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Kara Kent-Lang sat in silence as her eyes took in the words on the paper in front of her. Over and over again she read them, making sure she had memorized the song correctly.

"Hey" the girl quickly turned her head towards the bedroom door where her husband stood, looking in with a smile. "Dinner"

Kara considered that for a moment. "Thanks. I'm good though" she smiled back before going back to her memorizing. "Love you"

(Y/n) frowned and walked over to Kara. "What are you reading?"

Kara was quick to ball up the paper and put it in her mouth. "Hm?" She gave an innocent look as she realized paper didn't taste as bad as she had thought it would.

"Seriously?" (Y/n) shook his head. "What are you hiding?"

Kara tried to say the word nothing but it was muffled by the paper and her closed mouth.

"Spit it out" (y/n) was happy with his witty response to the situation.

"Uh uh" Kara shook her head without opening her mouth to speak. She held up a finger to signify she needed a minute. She gulped and opened her mouth to speak again. "I'm not hiding anything"

(Y/n) stared at her as if she was crazy for a moment. "Did you just swallow that paper?"

"What paper would that be?" Kara asked with a naive expression. "You know I don't just swallow anything, Papi"

(Y/n) grimaced and shook his head. "I told you to stop calling me things like that"

Kara frowned but shrugged. "Whatever you say, Abba"

(Y/n) stared at her for another moment before asking a question. "Is that just Daddy in yet another language that you know?"

"Mayhaps" Kara stood up and pat the boy on the head. "Dinner?"

(Y/n) sighed and nodded, knowing he'd get nothing more out of Kara until she wanted him to know. "Fine. Let's go"

"Don't be cranky, Tata!" Kara grabbed the boy and picked him up as she walked out the door and towards the kitchen.

"Did you learn how to call me Daddy in every language just to annoy me?" (Y/n) muttered as he rested his head against Kara's chest and she rubbed her hand through his hair.

"Oui" Kara kissed his forehead as they reached the kitchen. "Had Brainy print me a list of all the words"

"I hate you"

"I love you too, Otōchan" (y/n) grimaced at that one and Kara giggled. "Don't like that one?"

"I don't like most of them" (y/n) replied simply.

"Oh? So there are a few that you like?" Kara smirked and watched as the boy once again buried his face in her chest to avoid eye contact. "I'll avoid that one"

"Thank you. That one was to bulky"

"Agreed" Kara nodded simply. "Now let's eat, Baba" she put the boy in his seat before sitting down across from him. (Y/n) had been thoughtful enough to put their food out before getting her.

"Please stop"


Night had long since passed and now Kara Kent-Lang lay in bed, her husband trying to fall asleep beside her. "Hey Papa, you awake?" She whispered before she watched his eyes shoot open. "Want me to sing you to sleep?"

(Y/n) gave Kara a confused look. She had never before asked this question and it was definitely a bit out of character, especially considering her recent attitude. "You? Sing?"

"I love to sing" Kara frowned as she reached forward and ran her hand over the boys chin. "I'm good at it too"

"Alright" (y/n) shrugged as he let out a small yawn. "But don't be to offended if I fall asleep mid song"

"You better learn to say how good I am in your sleep then" Kara replied as she thought back on the song that she had memorized earlier on in the evening. She had been trying to find the perfect time to sing to her husband ever since then. She had hoped that would then turn into a conversation on the possibility of a career doing this. That seemed unlikely if he fell asleep.

"You okay?" Kara was snapped from her thoughts and she quickly looked to the boys closed eyes.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine" Kara nodded as she shook her head to try and get the nerves out. "Never mind. Maybe tomorrow"

"'Uh uh" (y/n) gently shook his head. "Why are you nervous? You've sung to crowds bigger than me"

Kara considered that for a moment. "You're much more intimidating than a crowd" she noticed the small smile that that statement had gotten from him. "Oh you like that huh?"

"The invincible girl is intimidated by me. Damn right I like that" (y/n) finally opened his eyes as he reached out and took Kara's face in his hand. "Now what are you so nervous about? Tell me"

Kara was silent as she leaned into her husband's touch and enjoyed the sensation of his skin against hers. "It's nothing-"

"It's not nothing. Speak" (y/n) spoke decisively, making Kara shiver in surprise under his touch as she smirked.

"Or what? You going to span-"

"Kara I get that you're you but let's keep to the matter at hand" The wife frowned but after a moment nodded in response. "Now tell me"

Kara sighed and blurted out the idea that had her so nervous. "I want to be a singer" the words came out fast but softly.

(Y/n) simply watched and waited for her to elaborate.

"Not yet of course" she whispered as she looked away. "Once I'm actually able to go outside by myself and stuff. I've done it and I like it and I think I'd be very good at it"

"Okay" (y/n)'s quick response surprised Kara. "Go for it. I have no doubt you can do it"

"Really?" Kara smiled as she finally looked back at the boy.

"Of course. You're loads better than those singers that are popular now" (y/n) shrugged as he closed his eyes again. "Now sing me to sleep. I'm tired"

Kara rolled her eyes at his demand but began to sing. "How much is that doggy in the window?" She made a quick couple of barks before continuing onto the next line and continuing the song.

Word count: 1061

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