There For Her

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(Like the new story cover? We've got more down at the bottom of the chapter. I had a lot of fun)

"You've just got to be there for her" Sara Lang simply responded to her brothers many questions.

"That's the best you've got?" (Y/n) asked as he crossed his arms.

"It's either that or wait for her to fail at killing herself and go make her see a shrink" Sara barked back. "But I figured I'd give you the better option first"

"Right... sorry" (y/n) replied as he sat down on the couch, he missed this place.

"You're stressed" Sara spoke as she sat down beside the boy and put an arm around him. "I get it" she pulled him close and he closed his eyes. "You didn't leave her alone did you?"

"Kara's with her" (y/n) replied as he let out a sigh. "I'm hoping she has better luck with her than I did"


The two girls walked in silence, Kara had decided that Imra had spent enough time in the house so the two were both now in full costume taking a walk around Smallville. Imra had resisted at first but she knew better than to fight a kryptonian.

Kara glanced at Imra. The girl had bags under her eyes, she was getting thinner by the day, and she had a constant tired look on her face.

"Let's get pizza!" Kara said excitedly. Imra was about to argue but Kara grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the pizza place.

Soon enough the two were sitting at the pizza place, waiting for their pie. Imra's head leaned against the wall as she closed her eyes. "Are you really going to make me eat?"

"Of course" Kara replied with a nod.

"Why can't you just leave me be?" Imra groaned as she rubbed her forehead.

"Because I've also lost my whole world" Kara replied as she crossed her arms. "And having people around me is what kept me from going the way you are"

Imra was silent for a moment and nodded. "Just because it worked for you doesn't mean it will for me"

"That's true" Kara admitted with a shrug. "But it's a better idea than just giving up on you and letting you deal with this by starving yourself"

The pizza was placed on the table before the waiter walked away. "Now open up" Kara spoke as she picked up a slice of pizza. Imra did not open up. "Open up or I will force you to" Imra was silent another moment before opening her mouth. "Good girl" Kara smiled before feeding the girl.

Imra slowly chewed the pizza that was in her mouth. She felt like she'd throw up but she doubted that would make Kara reconsider at this point.

"See? That wasn't so bad was it?" Kara asked a moment later as Imra swallowed the food.

Imra put her hand over her mouth. "I feel like I'm gonna throw up"

"Well that's what you get for starving yourself" Kara replied before holding the slice up again. "Now take another bite"

Imra groaned but slowly did as Kara said. "I hate you"

"You'll thank me later" Kara waved off the girls insult and smiled as she watched her eat. "I'm gonna get you through all this"


"Oh, hey!" (Y/n) waved as he walked up the walkway to his house. Sitting on the porch was Booster Gold in full costume. "Nobody home?"

"Either that or they're ignoring me" Booster replied as he stood up. "Figured I'd visit Imra, see how she's doing"

"Ah" (y/n) frowned and nodded. "Well she's not doing so well. My girlfriend forced her out of the house, I guess they're still out somewhere"

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