More Powerful Than A Locomotive

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(I am once again asking you all to comment more again. Always makes me more motivated to write)

Kara Zor-El frowned as she looked at herself in the mirror, not the one she had accidentally melted. "These glasses make the bridge of my nose itch" she frowned as she took them off and placed them in their case. "I'll be fine without them" she had tried on the contact lenses Batman had also made for her but they made her eyes water and one had almost slipped back into her skull.

She stared at herself in the mirror once more. She was wearing the same outfit as a couple days ago, a special outfit made for her by Kelex in the fortress of solitude as a gift for her first day of school. she had quickly flown it near the sun last night in order to clean it and make sure it was as heat resistant as the robot had claimed.

"Okay" she let out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. "It's just school. You've done school. You aced school. These apes have nothing on you" she quickly jumped out the open window and landed on the ground below. "That being said you also hated school..."

Kara sighed one more time before quickly running at what she thought to be her top speed towards the school. Halfway she had to turn back to grab her bag.

After that she ran once again to school. She ran parallel to a train which always came this way this time of day, waving to a little girl who quickly watched her with a wide smile as they ran the same speed. Kara quickly sped up as the kid turned to tell her parents, couldn't have anyone possibly important knowing there was an alien here.

After another minute Kara quickly slowed down into a normal run as she approached the school building. "Oh Rao" she muttered as she heard the bell ringing inside the building. "Don't tell me I'm already late on my first day" she quickly super sped into the building before returning to normal speed and opening the door to the classroom she was supposed to be in.

"Miss Kent I assume? You're late" the teacher spoke, an old woman.

"But class is just starting" Kara motioned to the room, and the kids who looked like they had just sat down.

"Class has just started" the teacher corrected. "Past tense. Therefore you are late"

Kara quickly pulled her glasses case from her pocket and put the glasses on, she was starting to get annoyed and she didn't want to end up laser eyeing the old teacher in half. "Sorry"

"Take the seat beside Mr. Lang" she spoke. Kara gave her a confused look. "The only open seat next to a male member of the class"

"Oh" Kara spoke, feeling stupid. "Right" she quickly rushed over to the seat beside the boy and sat down.

She glanced over at (y/n) who looked to be about to say something when the teacher started explaining about what they'd be doing in the class, math as it turned out, this year. Kara had no doubt in her mind she would crush this old woman's class.

"So your Mr. Kent's cousin then?" It took Kara way to long the whisper was directed at her. She was still not used to Kal's last name being Kent.

"Hm?" She looked over at the Lang boy and nodded. "And you're Lana's son?" He nodded.

"Your silence would be appreciated" the teacher quickly spoke up. The two shut up as the teacher continued speaking.

Kara noticed from the corner of her eye as the boy quickly begin to write something. He quietly pushed the paper towards Kara's side of the shared table. The paper read something about how the teacher had been around long enough that she had also been rude to Clark and his mother... or it may have said something about the teacher being bold enough that she had slaughtered a Clark and a rodent. Kara chose to accept her first interpretation.

The alien hated to admit it but while she had just about mastered spoken English she hadn't yet completely learned how to read it.

She offered the boy a small smile before turning her attention back to the teacher. She would have written a note back but she didn't want to show how bad she was at writing and her only option beside that would be to write it in kryptonian.

The rest of the class went by quickly enough. They took a quick quiz to see how good everyone was at math, Kara was certain she had aced it. Then the teacher spoke and Kara tuned her out.

Soon enough the bell rang and everyone was quick to make for the exit. "Worst teacher ever" Kara muttered as she exited the room.

"Worst teacher in the school, that's for sure" (y/n) replied from where Kara hadn't noticed him at her side. "It's all up from here though"

Kara smiled at that idea. She took her glasses off and put them back in their case in her pocket. "I'm Kara"

"(Y/n)" the boy replied with a smile. "I'm the most popular kid in the school"

"Really?" Kara asked, crossing her arms.

"Nope" (y/n) admitted with a shrug. "But who wants to be popular anyways?"

"Not a bad attitude to have" Kara replied with a shrug. "Mind helping me find my next class?" She grabbed her schedule from her pocket and held it out.


Kara Zor-El stood confidently as she tossed a basketball up in the air. "Ready to lose?" It was her last class of the day, Gym class. She stood across from (y/n), who didn't seem to be interested much in the physical activity.

"Sure. Let's do this" Kara quickly jumped up and threw the ball at what she thought was a good speed. Turned out that wasn't the case. The ball hit the backboard which in turn immediately shattered and fell to the ground. "Shit" (y/n) muttered as Kara covered her mouth and stared at the broken school property.

"Oh Rao" she muttered the name of her god as she quickly noticed everyone else in the gymnasium had turned to see what was going on.

She didn't even try to explain it. Kara calmly and quietly lowered her hand before walking towards the door to the gym. After what she had just done she doubted anyone would stop her. She just slowly made her way out the door as she prayed to Rao that they would all just collectively decide that the backboard had just been in really shitty condition.

Word count: 1142

(Kara is a lot of fun to write. Favorite scene of the chapter?)

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