Riled Up

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Kara Kent huffed as she entered the bedroom. The fight with Parasite had lasted far longer than she had expected and now day of the anniversary of their first meeting was over.

"You seem upset" Kara quickly spotted her fiancée laying under the covers in their bed.

"Just fed up with crime" Kara sighed as she rubbed her eyes and closed the window before landing on the ground. "I mean how many fucking times does Parasite have to rampage before realizing that Kal or I will always kick his ass?!" Kara growled angrily as her skin started sparking with blue electricity.

"Hey, hey" (y/n) got out of the bed and walked up to Kara. "He's a villain, you can't let him get to you"

Kara sighed as she tried to let go of her anger. She pulled off her leather jacket before throwing it onto a chair. "I don't want our lives being interrupted by these pathetic excuses for people, I-" Kara sighed as she rubbed her eyes and looked at the boy. "I really wanted today to be special"

"Kara..." the boy grabbed her arm and hugged it to his chest "there's always going to be something that interrupts our days, I don't mind. I really don't"

"How?" Kara asked sadly as she sighed and pulled her arm away. "What if something like this happened on our wedding day?"

"Kara I'm sure there are other heroes who can handle it. Just tell them when you have an important day and I'm sure they'll cover you" (y/n) spoke as he watched the girl start stripping out of the skintight spandex she called her suit.

"I- I guess so" Kara replied, feeling stupid for not having thought of this. She was silent as she finished taking off her suit and threw it onto the chair with her jacket.

"Besides-" (y/n) started as Kara undid her bra. He jumped on her back, causing her to giggle as she looked back at him. "The day may be over but we still have a few hours left until tomorrow"

Kara smiled as she glanced at the clock and realized it wasn't as late as she thought it was. "I guess we'll have to make as much of this time as we can then" she spoke as she lifted the boy off her back before falling onto the bed with him.


Kara Kent giggled as her hair was tugged by the boy who sat on her shoulders. "Stop that! You're going to get me riled up" she spoke as she walked with him up the walkway towards the house belonging to their friends and the boys sister.

"You tickled me awake this morning. I'd say you deserve a bit of torture" (y/n) replied as his hand made its way down the girls face and squished her cheeks.

"Meanie" Kara pouted as they reached the door. She knocked on it and a moment later it opened.

"Fuck, you're tall now" Sara Lang spoke, wide eyed, as she looked up to meet Kara's eyes.

"Nice to see you too!" Kara smiled before lifting her fiancée off her shoulder and putting him down in between her and his sister.

"Hey" (y/n) smiled at his sister before being pulled into a hug. "This would be a lot more appreciated if Nia was the one who answered the door"

"It's good to see you" Sara spoke as she pulled away from the boy and motioned for them to follow her inside. "How's it feel to be the short one in the relationship?" She asked, hoping to annoy the boy.

"Hot" he replied simply as Kara closed the door after they entered the house. "What's new with you?"

"Uh-" Sara was silent for a moment. "Well my brother is engaged to a tall chick"

"Ooh congratulations" Kara spoke sarcastically. "Congratulate him for me"

Sara turned to (y/n). "Kara says congratulations"

"You're hilarious" (y/n) spoke sarcastically as Kara zoomed over to the couch and sat down.

"Man your woman" Kara spoke as she looked at her fiancée and pat her lap.

"I'm not sitting on your lap in front of my sister" (y/n) replied as he walked over to Kara before sitting down beside her.

"Man your woman" Kara replied as she pat her lap again. "Your compliance will be rewarded"

"Rewarded?" (Y/n) asked curiously as Sara sat down in a seat across from them. "How so?"

"What do you want?" Kara asked as she crossed her arms. "I can give you a little show once we get home if you'd like" she spoke teasingly with a smirk.

(Y/n) was silent for a moment before smirking himself. "Fine. I want to see you perform the entirety of the Pirates of Penzance" Sara giggled as she imagined Kara singing an entire musical by herself.

Kara's smirk faltered. "That's not what I meant"

"It's what you said" (y/n) replied as he crossed his arms.

"But it's not what I meant" she frowned as she tried to recall which musical that was.

"So is that a no then?" (Y/n) asked as he scooted away from Kara.

She sighed and rubbed her forehead. "Give me a few days to prepare first?" The boy nodded. "Fine... I'll need someone to help me to learn"

"I'm sure you'll fine someone" (y/n) replied as he stood up before sitting back down on Kara's lap. The girl put her arms around him and lay her head on his shoulder.

Word count: 966

(New Jessica Cruz book is out. Please go check it out. For those who don't know she's the hot Latina green lantern. And make sure to comment, comments are all I get out of these books and they make me happy)

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