Chapter 14: Guilty Feelings

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Lucas listens to his music while he runs on the treadmill, Lady running on the treadmill besides him while she pants out.

"Okay." Lucas breaths before he stops his treadmill, him going to stop Lady's as well. He puts the bowl down on the floor and fills it up with water, Lady immediately going to drink the water, him downing his bottle water as well. "You ready?"


Lucas turns around, him sighing a little when he sees Ilene. "Is there something you need?"

"Beautiful dog." She comments, motioning towards Lady getting done drinking the bowl of water.

"Yeah she is." Lucas responds. "If there isn't anything else I have to get going."

"Wait." Ilene says, Lucas gritting his teeth together in his closed mouth while turning around to look at her. "I was hoping we could hang out sometime. And yes I know you said you weren't interested in me in anything more but maybe we could Ah g out as friends."

"Look Ilene I don't want to be rude but no." Lucas motions with his hands. "I don't want to hang out with you okay? I have my friends, I'm not looking for anymore and I mean that in the nicest way possible."

"Yeah that really didn't come out nice." Ilene shakes her head. "I guess I'm just trying to figure out who has you so wrapped around their finger."

"That's none of your concern." Lucas says.

"Oh my goodness it's your Ex isn't it?" Ilene questions, her taking a step forward. "Why? I heard she dumped you no questions asked when you went to jail."

"What's sad is that you jump on the bandwagon of rumors made by people who have no lives." Lucas says.

"Wait I—"

Lady begins to bark and sneer at Ilene when she gets to close, Ilene jumping back with wide eyes and Lucas going to turn around. "Down Lady." Lucas tells her, Lady growling a little while she sits down.

"Jesus." Ilene says. "I'm not trying to make you irritated. I'm just saying it's a lot of guys who go after the girls that don't even like them back. Plus I'm pretty sure she has a boyfriend I always see her with some guy he doesn't even go to school here."

"Ilene you are doing something called not minding your own business." Lucas says while putting his bag over his shoulder. "Stay out of Max's and stay out of mine." He says before walking away.

"Fine date a slut." She mumbles.

Lucas stops right in his tracks, him going to turn around and look back at her. "What the hell did you just say?"

"What?" Ilene questions.

"Stay." Lucas tells Lady who stands besides him, her going to sit down while panting, Lucas going over to Ilene. "What the fuck did you just say?"

"Nothing..." Ilene looks at him.

"I would watch your damn mouth Ilene, if I ever hear you call her that again things will not be good for you. Don't fucking call her that again understand?!" Lucas yells, causing some glances to go their way.

"Okay yes." Ilene steps back from him.

Lucas clenches his jaw, him going to turn around and walk to the door. "Come on girl." Lucas tells Lady, her going to follow him out of the door, jumping in the backseat of the car when he opens the door for her, him beginning to drive back to the hotel.

He furrows his eyebrows a little when his car drives a little rocky, him remembering it's been six months since he hasn't taken it to the repair shop to see if any issues was up with it. He shrugs it off for the moment, telling himself he will do so tomorrow after school.

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