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"Kara?" (Y/n) stuck his head in the bedroom door and noticed her laying in bed. "Our friends want to see us now that we're back. You up to that?"

"No" Kara replied bluntly as she lay with her back to the door. They were currently staying in the guest room of what had once been their home, that ownership was currently the topic of many discussions.

"You can't stay in here forever Kara" (y/n) spoke as he walked over to the girl and took her hand in his. "How about we go see Nia?"

"I don't want to" Kara replied and the boy quickly pulled his hand away as he was zapped by a jolt of electricity.

"Fine" he shook his hand in an attempt to gain feeling back in it. "No need to get violent"

"Go away" Kara replied in the same monotone voice. "I'm going to take a nap"

"You've been napping all morning. At least get out of bed for a while" upon hearing his words Kara rolled her eyes before floating out of bed and lying there above it. "Better?"

"You're hilarious" (y/n) spoke, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You know what I mean"

"And you know I won't" Kara replied angrily as she continued to stare away from the boy. "Now leave before I zap you again"

The boy shook his head but turned and left. He didn't have the patience to deal with Kara right now.

"How's she doing?" He turned to see Clark as he walked down the stairs a moment later.

"Same as before if not worse" (y/n) replied as he clutched the banister angrily.

Clark nodded as he watched the boy. "Want to go meet with your friends? I can watch her"

(Y/n) shook his head. "No, I'm not in the mood anymore"

Clark nodded. "Want to talk about it?" The boy shook his head. "You and I both know you have a history of holding this stuff in until something bad happens. Come on, talk to me"

(Y/n) sighed and sat down at the bottom of the stairs. "I'd really rather not"

"So would Kara" (y/n) frowned. "Helping her is also about helping yourself. You can't try to force her to talk to you while also holding everything bothering you in like you always do"

"Fine. You want to know what I'm thinking about?" The man of steel nodded. "I'm wondering why the hell I'm the one who always has to deal with people trying to kill themselves. My sister, Saturn Girl, Kara. I'm tired of people trying to kill themselves and I'm tired of being the only one who can help them"

"Who says you're the only one who can help them?" That felt like probably the least helpful thing the man of steel could ask. "Your mother is the one who got your sister professional help, Kara also helped with Imra, and Lois and I are here for you and Kara"

"Kara won't even let either of you into her room" (y/n) crossed his arms and buried his face in them. "You get my point at least right?"

"Of course" Clark walked over to the boy and put his hand on his shoulder supportively. "It's more than understandable that you'd be tired of this at this point. But you're not alone in this and Kara is not going to try to kill herself again"

(Y/n) shook his head but didn't look up. "She could be trying again now for all I know"

Clark glanced upstairs. "She's not. She's just laying in bed" he pat the boy on the back. "Go out, enjoy yourself for a bit so you don't go crazy"

"How am I supposed to enjoy myself with everything going on?" (Y/n) asked as he shook his head again.

"By knowing that if you don't you'll basically be giving up, just like Kara is" the boy looked up now, confused. "If you shut yourself in here and refuse to talk to your friends like you seem to want to then you're doing the exact same thing as her"

"It's not the same" (y/n) shook his head again.

"It is" Clark argued. "Not to mention I think it would do Kara some good to see that your life won't stop just because hers is. She no doubt feels guilty about you being stuck there with her, she needs to see that you've moved past that"

(Y/n) frowned again but nodded. That did make a bit of sense. "Alright" he sighed. "Did you keep my car?" The man of steel zipped away and in a moment returned. He held up the car keys and threw them to the boy who let out another sigh as he caught them. "I still don't like this"

"Pretend you do" Clark shrugged. "You pretend for long enough and you'll start to believe it" the boy nodded before walking to the door and leaving.

Word count: 853

(Short chapter but I felt it necessary not to stretch this one longer than it needed to be)

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