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"Up in the sky! It's a bird!"

"It's a plane!"

"It's supergirl!"

Kara smirked, hearing that never got old. She waved at the people below as she flew above them. Her ears constantly trying to pick up any sounds of crime or disasters to avert.

Fortunately, or unfortunately for a bored Kara, there wasn't much going on below her aside from the Flash quickly zipping by to fast for even Kara to really see him since she wasn't prepared for that. "Wonder what he's doing"

Kara could of course hear crimes going on outside of Kansas but Kal-El had confined her to this state. She couldn't just disobey him, right?

Well apparently she could, so that's what she did. Kara was in Central City before she knew it.

"Hi!" Kara spoke as she landed, cracking the ground below her, in front of one of the many banks in the city. "Want to give up?"

"There's another super now?" The woman groaned as she held up her hands. "The first one is the whole reason I left metropolis" her palms started sparking with electricity as she dropped the bag of cash she was holding.

 "The first one is the whole reason I left metropolis" her palms started sparking with electricity as she dropped the bag of cash she was holding

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"I'll take that as a no" Kara smirked before super speeding into the villain, causing her to go flying backwards into the wall of the bank. "I'm supergirl. You got a name?"

"Livewire" the girl replied as she suddenly sent a burst of electricity into Kara, causing her to cry out in pain.

Kara quickly jumped, getting her out of Livewire's range. "I did not miss pain" she growled as she suddenly flew at a high speed back down towards Livewire.

Kara quickly stopped when Livewire, who was distracted by the rapidly approaching girl of steel, was suddenly in power dampening handcuffs with the Flash at her side. "Nice job supergirl!" He gave her a thumbs up.

"Thanks Wa- Flash! Thanks Flash" Kara smiled at him as she slowly landed on the ground beside Wally

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"Thanks Wa- Flash! Thanks Flash" Kara smiled at him as she slowly landed on the ground beside Wally.

"I didn't think you were allowed out of your little corner of the world yet" Flash spoke before quickly speeding Livewire away and then coming back.

"Yeah..." Kara trailed off before shrugging. "But you won't tell on me"

Wally shrugged before nodding in agreement. "Your secret is safe with me. Superman will probably hear about it on the news anyways" Kara grimaced at that thought.

"In that case, as long as I'm gonna get told off I may as well go do some more good" Kara spoke before quickly flying off.


"I fought two talking gorillas today!" Kara said excitedly, startling her boyfriend who had not yet realized she was in his room. He turned and watched as she put a red beret on her head. "I took this from one as a souvenir"

"It's a bit big on you" (y/n) laughed at the look of the oversized hat on her head.

"I look great and you know it" Kara replied with a smirk as she walked up to the boy and kissed him.

He grimaced a bit. "It smells like gorilla"

"It did previously belong to one" Kara shrugged before taking the hat off and throwing it onto the bed.

"Bring me any souvenirs?" (Y/n) asked curiously causing Kara to falter for a second.

"Uh... myself?" She motioned to her body and the boy rolled his eyes. "What? Don't you like it?"

"It's great" the boy replied genuinely. "But I already had one" Kara hit him in the shoulder as she laughed.

Kara kissed the boy one more time as she pulled him down and they both fell onto the bed. "Well I didn't get you anything else"

(Y/n) shrugged. "Guess it'll have to do then" he pulled her close and she rested her head against his chest, listening with her super hearing to her boyfriends heartbeat, it relaxed her even though their current position seemed to be making it beat faster than it usually did.

He kissed her forehead, something he had yet to do to Kara before. She liked it. Kara gasped excitedly, accidentally letting out a blast of cold air, causing her boyfriend to shiver. "Whoops, sorry"

"And that's why we don't get physical" Kara rolled her eyes at the boys words. She knew he was right to worry but that didn't mean that she wasn't annoyed by it.

"If you make me wait much longer I'm gonna end up burning down this house she whispered as she relaxed once again into her boyfriends chest.

"You should just ask your cousin about ways to neutralize your powers" (y/n) shrugged in response. Kara considered that for a moment.

"Then he'd just start asking questions" Kara huffed. "And I'm not telling my baby cousin that I want to fuck his ex-girlfriends son" (y/n) let out a small laugh at those words.

"So lie about why you need it" (y/n) spoke with yet another shrug.

Kara considered that for another moment. "Nah. He'd probably be able to tell"

"Yeah... you're a bad lier" (y/n) agreed causing Kara to nod.

"Fooled you though" She spoke as she nuzzled into the boy and wrapped her arms around him. "Maybe I'll try asking about something. Who knows, could fool him"

"What's the worst that could happen anyways? Not like he'll kill you, he's the one who made you lead a normal life" Kara once again nodded in agreement, although she wasn't really listening much anymore, as she closed her eyes.

It was silent for a moment. "Kara?" (Y/n) asked as he looked down at her. "You awake?" The girl let out a quiet snore causing the boy to chuckle at how cute she sounded. "Sleep tight goofball" he kissed her forehead once again.

Word count: 1000

(Considering a few directions for this story. Would you want the MC getting powers? And if so any suggestions as to what those would be? Maybe something more obscure like the fiddler's powers. Favorite scene of the chapter?)

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