense.

The girl turned back to her own home when she heard the door opened. She smiled at her boyfriend as he walked outside. "Headed out?"

The boy nodded as he walked up to Kara and gave her a swift peck on the lips. "I need to grab a couple new undershirts. I'll be back later"

The girl pouted before holding up a bag. "You don't want to see my new sheitel?"

"Sheitel?" The boy asked with a confused look.

"Jewish girl wig. Kara Kent is Jewish now! That way I always have an excuse to cover my hair... I feel kinda stupid after what the Brain and Mallah pointed out"

"Do you even know anything about Judaism?" (Y/n) asked as he crossed his arms.

"Yep! I spent all morning reading every book and article I can find on it" Kara spoke with a confident smirk. "I know more about them than I do any other religion on this planet"

"You realize we're in Kansas right? Jews aren't exactly popular here. Tolerance is probably the one thing Gotham has over us"

"Oh" Kara frowned. "Your planet sucks. I'm keeping the wig though. Kara Kent is a brunette now!"

"Whatever you say" (y/n) replied as he watched Kara pull out the wig from the bag and put it on.

"How do I look?" Kara asked with a smile as she adjusted it to look perfect as it covered her hair.

"Like yourself but with shorter brown hair" (y/n) shrugged before once again kissing Kara. "Cute"

Kara smiled before nodding. "I like it too"

"You're gonna get sick of the wig in a week" (y/n) predicted as he glanced at his watch. "I'll be back in an hour or so-" the boy was cut off as Kara zoomed away before returning a moment later with what he was going out to buy. "Or not"

"Want to go out?" Kara asked before zooming into the house, putting away the undershirts, and getting changed into her overalls and returning to her spot in front of the boy. "I'll let you drive me for once"

(Y/n) was silent for a long moment. "You don't have the patience for me to drive us into town"

"I'll find the patience" Kara promised as she grabbed the boys hand in hers. "Please! I want to wear out my new hair!"

(Y/n) stared at Kara for another second before nodding. "Fine. But no complaints about me going to slow"

"Deal!" Kara smiled as she ran at human speeds towards the boys car which was by the side of the house. "From now on I'm a normal human when I have this wig on!"

"Sure. We'll see how long that keeps up" (y/n) replied as he pulled his car keys from his pocket and unlocked the car before walking towards it as Kara got inside.


"This is so slow!" Kara whisper yelled as she stared out the window at the passing farms.

"You promised not to complain" (y/n) reminded Kara for the third time as he kept his eye on the road.

Kara groaned but stopped complaining. "Can we at least do something?"

"I'm driving. What would we do?" (Y/n) asked as he glanced over at the girl who was fiddling with her wig.

"I don't know" Kara sighed as she looked at the boy and tried to think of something. "Can I turn on some music?"

"Sure" (y/n) nodded as he motioned to the radio. "Whatever you want as long as it doesn't suck"

"Thanks" Kara smiled as she turned on the radio. She switched between channels before settling on classic rock. "What do you feel like doing?"

(Y/n) shrugged as he continued to keep his eyes on the road. "We could get in a game of tennis"

Kara frowned. "I didn't bring my tennis outfit"

"Why do you need an outfit for tennis?" (Y/n) asked with a confused look. "All we need are rackets and I have a pair in the back"

"Because I look cute in my tennis outfit!" Kara explained as she crossed her arms.

"Okay then" (y/n) was silent for a moment. "I guess you would beat me anyways"

"Since when did you even play tennis?" Kara asked as she looked at the boy suspiciously. "You don't sports!"

"I don't usually play sports" (y/n) corrected Kara. "Tennis is different. I used to play with Sara when we were younger but now I play mostly with Nia"

"You have things you do with her without me?" Kara asked with a frown.

"Mostly just when you're at work" (y/n) replied with a nod.

"Hmph" Kara crossed her arms. "Alright then. Let's play tennis"

"Aw, does someone feel left out?" (Y/n) asked teasingly, prompting the brunette wigged girl to glare at him, her eyes glowing the slightest red. "You're adorable"

Kara huffed and calmed down. "That I am. That I am" she leaned over and kissed the boy shoulder. "But seriously let's go play tennis. I'll only use human level strength! Promise"

(Y/n) considered that for a second before nodding. "Alright then. You've got yourself a game Barbie"

Kara jumped up and down excitedly, shaking the car. "Great! I'm gonna kick your Kansas ass"

"Real big energy switch but okay" (y/n) let out a small laugh.

Word count: 1020

(Figured it was time to have Kara start working on the whole secret identity thing)

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