Chapter 31: Welcome to Georgia!

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Max turns over when she hears the four AM alarm go off, her going to stop the alarm and lay on her back while she rubs her eyes a little, feeling a smile cross her face.

She is surprised herself, smiling at four in the morning. She knows she is truly happy and cannot wait for the day to come since she is so smiley. She is finally with Lucas after so long and not only that, they are starting a new life together at another place, and there is also a beach.

So much happiness.

Max smiles as she turns to face Lucas, seeing him sound asleep on his back. She looks at his face, stroking his cheek softly and seeing how peaceful he looks sleeping. "Lucas." She whispers, poking his cheek a little bit, him still not waking up. "Lucas." Max taps his lips. "Come on we have to get up."

Lucas groans while his eyes are still closed. "Five more minutes."

"No we have to shower and make sure we have everything." Max tells him, going to shake him. "Come on get up today is a good day! Come on!"


"Come on!" Max smiles, giving him a quick peck before she gets up, still seeing him try and go back to sleep. Max rips the covers from him.

"Ah!" Lucas hugs himself. "I've been exposed to the cold!"

Max laughs. "Come on get up!" She tickles his feet.

"No not the feet!" Lucas laughs while jerking his feet away.

"Come on get up." Max smiles, him groaning while finally getting up. "I have to wake my mom, can you let Lady out and start up the shower?"

"Yeah." Lucas rubs his eyes a little, going to stretch out.

"Thanks." Max smiles.

"Wait." Lucas grabs her wrists, her turning back to look at him. "Where's my morning kiss?"

Max smiles, her standing in between his legs and going to kiss him, her hands going on his cheeks. He kisses her back softly, his hands on her hips pulling her in closer. After a minute they pull away, Lucas smiling while his eyes are closed. "Get a move on boy."

Lucas laughs, him going to stand up. "Alright."

Max makes her way out of the room, her going over to Susan's room, opening the door and seeing her sound asleep. "Mother!" Max exclaims happily, her turning on the light.

Susan groans, her immediately putting the covers over her face and going to lay on her stomach.

"No it's time to get up!" Max smiles. "Today is the day it's the day we go to Georgia and have fun!"

"One more hour." Susan groans.

"Mom we leave in a hour." Max tells her.


Max rolls her eyes, her going to grab the blanket and try and pull it away. "Come on."

"Max no—"

"Come on."

"No not my blanket!"

"Come on!"

Max laughs as she successfully rips the blankets from her, getting up on the bed and getting on Susan's back while hugging her. "Today is a good day a good day a good day a good dayyyyy!" Max sings horribly.

"Jesus you sound like a bee stung you on the tongue." Susan says. "Fine I'm up."

"Yay!" Max gets up. "Make sure you pack everything."

"Yeah I know how to do it." Susan says while getting up from the bed.

Max looks towards the front door when a knock is heard on it, her going to open it to a see a delivery guy, her immediately smiling. "Hi good morning!"

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