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Kara Kent juggled a couple pieces of coal in her hands as she waited for her boyfriend to pull the car into the parking spot. Once parked she stopped juggling before crushing the coal in her hands into diamonds. "Here" she smiled as she held them out to her boyfriend. "Now you can't say I don't give you nice things"

"I never said that to begin with... I think" (y/n) replied as he put the car in park before turning it off and taking the diamonds from Kara. "Scratch that. It does sound like something I may have said" he slipped the diamonds into his pocket. "Thank you"

"You're welcome" the brunette wigged girl smiled as she placed a kiss on the boys ear. "Now let's get out of the car. Don't want to keep them waiting"

"Right..." (y/n) sighed before they both got out of the car. "Do we have to do this?"

"It's just a doctors appointment!" Kara spoke as she walked to the boys side and took his hand in hers. "You'll be fine"

"I don't like my doctor. He freaks me out" (y/n) huffed as he tried to pull his hand away only for Kara to keep holding it tight.

"You'll be fine" Kara spoke again as she squeezed the boys hand gently. "And if you try leaving I'll throw you through the window into the office"

"Can't you just have your Kryptonian machines scan me?" (Y/n) asked as he turned Kara to face him.

"No. They don't know human vitals and medicine" Kara replied as she pulled her hand away and crossed her arms.

(Y/n) was silent for a moment before reaching for Kara's face and running his hand down her cheek. "Well then how about we just get in the car and instead of going in there we... you know"

Kara went wide eyed. "Are- are you trying to seduce me to get what you want?"

"Is it working?" (Y/n) asked as his hand moved down towards Kara's chest, prompting her to gasp in surprise.

"I've been waiting for this to happen since we started dating!" Kara smiled as she leaned forward and briefly kissed the boy. "Took you long enough!" She laughed as she pushed the boy into the car and ran her hand down his chest.

"Down girl! We're still outside" (y/n) spoke as he tried to push Kara off of him.

"You just groped me a moment ago" Kara pointed out as she kissed the boys chin. "You realize this won't stop you from going to the doctor when I call to reschedule your appointment"

(Y/n) groaned before pushing Kara away from him. "Fine. This will be a short term solution then" he spoke before opening the car door and getting inside. "But you'll have to wait until we get home for the sex"

Before the boy could open the door Kara lifted up the car and flew it back towards the house. "Kara put me down!" (Y/n) screamed as he quickly put on his seatbelt. "This is to high!"


Kara smiled as she cuddled into her boyfriend's chest. "You realize you can't avoid this forever"

"Last I checked my dad hadn't gone to a doctor since he was eighteen" (y/n) replied as he ran his hand through the girls blonde hair. "And unfortunately he's still alive"

Kara rolled her eyes. "I'm still going to force you to go. Better safe than sorry"

(Y/n) groaned and repositioned Kara so she was on top of him and his face was buried in her neck. "I hate you"

Kara smiled. "Well let's hope it's a long and healthy hatred"

(Y/n) sighed as Kara's hands wandered down the sides of his body. He considered his options for a moment before sighing again. "Can you use your X-Ray vision? Just to make sure nothing is abnormal"

Kara quickly pulled away and got off the boy. "I thought I was forbidden from using my X-Ray vision on you?"

(Y/n) sighed yet another time. "We-" he was silent for a moment. "I trust that you'll use it responsibly. If it could be harmful Clark probably would have told you"

Kara smiled widely. "How about I agree to this and then I can use it on you whenever I want?... I'll first ask Clark how it works though and if it can give you cancer"

(Y/n) was silent for an uncomfortable moment. "Fine" he sighed as Kara quickly clapped her hands together excitedly. "But I want something else in return too!"

Kara nodded quickly. "What do you want?"

"I don't know. I didn't expect you to say yes that quickly" (y/n) replied with a shrug. "How about you go make me a sandwich?"

"I just made you a couple diamonds this morning. Choose something more interesting" Kara rolled her eyes as she got back on top of the boy and was face to face with him, her nose up against his.

"I'm not an-" Kara glared at the boy, sending the incoming self deprecation. "How about you... Hm... what about..."

Kara groaned. "You're so indecisive!" She sighed as she put her forehead up against his. "How about I just let you fondle me in public or something?"

"That's something you want" (y/n) returned Kara's glare. "I want this to be something only I want"

"Fine" Kara replied with a huff. "How about I get you some X-Ray glasses?"

"How is that not something you want?" (Y/n) asked with a confused look.

"Well for one it's possible you use them on someone beside me" Kara pointed out with an annoyed tone. "That being said if I find out you did I'll bring my wrath down upon you"

"Hot" (y/n) replied with a smirk. "But no thanks. Can you please just make me a burger or something? I'm hungry"

Kara shook her head. "No. We're going to find out an equal trade here. Something you want and I don't"

"Like a burger?" (Y/n) asked as Kara ignored him. "Because that would be very tasty about now"

Kara remained silent before smiling. "How about I get you a new car like you wanted!" The boys head perked up, slightly startling Kara as that moved her head too. "I'll make some more diamonds, sell them, and then boom. New car"

"Can it be an old car?"

"I guess?" Kara replied, wondering why he'd want an old car.

"Something with whitewall tires"

"I don't know what that means" Kara replied with a shrug. "But sure"

(Y/n) smiled widely before quickly kissing Kara. "I love you"

"Love you too" Kara smiled before she kissed the boy back.

Word count: 1147

(I need a car that can pull off whitewall tires. That's unfortunately my most realistic dream in life)

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