Chapter 37: More Celebrations

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"Okay ladies and gentlemen! And Mike." Nancy starts.

Mike throws up his hands, everyone being seated around the rectangular table in the restaurant. "Seriously?!"

"Here is to finding new jobs! Or you guys finding new jobs." Nancy motions. "Now we will cheer to mostly sodas, since most of you are under twenty one. Cheers!"



"So what did you guys find?" Max directs at Steve and Robin, Nancy going to sit down after the clank their glasses together.

"We are going to start working at a movie theater." Steve nods his head.

"The duo never breaking apart. Thank goodness because I have no one else to talk to for work." Robin says. "Come on tell me about you guys jobs."

"Me Max and Suzie are going to be waitresses at the Oasis Palace." Eleven smiles.

"That nice high end restaurant by the beach?" Jonathan questions.

"That's the one." Max nods.

"Very nice." Nancy smiles.

"Wait so you guys aren't moving down here with us?" Max questions with a light pout towards Nancy and Jonathan.

"We still have to finish out our last three months of college." Jonathan says.

"And after?" Eleven questions hopefully. "It just won't be the same without you guys, I'm convincing mom and dad too."

"Oh we are here as soon as we are done with college you don't have to tell us twice." Nancy says.

"Awesome!" Dustin smiles.

"It shouldn't be to hard to convince Hopper though he practically has a sixth sense when it comes to you and still glares me down when I touch you or kiss you." Mike says. "So I'm pretty sure he's going to want to do that more closer up."

"Yes I am."

"Jesus!" Mike quickly exclaims, seeing Hopper smile at him with his hands clasped behind him, Joyce just laughing while going to sit down. "How much of that did you hear?"

"Enough to hear that I intimidate you and I like that." Hopper smiles.

"Of course you do." Mike rolls his eyes.

"Alright who's paying for my food?" Erica questions when her Sue and Charles go to sit down.

"Here." Dustin hands her money.

"I knew I liked you slightly for reasons." Erica takes the cash.

"Congrats all of you for the jobs!" Sue smiles.

"Thanks." Max says.

"Where's Lucas?" Charles looks around.

"Oh he's over at the bar talking to my mom." Max points.

"Everything....okay?" Sue questions.

"Oh great actually." Max smiles. "Here sit down I'll tell you." She motions, Sue going to sit down next to her.

Lucas swirls the ice cubes in his small glass cup while looking at the bubbles in his drink, the glass being in front of his face.

"Lucas." Susan looks at him.

"Yeah." Lucas says back, going to put down his glass and look at Susan.

"You dope why did you order club soda if you're not going to drink it?" She questions.

"Oh....well..." he trails off, him shrugging his shoulders lightly while swirling the black straw in the glass while looking at it. "No reason."

Susan rolls her eyes while she holds her drink. "It's because it looks like alcohol."

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