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Kara Kent watched proudly as Nia Nal, now in her costume, thwarted her first crime, a robbery of a bakery. "Oh, no I couldn't" Nia smiled as the baker tried to force her to take a bag of cookies in exchange for what she had done. He kept insisting and Nia finally decided to take the bag. "Thank you" she smiled before making her way out of the building and spotting Kara in her costume waiting. "How'd I do?" She asked as she took a bite of a cookie.

"Soon enough you'll have the Teen Titans begging you to join them" Kara replied with a smile as she flew over to her friend. "But you'll be to busy being my partner for those losers!"

Nia smiled back at Kara and offered her a cookie which was quickly accepted. "It feels good to be out here helping people" Nia smiled as Kara offered her hand to her. She quickly accepted and Kara flew them back to (y/n)'s home.

"I knew you'd like it" Kara replied, they were both now sitting on the couch, no longer in their super suits.

"Did- did you change me?" Nia asked as she looked down.

"Yep" Kara nodded as she used her heat vision to cut her finger nails. "Don't worry, I didn't see anything"

"Sure" Nia slowly nodded as she glanced around. "Where is everyone?"

"The happy couple are on a date in town, Sara is making dinner, and (y/n) is... extraordinarily quiet" Kara spoke as she looked up and towards the boys room. "Mmm... I promised I wouldn't use my X-Ray vision on him. He's afraid of the radiation"

"Makes sense" Nia shrugged. "You could just go up there and see what he's doing"

"That's why I like you Nia" Kara smiled as she stood up. "You're one smart cookie" she nodded at the girl before super speeding upstairs and into her boyfriend room. "Good evening!" She declared as she noticed the boy sitting on his bed.

"Evening Sweetheart" (y/n) replied without looking up as he used his laptop which sat on his lap.

Kara huffed as she noticed the boy wasn't paying attention to her. "Want to go on a date?"

"One sec" (y/n) replied as he continued to stare at his computer.

"How about I fly us to get a couple burgers?" Kara's offer wasn't met with any response so she huffed again. "Hey it's hot in here, I think I'll just take off all my clothes" once again Kara was met with silence. "What are you doing on there?"

Kara walked up to the boy and sat beside him. On his computer screen was a very underwhelming sight. "Oh come on!" Kara groaned loudly, causing the boy to finally look up at her. "If you're gonna ignore me at least watch porn like a normal person. What even is this?"

"This guy is painting this desk" (y/n) replied as he paused the video and closed the computer. "What did you need?"

"Attention. I need attention" Kara replied as she pushed the boys computer off of his lap and onto the nightstand. "Will you give me some?"

(Y/n) rolled his eyes but held his arms out. Kara happily squealed before jumping into the boys arms and sitting in his lap, facing him. "You're so comfy"

"I better be if you keep sitting on me" (y/n) replied with a quiet laugh.

"Oh shut it" Kara smiled as she looked up at the boy. "You love the feeling of my butt on your lap"

"That's a weird way of putting it" (y/n) responded as he shook his head.

"It's the best way of putting it and somewhere inside you you know that" Kara replied as she kissed the boy. "So... I found out my birthday" she spoke as she kissed the boy again.

"Oh?" (Y/n) asked between kisses. "I thought-" they kissed again. "You didn't remember it because of all that time in the phantom zone"

"I didn't" Kara replied as she kissed the boy one more time before stopping. "Luckily Kal's fortress has Kryptonian records which included it. He called me to tell me"

"So when is it?" (Y/n) asked as Kara's hands began to wonder around the boys back.

"So... today" Kara replied with a small smile.

"Today?" The boy asked with a surprised look. "Guess it's to late to do something"

Kara sighed. "Yeah... but I'm an adult now! We can go to a bar?"

"Nothing would affect you and you need to be twenty one for that" (y/n) replied causing Kara to frown.

"It doesn't have to be in this country but good points" Kara tried to think of something else they could do. "What else is there to do once you turn eighteen on this world?"

"I don't know" (y/n) shrugged as he held the girl close to him. "I just made my mom make me pancakes and then I built the Lego she bought me. The only thing adulthood has brought me is more stress"

"Oh you poor baby" Kara spoke sarcastically as she ran a hand down his chest. "Are you forgetting you also got an adorable alien girlfriend who if she was asked might just do anything you said?"

(Y/n) was silent for a minute. "I stand by my statement" Kara huffed angrily but was silenced as the boy gave her a swift kiss. "That should be your nickname! Stress! Because you give me stress"

Kara glared at the boy and pulled her glasses out of her pocket before putting them on. "If you use that as my nickname I promise you I will take your virginity right here right now"

(Y/n) was silent for a moment. "I think that's the fist time that's ever been used as a threat" he spoke as he considered that. "Well maybe not"

"Yeah..." Kara whispered as she shook her head. "I am not a rapist. It sounded better in my head. You call me Stress and you're consenting as far as I'm concerned"

"Whatever you say Stress" (y/n) replied as the girl went wide eyed, not expecting the boy to have actually done it. "It was always gonna happen at some point if we were together long enough, gotta face my fears at some point. May as well make your birthday special"

Kara squealed excitedly as she hugged the boy tightly. "I love you" she whispered before quickly running back home and then running back here. "Red sun lightbulb" she spoke as she held up the device. "I wouldn't be able to snap you in half if I tried" she quickly swapped out the boys lightbulb for this new one.

"The words snap in half are never encouraging Kara" (y/n) sighed as he watched the excited girl, knowing there was no going back now.

"Right! Sorry" Kara spoke as she finished putting in the bulb and floated back down to the floor. "You sure you're okay with this?"

"Less and less by the second" (y/n) replied as he watched the girl begin to strip. "So let's get started before I completely change my mind"

"That's the spirit?" Kara spoke unsurely. She just hoped that after this whatever bothered the boy about the idea of sex would change.

Word count: 1230

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