Couples + More Casting

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"Mallah!" The Brain called for his lover as he rolled on street and away from the house.. "Where are you?"

"Over here mon amor" the ape replied from somewhere out of sight.

The Brain continued to roll in the direction of the voice before spotting Mallah and their neighbors, Kara Kent and (y/n) Lang, seemingly having a barbecue in front of their home.

Mallah was flipping a burger over on the grill with one gorilla hand as he ate an apple with his other. "We are supposed to be working" the Brain spoke as he rolled up the path towards the house.

"Oui. I finished early" Mallah replied before he took another bite of his apple.

"You don't even eat meat!" The Brain spoke as his lover finished chewing his food.

"Again you are correct mon amor. However they do and I wished to test my cooking skills" the gorilla spoke as he finished cooking the burgers before quickly transferring them to plates. The three teens inhabiting the house quickly made their way over and each took a plate.

"Thanks Mallah!" Kara smiled as she adjusted her new pink beret before taking a bite of her burger. "It's perfect!"

The Brain wished he had eyes so he could roll them.

"Best neighbors ever" (y/n) nodded as he took a bite of his burger.

"You're to kind" Mallah waved off the compliment before he finished off the apple. "Join us mon amor" Mallah motioned for the Brain to come.

He sighed a robotic sigh before rolling over to the gorilla who picked him up in his arm and held him close.

"They're weirdly cute" Imra whispered to (y/n) and Kara who just nodded in response.


The Brain was still, at his desk as he used his Bluetooth connection to use his computer. "And we call ourselves the evil ones" he would have shook his head if he still had one. "These so called internet trolls are infuriating!"

"At it again?" Mallah asked from where he lay on the huge bed that they had made specifically to accommodate his gorilla body. "We already tricked Luthor into letting us kill him because he would mess with you online-"

"Bah! That boy had no respect for the villains that came before. We are the Brotherhood of Evil!" the Brain growled as he typed a response to the troll. "And Luthor was dying anyways. We just sped it up"

"We are not wasting our time on another internet troll" Mallah spoke as he pulled his beret off his head and placed it on the bedside table. "We're over a hundred years old. We bought this home to retire in. Let us keep it that way"

The Brain sighed again. "How can we retire when I don't even have a body which would allow me to feel your touch, my love?"

Mallah sat up and looked at the Brain as he turned to look at him. "You have felt my lips upon your own before. Then we exploded" the gorilla crossed his arms. "Stealing a body has always proven a bad idea. Perhaps we try a less evil approach?"

The Brain was silent for a moment. "An interesting concept indeed... especially for the Brotherhood of Evil" he sighed before shutting off the computer and rolling over to the bed. Mallah was quick to grab the metal container and the brain within before placing him beside him on the bed.

"You shall see" Mallah spoke as he pat the top of the Brain's casing. "Until we achieve this goal however perhaps you can just do your best to enjoy retired life?"

The Brain was silent for a moment. "I shall strive to enjoy it as best I can"

"That is all I ask mon amor" Mallah kissed the top of the casing before closing his eyes as he wrapped his arms around it and going to sleep.


"We have a fucking gorilla and a brain in a jar as neighbors!" Kara giggled excitedly as she stared out the window towards the neighboring house. "We're probably the only people in the galaxy who can say that!"

"It's definitely a weird sentence" (y/n) nodded as he put on his pajama shirt. "Even weirder than I slept with an alien"

"Infinitely weirder" Kara agreed as she turned to her boyfriend with a smirk. "A gorilla cooked us hamburgers"

"A gorilla who's fashion sense you seem to have adapted" (y/n) spoke as he motioned to the girls beret.

Kara smiled as she jumped onto the bed beside the boy. "Oui. It looks good on me, does it not?" She asked in a French accent as she tried to look sexy.

"I am a sucker for a girl in a hat" (y/n) admitted with a shrug as he pulled the girl closer and placed a kiss on her lips.

"Overalls, hats, you are turned on by the strangest items of clothing" Kara laughed again as she wrapped her arms around the boy and snuggled into him.

"I have very refined tastes" (y/n) corrected the girl as he held her tightly against him. "Mini skirts? No. Victorian era dresses? Absolutely"

"You are so weird" Kara smiled as she kissed the boys clothed chest.

"Is that your way of saying you're going to go buy a Victorian era dress?" (Y/n) asked which caused Kara to laugh.

"Not a chance" Kara shook her head before she zoomed to the closet and returned dressed in a Victorian dress. "I bought one last night"

"I love you" (y/n) spoke before pulling the girl on top of him and kissing her. She quickly returned the kiss as her hands quickly explored the boys body.

"I love you more" Kara spoke as she broke the kiss.

Word count: 1000

(I was asked to continue the casting thing)

The Brain- Hugo Weaving (red skull)

Monsieur Mallah- Jonathan Lipow (Mallah's actor in doom patrol)

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Monsieur Mallah- Jonathan Lipow (Mallah's actor in doom patrol)

Monsieur Mallah- Jonathan Lipow (Mallah's actor in doom patrol)

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(Thoughts on the Brain and Mallah so far?)

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