[S1] - Begin

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

The sound of the trees swaying and crashing onto other trees sounded peaceful to the h/c haired girl. She listened to the wind blowing in her ear and watched as clouds passed by in the bright blue sky.

Her forehead began to collect beads of sweat as the blazing sun shined down on her figure. On her back, the road felt hot but she didn't mind, in fact, she hadn't known how long she'd been laying in the middle of the streets.

If anyone were to spot her in her condition they'd think she was one of them: a rotter.

Her bloody clothes were drenched with dry blood, her hair was matted with dirt, and her face had splashes of dried blood that had been smeared.

She had nothing on her except for her backpack that had an empty water bottle and her pistol, her equipment rested next to her. If she had to guess, she could say it's been at least four hours since she's been with her family. She's positive none of them survived the massive horde that ripped through her family's farm.

She felt hopeless as she couldn't save them. She couldn't stand looking at them as the rotters, without hesitation, sank in their teeth to her family's body. She can still hear their shrilling voice echoing for help as they stared at her to do something.

Hearing footsteps approaching her, she was pulled away from her thoughts. She didn't bother glancing at the figure. In all honesty, she kind of hoped it was a rotter, coming to end her life so she could see her family again.

She accepts her fate as she could hear whatever it was coming nearer. But to her surprise, her eyes came in contact with a pair of lively green eyes. It's a human; a male and he seemed to be the same age as her.

His green hair is matted, he's got eyebags and underneath it are a few freckles, and he's carrying a slightly dirty yellow backpack. She notices that he's wearing a black jacket with dark blue jeans and muddy red shoes. He's also holding a wooden chipped r93 rifle with a scope.

The male eyes her figure in a worried look, he scans her chest to see any movement, to see if she's breathing and when her chest moves a relief sigh escapes his lips, "Are you okay?"

When she didn't reply he crouched down and checked her arms and neck to make sure she's not bit. He then heard a sigh come out of her, "I'm okay."

The male moves out of the way as the h/c hair girl sat up. He watched her movements and noticed her hand reaching out next to her, grabbing a pistol. The green-hair male quickly kicks the gun away from her hand and stands up, he then aims his rifle at her.

"I don't want to do it so please don't move." He says bitterly with his finger inches away from the trigger.

The girl, unbothered, stares at him, "If you're gonna shoot, then shoot. But just know anybody from a mile away will hear you."

She then looks towards her gun, "Besides, the chambers are empty. Look for yourself."

He looks at her unconvinced but then approaches where he kicked her gun. With the rifle still aimed at her, he picked it up and checked the chamber. She was right, it is empty.

He pulled his rifle away from her and sighed, he then looked at the girl, "Sorry, you can never be careful these days. It's bad enough we have the dead walking, we don't need people attacking each other either."

The e/c eye girl stared at him before she stood up and grabbed her bag. Extending her hand, she introduced herself, "I'm F/n L/n, and you are?"

Smiling, he shakes F/n's hand, "Izuku Midoriya."

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