Chapter 8: More Information

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"Alright that's it, you can start packing up class!"

Max goes to stand up, her beginning to put stuff in her backpack while Lucas puts his stuff in his, noticing his tired expression. "How much sleep do you get Lucas?"

Lucas looks over at her, him standing up and putting his backpack straps over his shoulders and his hands going in his pockets. "Like...four hours."

Max gives a tight lip smile. "That also isn't good Lucas."

"Some things I just can't control until later Max, it's okay." Lucas shrugs simply.

"I know but there are things you can do to make yourself fall asleep easier. Having background noise of the TV, things like that." She suggests.

"You helped me sleep better Max." Lucas mentions plainly in a neutral expression. "But I'll find my way...for now."

Max swallows a little, her putting more of her backpack strap over her shoulder, playing a little with the cord of her headphones. "Lucas it...."

"You don't have to say anything." Lucas tells her. "I told you I wouldn't stop Max, I won't."

Max looks down a little, feeling her heart begin to beat more faster and faster. The way he always say things are always so soft, so simple and so neutral. There is no teasing behind it, there is no arrogance behind it, only just in a simple neutral manner. Max doesn't know why but that just makes it all the more intense, it just makes her thoughts and her feelings go haywire and sometimes she feels like kicking something or just bursting into tears.

Right now it's the latter.

But as the six months happened and progressed she has learned how to hold it in, at least the tears because she was tired of crying. "Then will you listen to me Lucas?"

Lucas nods his head. "Okay."

The bell rings, everyone beginning to make their way out of the class. Lucas and Max walk side by side together, walking through the long hallway to get to the big entrance doors. "Are you going to live in a hotel forever?" Max questions.

Lucas looks over at her. "I can't be here Max, you know why now."

"I get that however at least get yourself a temporary place. A hotel is going to start getting more and more expensive since it is like every night you have to pay." Max says.

Lucas nods, him turning to look back ahead of him. "Okay."

"Also." Max says when they make their way outside, her stopping at the stairs. "You need a more high paying job, really you need to come back to the store. Joyce offered you a raise Lucas."

Lucas sighs a little while he closes his eyes. "Max I do want you back, but I don't want to make it seem like I'm...stalking your life or something, trying to be everywhere you are."

Max gives a small smile. "I appreciate the thought Lucas however if you are looking to work towards your goal on getting out of here when we graduate then you can't do that getting paid nine an hour."

Lucas furrows his eyebrows a little. "How did you know my pay?"

"Oh I...." Max trails off. "...I just know that's the regular pay there. You can always gage it like that for restaurants typically it always starts at nine."

Lucas nods, his lips curving into a little smile. "Okay."

Max and Lucas begin to walk down the stairs. "So you need to go up there to Joyce and tell her you want to start back up there, today Lucas."

"Okay." He nods.

"At least from there you'll be getting twice the pay and able to get a new place and also save towards the trip." Max says.

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