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Kara Zor-El lead Imra Ardeen down to the barn and opened the door. "In here" she spoke as she lead the Saturn girl to the pod she had landed here in. She hadn't wanted to come back to it until now so Kara was hoping this meant she was moving on.

Imra let out a shaky breath before walking to the pod, it opened as she came near. Kara stood back and watched as Imra reached inside and pulled out a red suit with blue shorts and boots on it as well as a blue cape. It was almost like the inverse of Kal-El's suit but without the crest. "Mon-El's spare suit. We were dating" Imra whispered as she ran her hand over the chest. "I was going to propose"

"I'm sorry" Kara replied as she watched Imra gently fold up the suit and place it down on the outside of the pod.

She took another moment to stare at the inside of the pod before gently reaching in and pulling out a ring. "His legion flight ring" Imra whispered as it looked like something was coming back to her. "He saved me. He was the one who put me in the pod and sent me here... he wanted me to find Superboy. But time changed and I found you instead"

Kara was silent as she watched Imra place the ring on her middle finger next to the finger with her own matching ring. "I'm never going to see him again" she whispered so quietly Kara could barely hear as she began to tear up.

Within a moment Kara was at Imra's side and ready to give her a hug if she needed it. Imra wiped her tears away before letting out a shaky breath. "I'm fine" she spoke as she closed her eyes.

"You're allowed to cry Imra" Kara spoke with a frown as she watched the girl. "In fact it's healthier if you do"

Imra was silent for a moment before quickly jumping at Kara and hugging her. She cried into the girl of steels shoulder and the hug was quickly returned.


"How's she doing?" (Y/n) asked as he watched Kara walk into their shared room.

"Heartbroken but better than she has been in weeks" Kara replied as she sighed and pulled off her black leather jacket. She threw the jacket onto her dresser before stretching. "That really tired her out though. She's napping on the couch wrapped in her old boyfriends cape"

(Y/n) frowned. "Poor girl" he whispered as Kara looked in the mirror and then used her heat vision to vaporize a stain on her suit. "I didn't even know she had a boyfriend"

"She didn't remember until now" Kara replied with a sad smile. "It hit her like... well like a me"

(Y/n) shook his head as Kara floated over to him and sat on his lap where he was sitting on the bed. "We should do something for her"

"I agree" (y/n) nodded as he watched Kara try not to touch him anymore than she already was. Her condition must have been acting up once again. "What were you thinking?"

"I don't know" Kara sighed as she looked down at the floor and through it to see Imra. "She's not exactly an easy person to do stuff for"

"I've noticed" (y/n) nodded as he pat the girls thigh, quickly causing her to look at him again. "And it doesn't help that I'm just not good at helping people feel better"

Kara sighed again, this time sounding annoyed. "Something is happening in town" she slowly floated off the boys lap. "I've-"

"Go" (y/n) nodded and Kara quickly grabbed her jacket and sunglasses before zooming out of the room.


Kara landed in the center of the town and instantly heard the screaming. She ran towards the hellish sound but was quickly forced to cover her ears. She screamed as she felt them start to bleed.

Kara looked up and noticed some woman walking up towards her. She was the one doing the screaming. Kara was startled to realize that she no longer heard the noise even though she felt the force being pushed on her.

Kara didn't know why she was being attacked but she wasn't about to let this continue

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Kara didn't know why she was being attacked but she wasn't about to let this continue. She slowly stood up, her joints aching as she did. Her skin began to spark and turn blue and standing suddenly became easier.

The screaming woman screamed louder, pushing Kara back a bit. Kara finally jumped up and towards the woman, even through the massive force being applied to her she was able to just each the woman and grab her. Kara pulled her towards her and head butted the woman, knocking her out and even causing her forehead to bleed a bit.

Kara gasped as her electricity turned off and she dropped the woman to the ground. She didn't even think much about it before leaving the woman there on the ground and flying into the air.

She flew up, up, and away and out of the earths atmosphere. She flew towards the sun and soaked in its radiation.

After a minute Kara flew back down towards the earth and was terrified to discover she still could not hear a thing.

Kara debated on where to go before flying at full speed towards the fortress of solitude.

She hit a bird but eventually made it there.

Word count: 914

Word count: 914

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