Chapter 35: Celebrations?

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"Ladies...." Joyce starts while raising up her glass, her Karen Susan and Sue sitting at a square table at a restaurant by the beach. "To Susan and Sue! For finding new jobs!"

"To Susan and Sue!" They all cheer, going to clank their glasses together and going to drink the wine.

"I can't believe we both get to work together." Sue nudges Susan.

"I'm glad I found something easy, I won't lie and say I wasn't worried because I was. But the hours are good, no night shifts no weekends and the pay is amazing, it's perfect." Susan smiles.

"Exactly." Sue agrees.

"I'd say that should call for another round." Karen claps.

"Sounds fine however I am not doing anything strong tonight." Susan motions. "I'm not getting drunk again."

"Yeah Susan you were pretty drunk." Joyce laughs.

"You were too." Susan says back.

"Ugh guys I need to vent." Karen says.

"Ignorant husband?" Susan questions.

"Yes." Karen rolls her eyes.

"Mine is in the doghouse too for a little bit he's been getting on my nerves too." Sue says.

"Can't say that for me and Hop but we are all ears Karen." Joyce says.

"So he has the decency to try and ask me where am I going for a few days when he stays all night sometimes at work or...hell I don't know!" Karen says.

"Wait...." Susan trails off.

"Yeah I know what you're thinking but me there's not...anyone who would even want him." Karen says simply. "It's even coming to a point where I can't even leave Holly alone with him you know because he forgets to make her food and make sure she has her homework done and she is squared away, either that or he is to lazy to get up off his ass and do anything."

"Yeah Karen that's not good." Sue says.

"Is it bad that I still care about him though?" Karen questions.

"No Karen it isn't, it shows how much of a big heart you have." Joyce mentions. "Have you both talked about it?"

"I plan on doing it when I get back in a few days. I'm dreading it but it needs to be done." Karen responds.

"I can give you my taser if he starts to get on your nerves." Susan responds with a shrug.

"That sounds nice but I'm going to hold off on that." Karen laughs.

"Yeah I definitely say talk to him and if he doesn't listen, put him in the dog house." Sue shrugs.

"Exactly." Joyce agrees.

"Jesus why is this wine so sweet?" Susan scrunches up her face a little bit.

"You said you wanted more sweet then strong." Sue says.

"Yeah but not this sweet." Susan says before she gets up. "I'll be right back."


Susan goes over to the bar area, her going to grab a menu of the drinks and look at it, looking at the different flavors and recipes for the different drinks, her moving her lips a little in a thinking manner while tapping her fingers against the counter.

"What is it you desire?"

Susan looks up, seeing a man looking at her with a quirked brow and light smile, him being dressed in a white buttoned up shirt and black pants, his skin being a light honey color and his eyes grey, him having light brown hair that is gelled back, his frame muscular and toned. "What?"

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