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"Alright" Monsieur Mallah spoke as he glanced at the timer which just at that moment went off. "Now we take it out"

(Y/n) nodded before quickly putting on his oven mitts as the gorilla turned off the timer. The boy quickly opened the oven before lifting out the brownies and placing them on the stovetop.

"Voila" Mallah nodded approvingly. "You are now a successful baker"

"Neat" (y/n) smiled as he closed the oven before smelling the brownies. "Mm" he smiled. "Merci beaucoup, Monsieur Mallah"

The gorilla gave the boy a smile before waving off his thanks. "You're most welcome" he spoke as he watched the boy take off the oven mitts and put them away. "It is nice to spend time with others. We haven't done that in a long while... aside from business associates"

"Well I'd imagine a brain in a can and a talking French gorilla probably don't seem like the most approachable couple to most people" (y/n) shrugged as he turned to his neighbor. "It's good you found Smallville. Everything is weird here"

"Oui. Hence why we chose it" Mallah replied as he glanced out the window in the direction of his own home.

"How are you adjusting to it?" (Y/n) asked as he washed his hands and he waited for the brownies to cool.

"I am enjoying it... the Brain is having a bit more trouble accepting retirement" Mallah replied as he turned back to the boy.

"What did you guys do?" (Y/n) asked with a curious look.

Mallah considered that for a moment. "Super-villainy"

"Oh" (y/n) nodded slowly.

"What else was there for a brain and a gorilla to do?" Mallah shrugged. "That is done now though. No worries"

"Oh okay" (y/n) nodded, having known the gorilla long enough that he believed him.


Kara Zor-El flew threw the skies in her summer suit happily, enjoying the feelings of the sun on her skin. Her teal jacket flapped in the wind as she sped into Smallville.

The summer would be ending soon enough but she wanted to get the most out of this costume as possible before that. She didn't know how long her boyfriend would put up with the smaller than usual outfit after the summer was over and she didn't want him uncomfortable.

Kara flew down towards one of the busier streets. "Good afternoon!" She called out to Lana Lang as she passed her with a laugh at speeds which made the hair of the people on the street get blown by the drastic increase in wind.

Kara flew up again, happy with herself before once again diving, this time slowing down before she flew into her favorite cafe. Her order was already out and waiting for her. She landed on the ground before taking the order and paying.

Kara took a moment to wave back to a little girl before smirking. "Up up and away!" The kids always loved when she or Kal-El said that. She quickly flew up and out the door, her muffin already now hanging out of her mouth as she held her coffee in her left hand. She could hear the kid happily giggling back inside the building.

Kara was glad they didn't move away from Smallville like she had originally proposed. It was perfect here and she had no doubt anywhere else would be a downgrade.

Kara quickly finished her muffin and coffee before flying back down to a trash can and throwing the empty cup away. She noticed someone not looking as he dropped a candy wrapper across the street. "Hey!" She yelled, gaining the attention of the tourist and a few other people. "This isn't Gotham, use a trash can or I'm coming for you" the man slowly picked up the trash and made his way to the trash can Kara was floating at. "Thank you!" She quickly flew up towards the sky once again.

Kara's super hearing suddenly picked up on a silent alarm and she turned to quickly see a bank robbery... already being stopped by Nia. "She doesn't need me" she shook her head. "Who needs supergirl right now?" She looked around and listened but it didn't seem like Smallville needed her at the moment. "Alrighty then... guess I'll just keep flying around"

Kara glanced around one more time. "Maybe I'll just take some photos with people... be a friendly neighborhood supergirl"


"Hey!" Kara was surprised the boy had heard her come in. "How was superheroing?" He asked as he exited the kitchen and walked over to the girl who stood by the door.

"Not much to do" Kara admitted with a shrug. "I saw your mom, took some pictures with kids, took some pictures with some tourists. Apparently my blue skin-" her skin sparkled with electricity for a moment. "-makes for good photos"

"Also makes for a good nightlight when you sometimes do it in your sleep" (y/n) smiled as he placed a kiss on the girls lips. "Well while you were out being popular I baked"

"Look at you!" Kara gently slapped the boys shoulder excitedly. "How'd it turn out?! You've never done this before right?"

"I have not" (y/n) replied with a nod. "Mallah decided to help me so it turned out perfectly"

"I'm so proud of you!" Kara laughed happily as she hugged the boy tightly. He had struggled hard to find a new hobby so it was nice to see him excited about this one.

"Wow you're getting taller quickly" (y/n) spoke as he now found his eye sight just above Kara's head. "Growth spurt?"

"Yeah" Kara nodded in confirmation as she pulled away from the hug. "Kryptonians grow at a different rate on earth apparently. I'd be done growing by now on krypton"

"Biology is weird" (y/n) just shrugged before quickly grabbing Kara's hand and pulling her towards the kitchen. "Come on! I want you to try my brownies!"

Kara again laughed as she was pulled along. Life in Smallville was good. She wouldn't give it up for anything.

Word count: 1045

(I really enjoy just seeing supergirl interact with the average people of Smallville. Anything you want to see more of such as that or anything else?)

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