Chapter 60: Lazy Sunday

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Susan slowly begins to open her eyes, her wiping her eyes a little bit, looking around when she realizes that she is in her bed, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

Then the memories fill her, with how much fun her and Christian had watching endless comedies and them laughing about every single one and him finding a way to make a joke out of everything. She remembers getting really tired, but really not wanting to be alone and enjoying his company, realizing that she fell asleep and he put her in bed.

Susan turns over, her looking at the note on the nightstand, her smiling softly at it.

Carried you like Cinderella to the bed, have a good sleep. Call me Amor when you wake up. -Christian.

Susan smiles with a eye roll, her putting down the note and going to reach for her phone, her first dialing Max's number. When the phone rings and rings she hangs up, her going to dial the home phone number.

"Okay bacon is in the oven." Max says, her Suzie and Eleven being in the kitchen cooking breakfast while the boys sleep in. Max looks towards the phone when it rings, her going over to it and going to answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey Max." Susan says.

"Mom hey." Max smiles. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel good." Susan smiles.

Max smiles more from the words. "I'm glad mom. So what did you and Christian do last night when he stayed with you?" Max questions with a smile, the other line falling silent. "Yep. Mom I will always stalk you."

"Very comforting." Susan mentions sarcastically. "But to answer your question it was movies and snacks, and he left when I got tired."

"Okay." Max says in response. "Honestly mom I'm just messing with you, I guess I'm not that hard towards him now, but I am still going to be hard on him regardless, but I seriously do not mind you guys hanging out, so please don't feel you have to push yourself away from him because of me."

Susan smiles at her. "Thank you Max."

"You're welcome mom, I want you to be happy." Max replies. "So did you have a good time?"

"I did actually." Susan responds. "What about you?"

"The conversation went well." Max smiles. "Things are good now. Of course I still feel a little guilty but it'll pass, but today is lazy Sunday for us, and today consists of making good meals for Lucas and us watching good movies and playing board games. Just us spending more time together."

"That sounds good Max. That sounds really good." Susan replies.

"I'm still going to come over to see you. How about this afternoon during lunch?" Max questions.

"Yeah that sounds good baby." Susan nods. "I'll see you then okay? I love you."

"Love you too mom."

Susan hangs up the phone, her going to dial another number before putting it to her ear.


"Wow you need to drink some water." Susan mentions.

Christian chuckles over the phone. "How did you sleep last night Amor?"

Susan smiles. "Well."

"I'm glad you called." He mentions. "What are your plans for today?"

"Definitely a lazy day." Susan responds. "I might let you come over if you make my three meals for the day."

"Then consider me already there!" Christian responds. "You like French toast sticks?"

"Who doesn't like French toast sticks?" Susan questions back.

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