Chapter 2: Angry Conversations

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Lucas sits at his desk while he works on his work that he has been working on for all class period. It is a lot but he needs to get caught up. Even though he was still attending school to a certain extent and getting taught in jail he still wasn't in the right headspace to actually listen to the lessons, and since he is out he knows he needs to concentrate heavily to get caught back up that way he can graduate.

He can feel stares his way, him sitting at the front of the classroom and him not even looking up. It doesn't pay to look up he knows that for a fact so he doesn't. And quite honestly the now four class periods he has with Max is hard, so he purposely sits somewhere way across from her.

He knows she is mad, and he understands why. He can sometimes feel her stare on him but he doesn't look back at her, because truth be told he can't.

"Are you guys still together?" A girl whispers over to Max.

Max looks over at her. "Why don't you mind your own damn business."

The girl just looks at her with a nasty expression, her going back to turn ahead of her and do her work.

Lucas stacks his worksheet papers up neatly before he goes to stand up, him going over to the teachers desk and handing him the worksheets.

"Amazing." The teacher smiles.

"Is there anything else I need to do to get caught up with tomorrows lesson?" Lucas questions.

"Yes Lucas however I don't want to overwhelm you." The teacher says.

"I'm....actually looking for the distraction." Lucas says in response. "Plus I'm ready to get back on track. I would like to get the remaining work for me to get caught up....if I can."

The teacher looks at him while nodding. "Are you sure?"

"Positive sir." Lucas nods.

The teacher nods, him bringing out more worksheets and reading material and stapling it before he hands it to Lucas. "I don't expect you to get this done tomorrow Lucas."

"I will however." Lucas responds. "Thank you."

Lucas goes back to sit at his chair, him rocking his knee a little as he opens the packet, him beginning to work.

Max can not really concentrate on her own work, her occasionally looking up at Lucas. Steve was right, he has grown more quiet, more reserved more....cautious it seems like. Whereas normally he would always lean back in his seat and always sit to the side he sits straight ahead and his back hunched as he does his work. Whereas he would still do well in school but also talk and play around a little now he is solely concentrated on his work.

He has gotten larger, more broader in muscular size. Max can tell how he always turns a little when he hears footsteps, how he frequently rocks his knee and how he stretches his temple a little bit frequently. His style is different, whereas before he would wear a good pair of jeans and his signature T shirts he only goes comfortable, with just joggers and a polo T shirt.

Max looks back down at her work, her beginning to just draw little scribbles around.

Soon enough the dismissal bell rings, everyone going to get up and pack their things. Lucas goes to stand up, him beginning to pack his things.

He looks behind him when he feels something tug at his joggers. He smiles when he sees Lady, her sitting down politely while she wags her tail, her having a blue service dog jacket around her.

Lucas looks up at Max, raising his eyebrows a little. Max does a simple small nod, Lucas going to crouch down while he pets Lady. "Hey girl, you have gotten big haven't you?" He smiles, Lady barking while he rubs her head. "I have to go now." He says before kissing the top of her head and going to stand back up. He goes to put his backpack on, sending Max a little polite smile before he leaves out of the room.

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