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"Kara could you-" Martha Kent was quickly cut off as her daughter/niece/whatever you wanted to call her ran past her at super speeds and out the door. Kara returned a moment later with as much corn from the fields as she could carry in her arms. "Thank you dear" she smiled as Kara placed it on the table.

"What's this all for Ma?" Kara asked as she tossed one corn up and caught it with her other hand

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"What's this all for Ma?" Kara asked as she tossed one corn up and caught it with her other hand.

"Clark is having his friends over tonight" Martha replied nonchalantly. "They do it every couple of months, they find it relaxing to get away from the city once in a while"

"Friends?" Kara asked with a confused look. "Lois and Jimmy?" She hadn't met them yet but she'd heard of them.

Martha shook her head. "Bruce, Diana, Wally, and a few others" Kara frowned at the memory of her last few encounters with the Batman.

"Can I-" she was cut off as she noticed Martha nod her head.

"I'm sure Clark will understand if you want to leave"

Kara nodded. "Thanks Ma" she put down the corn she was holding before starting to float towards the door.


(Y/n) Lang yawned as he sat on the couch, watching tv while half asleep. He was suddenly startled awake when he heard a loud crash outside. He stood up and started walking to the door when there was suddenly a loud knock on it.

He looked through the peep hole and let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding before opening the door. "What was that noise?"

"I don't know. Looked like something fell from the sky" this wasn't exactly a lie seeing as how Kara had just come from the sky herself.

"Ah. Okay" (y/n) nodded before moving out of the way of the door and motioning for her to come in. "What can I help you with Supergirl?"

Kara gave the boy a confused look as she worried about if he had somehow discovered her powers or if Lana had told him.

"Your shirt you always wear" (y/n) laughed a bit at her expression. "The Superman S"

"Oh!" Kara laughed a bit at her overlooking the obvious. "I kinda like that name though. Supergirl" she pat the boy on the shoulder before walking inside.

"Of course you would" (y/n) shook his head as he closed the door. "Makes you sound powerful. Everyone likes to be powerful"

Kara nodded as she thought about her powers. She couldn't deny that she loved how powerful she was. She walked over to the living room and sat on the couch. "Where's your mom?"

"On a date" (y/n) shrugged as he sat down beside Kara.

The girl gave him a confused look. "It doesn't bother you that your mother is on a date?"

He gave Kara a confused look. "Why would it?"

Kara shrugged. "From what I've seen of you Hu- Americans, you tend to not like that sort of thing"

(Y/n) shook his head and laughed a bit. "You, Kara Kent, watch to much television" Kara shrugged, realizing he was probably right. "I don't care if she dates anyone. Why would I want to stand in the way of her happiness?"

"That's a healthy way of looking at it" Kara nodded as she gave the boy a small smile.

"So what brings you here little lady?" (Y/n) asked as he looked at the person sharing the couch with him.

"Clark is having some friends over at the house... I don't get along well with one of them so I thought I'd ask your mom if I could hang out here... since she's not here I suppose that decision falls to you"

(Y/n) nodded. "Well you're welcome here as long as you need to stay. Especially if you know how to cook, I'm not the best at that and I'm hungry"

Kara shrugged as she stood up. "How hard could it be?" She walked towards the kitchen.


Luckily for Kara, she tapped into her freeze breath for the first time that night. Otherwise there would more than likely no longer be a house there.

"It's done!" Kara said excitedly as she carried a large bowl of spaghetti towards the dining room and sat it down on the table.

(Y/n) entered the room after another minute and gained a very confused look as he looked at the pasta. "It's burnt. And there's frost on it" the boy moved to sit down across the table from where Kara was standing.

While he wasn't looking at her or the pasta Kara quickly squinted at the food and used her heat vision to heat it up. "Stop complaining and try it!" She spoke excitedly before super speeding to get a pitcher of water.

(Y/n) shrugged and started moving the spaghetti onto his plate while Kara poured water into two cups, one for the boy and one for her. She then sat down across from her. "So I was thinking you could help me with my reading tonight"

"Sure" (y/n) shrugged before very carefully lifting some spaghetti up with his fork and looking it over. "If this kills me-"

"Stop being so dramatic!" Kara huffed as she picked up her own fork and moved some of the pasta to her own plate.

She watched as (y/n) finally put it in his mouth and instantly his face scrunched up. "You don't like it?"

"Oh, no" (y/n) spoke sarcastically as he swallowed the food. "I always make this face when I love my food"

"Jerk" Kara huffed before trying some of the pasta for herself and quickly spitting it out and back onto her plate. "Bleh!" She quickly took a large sip of water.

"You don't like it?" (Y/n) parroted the words mockingly as he even replicated the disappointment that had been on Kara's face when she had first asked.

"Shut up" Kara huffed as she pushed the plate away from herself. "That is vile. Is it supposed to taste like that?"

"Absolutely not" (y/n) shook his head as he sipped his water.

"Well at least we now know I'm a bad cook" Kara laughed awkwardly as she rubbed the back of her head.

"We do indeed" (y/n) nodded as he also pushed his plate away. "How about we just go read?"

Kara nodded not so enthusiastically as she stood up. "Let's go then"

Word count: 1107

(Seeing Shazam two tonight. Thoughts on this chapter and favorite scene? Any criticism of this book so far so I know what to fix?)

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