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Kara stopped running and took a deep breath as she wiped a bit of sweat off her forehead. "Sweat? I never sweat!"

"You are pushing yourself" (y/n) spoke with a shrug.

"I just don't understand why you can't do it'" Imra added on with a groan. "You should have broken the time barrier back when you were over japan but nothing happened. You were going more than fast enough!"

"Weird" Kara spoke as she zoomed into the house and returned with a whole pizza pie and began eating it.

"Hey! You don't need food, done eat it all" Kara gave a thumbs up to her boyfriend as she ate her second slice.

Imra sighed and sat down on the ground. "I guess I'll be sticking around for a while"

"We're happy to have you" (y/n) spoke as he looked down at her. "But we should probably focus on getting you some new clothes"

Imra looked down at her Saturn Girl costume and nodded. "I guess this isn't really all that inconspicuous"

"It definitely isn't" the boy offered his hand and she took it before being pulled to her feet. "Kara-" he turned to the girl who had just finished off the pie. She smiled guiltily at her boyfriend. "I hate you"

"I know" Kara replied as her smile became less guilty.

"We're leaving" (y/n) spoke as he grabbed his car keys from his pocket.

"Am I not coming?" She frowned as she followed the two as they began walking. She undid her blonde and pink ponytail as she did.

"No. I'm going to get a new pizza and I want to have a couple slices before you get the chance to take any" (y/n) replied without looking back at her. Before Kara could speak he spoke again. "And I will have Kryptonite out while I eat so don't even try speeding over and taking"

Kara huffed and regretted giving the boy the stone. "You suck" she spoke as she stopped walking.

"No" (y/n) spoke as he turned around and booped Kara's nose. "That's your job" he turned around and walked Imra over to the car as Kara took a moment to process the boys words before breaking out into a fit of giggles.


"What does this one do" Imra asked as she looked over a skirt.

"Keep you from being naked?" (Y/n) replied with a shrug as he watched the girl, who had dressed in some of Kara's mostly unused clothing, hold up a skirt.

Imra gave him a confused look. "Does clothing here not also have an alternative purpose"

"Uh" (y/n) was silent for a moment before pointing to another skirt. "This one has pockets"

"Ooh" Imra quickly looked for one in her size and grabbed the pink skirt and nodded. "Pockets are always good"

"Agreed" (y/n) nodded as he stuck his hands in his pockets.

Imra grabbed a few more skirts before they moved on to the shirt section. After that it was underwear, after that they checked out and (y/n) silently thanked himself for having a girlfriend who would soon be making a lot of money.

Imra changed a changing room into one of her new outfits before the two left, a couple bags full of new clothes in Irma's hands. The only thing from her costume that she still had on was her Legion flight ring.

On the way back to the car the pair stopped for a pizza. (Y/n) opened the kryptonite and put it on the table and they began to eat.

"Mm!" Imra made a happy noise as she bit into her first peace. "Cheese, bread, tomato. Sounds like a bad combo, but it's not" She quickly continued to eat it.

"I'm glad you like it" (y/n) replied as he started eating his first slice. "They don't have this in the future?"

Imra shook her head. "I- I don't really remember but I think something happened between our times. It wiped out most of the earth's records. I guess that included how to make pizza. And we certainly didn't have it on Saturn. We didn't even have tomatoes or bread"

(Y/n) was silent for a moment. "So you still had milk on Saturn?"

"I have breasts don't I?" Imra asked as she motioned to her chest and finished off her slice of pizza.

"Good point" (y/n) replied as he let out a nervous laugh before going back to the previous topic. "At least that stops people from putting things on pizza that definitely shouldn't be there"

"I guess that's a bright side?" Imra replied as she shrugged and continued to eat her pizza.

"Also for the record the milk in pizza comes from cows" the boy spoke as he took another bite of his slice of pizza.

"Noted" Imra nodded as she took a second slice and bit into it. "Almost all earth milk in the future is made synthetically"

"Interesting" (y/n) replied as he finished his slice. "What about meat?"

"Grown in a lab" Imra replied with a shrug.

"Huh" (y/n) frowned. "Guess the cattle farmers are screwed"

"Guess so" Imra shrugged as she took another bite of her pizza. "What's a cattle?"

Word count: 911

(Didn't spellcheck this since I'm fasting and have to much of a headache to read. Therefore I demand that you all forgive any spelling mistakes and comment your thoughts on this chapter)

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