Super Friends

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"She's kinda cute like this" Kara whispered as she looked at the sleeping form of Nia Nal who was currently laying on the Lang family couch.

"How come you can say that but if I do you'd get annoyed at me?" (Y/n) whispered back as he also watched Nia.

"You want to say it?" Kara asked as she turned her head to look at her boyfriend. "Say it"

(Y/n) was silent for a moment. "Okay. I'll spring the trap. She's adorable like this"

"You little bastard" Kara muttered as she gently hit the boys arm.

"Knew that would annoy you" (y/n) let out a small laugh as he gave Kara a quick kiss before making his way to the kitchen.

"So is she like staying here now?" Kara asked as she walked in and started pouring two bowls of cereal while (y/n) sat down and picked up his newspaper.

"She and her mom both think it's for the best, just until her sister calms down" (y/n) replied as he opened the paper to the comics. "Nia is now determined to find a way to transfer her powers by the way"

"That's stupid" Kara replied blatantly as she brought the bowls of cereal to the table and put one in front of her boyfriend as she sat across from him.

"Morning kids" Lana Lang spoke as she entered the room. "Kara, coffee?"

"Yes please!" Kara replied quickly before Lana started making some for the both of them.

"(Y/n) where's your sister?" Lana asked a minute later as she brought Kara's coffee over to her while sipping her own.

"I haven't the faintest idea. Probably still asleep" (y/n) replied without so much as looking up from his paper while also eating. "I don't care what offensive shit the author said, getting rid of Dilbert was a mistake" Frost spoke, the only telltale sign being his eyes changing color.

"Whatever you say" Kara replied as she sipped her coffee and (y/n) became himself again. "You ready for your first day back at school?"

"Not at all" (y/n) replied as he ate another spoonful of cereal. "Wow there's nothing funny in here today" (y/n) spoke as he looked away from the paper. "A bad start to a bad day"

"You don't know yet that it's going to be bad" Kara replied as she finished off her coffee. "You do have me around after all. How bad can your day really be with me?"

"Do you really want an answer to that?" (Y/n) asked with a small laugh as he finished his cereal and stood up. Kara pouted. "I'm going to go wake up Nia" he quickly left the room.


"School" (y/n) muttered as he looked at the building he had been dreading returning to.

"Look on the bright side" Nia spoke as she pat the boys arm.

"I already tried that" Kara told Nia.

(Y/n) ignored Kara. "And what would that be dear?"

"You get to make people feel sympathy for you by telling them you were kidnapped. I guarantee no teacher will give you homework for at least the first week back"

"You're right!" (Y/n) nodded with a smile. "If I play it right I may be even get them to extend that no homework period"

"How does no homework and pity make you happier than the idea of spending all day with me?" Kara asked with a huff. "You don't even do your homework! I do"

"I always spend all day with you" (y/n) replied with a shrug. "No offense Kara but you've got two friends and I'm half of them, the other half is standing between us. You need more"

"I have more friends!" Kara replied defensively.

"Oh yeah?" (Y/n) asked with a smirk. "Name two"

Kara was silent for a moment. "Batgirl? I only met her once but she was pretty cool"

"That's not a friend, it's someone you met once" (y/n) replied as he crossed his arms.

"You suck" Kara replied simply as she quickly sped up and walked into the school.

"Has she really met batgirl?" Nia asked as she looked at (y/n).

"You think that's cool? I've been knocked unconscious by her" (y/n) bragged causing Nia to let out a small laugh.


The kidnappers were taken out one by one. "It's the bat!" The last one standing, although he didn't know that, yelled after he briefly saw a shadow take one of his accomplices. He quickly fired his gun in the general area but hit nothing.

"Yes" a female voice replied as she tackled the shooter from behind and handcuffed him. "And no"

Batgirl quickly slammed the man's head into the ground, knocking him out. She quickly made her way to the back room where they were keeping the kids. She pulled out a batarang before entering the room. The kids were struggling against the ropes binding their hands together and the gags meant to keep them silent.

Batgirl slowly approached and knelt down before one who began to struggle more. "No fear. No cry" she turned the boy around and began to cut the rope with her batarang. "I am... help"

Soon enough Batgirl was watching from the roof of a nearby building as the police arrested the kidnappers and helped the children. "That was impressive" Batgirl had known she was there the entire time of course so she wasn't surprised to hear supergirls voice.

She turned and stared at the floating hero behind her. "Why you here?"

"It has been pointed out to me that I could use more friends. You're pretty cool so I figured you know... batgirl and supergirl, super friends? Wanna give it a shot?" Supergirl gave her best smile as she awaited the decision of the bat.

Batgirl, as always, could tell just by looking at Kara that she was being genuine about her desire here. She considered this for a moment before nodding. "Super friends"

"Yes!" Supergirl quickly swooped up the ex-assassin and hugged her. "You won't regret this!"

"We will see" was all Batgirl replied as she shook her head before hugging back.

Word count: 1060

(Cass will forever be the best batgirl. Favorite Cassandra Cain moment? Mine is probably when Bruce tells her he's going to adopt her)

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