Chapter 5: The Traumas of Lucas Sinclair

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Great anticipation.

That is what Max feels in this moment that Eleven goes to take a little breath, her playing with her nails a little. She knows it will be hard to hear, finally realizing what makes Lucas like this, and she knows it is even harder considering the fact no one else will speak a word about it, and the fact Eleven is taking a little time to even say something.

"El." Max says, more so stating it more as a question.

Eleven takes another breath. "Max once you hear this you cannot unhear it, it's....once you hear it it' are not able to go back. Even though it's done it will still change you, I need you to know that."

Max just looks at Eleven with a confused expression and raised brows. "El you aren't making any sense."

"It will make sense." Eleven mentions softly. "But first I have to ask you accept the risk?"

"The risk?" Max questions with quirked brows. "El what the hell are you on about?"

"Max!" Eleven states firmly. "Do you want to know what happened to Lucas or not?"

"Yes I do." Max responds.

"Then do you accept the risk?" Eleven questions again.

"Yes!" Max throws her hands up in surrender. "I accept the risk."

Eleven nods while she takes a little breath. "In 1983...when Will got lost in the woods, he didn't actually get lost in the woods." Eleven admits. "He got taken by something else. Someone else."

Max furrows her eyebrows a little. "What was he kidnapped or something?"

Eleven shrugs a little. "In a way yes." She responds. "He got taken into a...alternate dimension, we called it the upside down."

Max just raises her eyebrows at Eleven. "A alternate dimension?"

Eleven sends her a look of confusion. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like you don't believe me."

"Uhh probably because you said alternate dimension El." Max says. "What is this some kind of prank?"

Eleven just looks at her with a 'seriously' expression, her crossing her arms. "You don't believe me?"

Max shrugs with a tight smile. "Look El that shit only exists in the movies and comic books."

Eleven clenches her jaw, her taking a little breath before she extends out her hand, her making the jar of Lady's treats float up in the air.

Max's eyes widen in complete shock, her moving back in her bed a little at the floating jar, the lights in the room begin to flicker a little, a trail of blood running down Eleven's nose, her going to set down the jar back on her nightstand.

Eleven wipes her nose, her looking back at Max. "You believe me now?"

Max heads whirls around to face Eleven, looking at her with complete wide eyes. "What the f—"

"Please don't freak out!" Eleven interrupts quickly, holding her hands out in a stopping manner.

Max's mouth is open, nothing coming out of it. After a minute she closes her mouth. "How....did that?" Max looks between the jar and her.

" mind." Eleven responds softly.

Max looks back at Eleven with a shocked expression, looking back at the jar then at her again. " long have you....had that?"

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