Chapter 1: Reunion

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Guys before reading this chapter please go back to the prologue and read the rest of it, after Charles says 'A favor.' I didn't realize the rest got deleted due to dumb internet so I rewrote the rest. Go read the rest before reading this chapter.


"I told you I didn't want to stop what you do! I know that you are the love of my life girl! I know that all you talk to me about is desire and love! But I really want is the life, of a fighter!"

Steve and Max sing to the top of their lungs while Steve drives the car, Steve hitting his hands against the wheel and Max shaking her hair all around in the passenger seat, her pretending to be playing drums.

Steve laughs, him pulling into the drive through. "Alright what flavor you want?"

"Cookies and cream." Max responds.

"Welcome to the ice cream parlor what can I get for you?"

"Yes can I get a cookies and crème and chocolate with Oreos? And do not be shy on the Oreos. Oreos are for kings and I am clearly a king. You'll see when I get up to the window." Steve says.


Max rolls her eyes. "Leave the poor girl alone."

"Will that be all for you?"

"Yep that's it."

"Five ninety at the window."

"You're crazy." Max comments when he drives to the window.

"Hey I only speak truth Mayfield." Steve responds, him looking towards the window when it opens, him giving the cash and change to the girl.

"Why are you trying to flirt with more girls didn't you just name off seven last week?" Max questions.

"Yeah but they didn't speak to me." Steve motions towards himself.

Max rolls her eyes. "Well yeah that makes total sense."

"Thank you." Steve says when she hands the ice cream cones to him, him giving Max hers before he drives off, him going in a parking space. "It's true. Like with Sasha yeah she was cool but eh and Rachael was way to aggressive for my taste and with Courtney I don't know she just seems like a sex addict. And even though I like sex I don't—"

"Woah there Buddy." Max puts her hand out in a stopping manner.

"It's true, I want the real thing you know." Steve says.

"Have you ever heard that phrase that says don't come looking for love, it'll find you?" Max questions.

"Yeah well it's taking to long." Steve responds, Max laughing before she goes to lick her ice cream cone. "So I wanted to ask you something."

"Okay." Max responds, moving her cone around in a circle while she licks it.

"Well...Lucas got out of jail today." Steve reveals making Max stop mid lick on her cone.

It isn't something she didn't know, despite how much she tried to not think about it she has always been counting down the days that he has been in there, the weeks and the months, so she is aware that Lucas got out of jail today. "Yeah." She replies simply.

"I mean I went to visit him and..." Steve trails off.

Max looks over at him. "And what?"

"I don't know he was just more....quiet? I guess that's the word." Steve shrugs. "He's in some hotel in another city."

Max nods her head, turning back to look ahead of her. "Well....glad he's out."

"But how do you feel towards it?" Steve questions.

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