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"You were reckless!" Batman poked the Flash in the chest roughly. "You got cocky and a kid could have died all because you wanted to show off"

The Flash didn't deny any of this. He just glanced out of the corner of his eye at the kid sitting in the infirmary of the Hall Of Justice. All things considered (y/n) Lang was lucky to be alive and in one piece.

This telling off from the bat was of course only the first to come. Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, the boys mother. Even Wally knew it was his fault. The only one not angry at him was Supergirl, and that was probably only because she seemed to blame herself.

The boy had been quickly treated with an experimental and untested drug that had been created by Ray Palmer after the last time Killer Frost had almost killed Barry Allen, Wally's predecessor.

The boys skin was slowly losing its blue tint and going back to its original color. It was the same for his hair although that seemed to fluctuate between its natural color and a shade of White similar to that of Killer Frost's hair. He was still unconscious of course but they had expected that would be the case for a while.

Supergirl had stayed by his side for as long as she could before Superman had come to talk to her. She had told him everything about herself and the boy. He of course reassured her that everything would be fine before convincing her to go back home for the night, telling her that she'd be called as soon as he showed signs that he may wake up. Wally had decided to stay until the boy was awake.

"Wally" the red head turned to see Superman reentering the room after seeing Kara home. "Any changes?"

"Just his natural complexion returning more" Wally replied as he super sped over to the computer. "Body temperature is pretty low though"

"Good" Clark nodded as he walked over to the boy, using his X-ray vision to make sure everything was working inside the boys body.

"Have they-"

"Frost is in hiding. We'll find her" Clark replied as he shook his head. He turned off his X-ray vision. "Everything seems fine on the inside"

Wally nodded. "This should never have happened"

"But it did" Clark replied as he once again shook his head. "You know better now. You won't let it happen again" Wally nodded in agreement. "You should get some rest"

"I'm staying here" Wally replied matter of factly. Clark nodded in understanding.

"If anything happens get run for doctor palmer. It's his drug that's in this kids system he should know how to help" Clark walked towards the door. "I'll be back in a few hours, I'm going to go see his mother and see if can do anything to help"

"See you soon Superman" Wally nodded before the man of steel left the room.


"Ugh" (y/n) groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. He felt surprisingly okay. Before he could even process it the Flash was standing over him. "Hi"

"How you feeling kid?" The Flash asked as he seemed to be looking him over.

"Same as ever" he shrugged as he sat up. "What happened?"

"Kiss of death. You were the first to ever survive"

"Sweet" (y/n) let out a small chuckle. "I don't suppose I could get some breakfast"

In a flash the Flash was out and then back in with a plate with breakfast on it.

"Awesome!" (Y/n) quickly grabbed the plate and placed it on his lap before cutting up his pancakes. "Kissed by a supervillain. That doesn't happen every day"

"It better not" the two quickly turned to see Supergirl fly into the room and land in front of the bed. "You feeling okay?"

"Fine dear" she quickly walked over to the boy and took his hand only to recoil. "Your hand is freezing!" She quickly felt his forehead. "You're freezing!"

"Yeah..." Wally replied as he took a thermometer and offered it to the boy. He took it and put it in his mouth. By the time he took it out the number was in the negatives. "We're hoping that goes away soon"

"Hoping?" Kara quickly asked as she glared at Wally. "Any other side effects I should know about"

"None that we could find" he quickly replied as (y/n) started eating his pancakes.

The warm food mixed with the cold of his mouth caused steam to come out of his mouth when he opened it. "Now that is cool!" He laughed a bit at his pun as the others talked and ignored him. "So how long have I been out?"

"About a day" Kara replied as she turned back to her boyfriend and sat down on the side of his bed. "You're never going near anything superhero related ever again"

(Y/n) gave her a look. "If you're gonna start getting all over protective we're gonna have a serious problem" he spoke as he put down his fork and crossed his arms.

"You almost died" Kara replied before she glared at Wally, indicating for him to leave. He left the room.

"I lived" (y/n) replied as Kara once again turned to look at him. "I really don't need you to be overprotective"

Kara stiffened for a moment. "Look, you almost died! You're only human. A soft, weak, easily breakable human"

(Y/n) glared at Kara again as his eyes quickly flickered twice between their normal color and an icy blue. "You really know how to insult a guy" Kara stuttered to try and quickly take back what she said as she realized he was right.

(Y/n) slowly stood up. "Sit back down! You need to rest" Kara quickly said as she put a hand on the boys chest.

"I feel absolutely fine Kara! Better than ever" he removed Kara's hand from his chest and held it in his cold hands. "Look, let's stop talking for now okay? We'll just argue" Kara nodded in agreement. "Let's just go home okay? This bed is not nearly as comfortable as my own"

Kara glanced out the door for a second. She knew Clark wouldn't appreciate her taking (y/n) out of the infirmary early but she didn't care. "You okay if I fly us?" She asked, earning a nod from the boy. She gently held him tightly before flying them at super speed out of the room.

Word count: 1093

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