The Ultimate-Humanite

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"What happened here?" (Y/n) Lang asked himself as he entered the living room and noticed his girlfriend and his best friend laying on the couch, both asleep and cuddling.

He stared at this sight for another moment before walking into the kitchen and making himself a cup of hot chocolate. He would worry about those two later.


The Ultra-Humanite had never felt better in any of her bodies, male or female. She was almost certain that this was the body she would keep for the rest of her life. She walked down the halls of her lair, just basking in the glorious feeling of her newfound strength.

She quickly turned, faster than she would have though possible, before punching an enormous hole in the wall to her left. She cackled evilly, drunk on the feeling of her powers.

"Oh who shall I take down first?" She wondered as she punched another wall. "I should begin small seeing as I'm still getting used to this"

Supergirl and her little boyfriend. They were the ones responsible for her imprisonment. They would be the first to lose their lives to her new powers.


"Kara!" The girl of steel was yanked from her dreams by the sound of Nia coughing. "Crushing me!" Kara quickly flew off of the girl and into the air.

"Sorry!" Kara quickly helped Nia to sit up.

"My life just flashed before my eyes" Nia spoke wide eyed as she shivered.

"I said sorry!" Kara said defensively as she glanced towards the kitchen which was empty. She glanced around the room and spotted the clock before frowning. "Where's (y/n)?"

Nia shrugged as she coughed again. "I was asleep too Kara"

"It's breakfast time. It's captain crunch day. He never misses that" Kara spoke as she glanced around again, this time finding a note on the coffee table and quickly picking it up. It certainly hadn't been there a moment ago.

"What's it say?" Nia asked as she watched Kara read the note, her face becoming more serious as she read each word.

"Batgirl!" Kara called out, not caring if she woke up her boyfriends family. "I know Batman must have made you watch me! I need you bestie!"

The bat themed hero quickly dropped down from a dark corner on the ceiling of the room behind the two. "What?" She asked causing Nia to scream and fall onto her ass as she tried to quickly to turn around.

"Ultra wants revenge" Kara spoke quickly as she turned the note so Batgirl could see.

"Can't read" Cass spoke as she watched Kara, reading her body language. "She take someone? Boyfriend?"

"Yes" Kara quickly replied as she helped Nia to her feet. "He says I'll be teleported to him five minutes after I wake up" Kara quickly super sped back to her house and changed into her super suit before coming back. "Time to prepare I guess"

"Cocky" Cassandra spoke as she crossed her arms. "I come with"

"Will that work?" Nia asked, trying to keep up with the conversation. "She said she'd teleport Kara, not both of you"

Cassandra considered this before opening her utility belt and pulling out a small lead box. "Take" she spoke with a more serious tone than she'd ever heard her use. "In case"

"What is it?" Kara asked as she carefully took the box and held it in her hand. Cassandra took Kara's arm in her hand, as if she believed holding onto her would teleport her as well as Kara. "What is it Batgirl?"

Cass frowned under her mask. "Cr- k- rip... ugh!" She threw her free hand up and shook her head. "Can't say it" she huffed. "Only for neces...sary"

Kara nodded and let out a sigh. "We should probably tell the leag-" and just like that Kara disappeared in a huff of smoke. Leaving Cassandra and Nia both standing there.


Kara gasped as she reappeared in some sort of futuristic looking arena. She quickly slipped the lead case into her pocket and looked around for any sigh of the Humanite.

(Y/n) was the first person she spotted. The poor boy was unconscious and strapped to some sort of experimentation table, much like she had been the last time they had encountered this villain.

Right before Kara could run towards the boy the Humanite appeared before her. "Hello my dear" she spoke with a sadistic smile.

"Humanite?!" Kara gasped as she looked him over. "Wait what? You don't look like me? What happened?" She asked as she tried to figure out what was happening here.

"Oh my dear did you all think I was going to clone you?" She asked as she looked down at her body. "I've already got the perfect body here, courtesy of Circe"

"But my powers-" Kara began only to be cut off by Ultra.

"I had no need to remake your body in order to take those" Ultra spoke as she used her super speed and her strength to lift up Kara, almost father than she could process. "I spent my time in prison mastering my magical abilities. All I needed was your hair and I absorbed everything in it that makes you powerful"

Kara's eyes widened. "So now you've got magic and my powers?" She asked only to be met with a quick punch to the face that sent her flying backwards.

"That's right dear" Humanite spoke as she slowly walked towards Kara. "There's no way you can stop me now"

Kara quickly ran as fast as she could towards Ultra and punched. Ultra caught her fist and squeezed it roughly, Circe's more natural strength aiding the Humanite's newfound powers in overpowering Kara.

"Only one of us shall make it out of here alive, Supergirl" Ultra spoke as she crushed Kara's fist harder, causing the girl to scream. "And that one will NOT be you"

Word count: 1013

(The chapters just keep coming out! I need sleep! I have to fast in a few hours and if I don't sleep it'll just be more miserable)

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