Chapter 21: The Day After

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Max feels herself slowly beginning to get up, her honestly not remembering the last time she got good sleep like that. When her eyes fully open she notices how she is tucked into the blankets, her looking besides her to not see Lucas there.

That is when the smell of sausage and eggs hit her, her going to slowly raise up and making sure the bedsheet is over her body. She rubs her eyes a little, her seeing the sunlight seeping through the open windows, her thanking god it is the weekend that way she wouldn't have to worry about getting up early for school.

She rubs her legs and thighs a little, still feeling a slight full feeling inside of her, still feeling that numbing feeling. Max takes a breath, her looking around to see her clothes neatly folded on the nightstand, her shoes neatly in front of the bed.

Lucas makes his way inside of the room, him being dressed in his grey sweatpants, her already telling he is not wearing boxers underneath. "Hey. How'd you sleep?"

Max still rubs her eyes a little. "Good actually." She responds honestly.

"Good." He smiles. "You feeling okay?"

"Just some numb legs and thighs but other than that...good." Max smiles softly at him.

Lucas smiles softly at her. "Well I'm making breakfast for us. I can draw you a bath if you want to. I have a shirt you can use."

Max nods her head, Lucas going to bring out a black shirt with red long sleeves, him giving it to her. "I'll do a shower if that's okay."

"Yeah that's good." Lucas replies with a nod, Max slowly getting up from the bed, her legs lightly wobbling. "Need help?"

"I got it. Thanks." Max tells him, her going into the bathroom and closing the door.

Lucas takes a little breath, honestly feeling his nervousness take over as he goes back into the kitchen. He fears her reaction, he fears that he will tell her that she does regret last night and she wants nothing to do with him, his mind assumes the worst. He begins to make their plates, him not being able to control the little breaths that leave him, his heart feeling heavy and it beating more faster then normal.

Max makes her way out of the bathroom, her wearing his shirt that comes to her mid thigh. "I just...used some of your body wash since I didn't have any." She lightly hugs herself.

"No problem." He smiles at her. "So I got you pancakes but not the regular pancakes the mini pancakes....with bacon sausage and eggs and syrup all around?"

Max smiles with a nod. "You remember."

"Course I remember." He says before he sets the plates down on the table in front of the couch, him and Max going to sit down on the couch. "You umm....want to watch TV or...anything?"

Max shrugs her shoulders a little. "It doesn't matter."

Lucas nods, him grabbing the remote and flipping the TV onto a random channel. They both eat in silence, the silence holding a certain thickness in the air, them not able to glance up to even look at the TV, their eyes concentrated on their plates. Both of their hearts beating rapidly.

Lucas sets down his plate, him taking a sip of his orange juice. "So Max listen—"

"Can I please start first?" Max turns to him, Lucas nodding his head with a light smile. "I know what you are thinking, and I want to put your mind at ease." She starts. "I don't regret last night, and everything that I told you last night I meant it Lucas. It wasn't out of vulnerability, yeah of course I felt like shit that night but I wanted to let you know that I came to you for a reason, and I don't regret last night. Not at all."

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