Too loud

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

"Damn it." F/n let out a frustrated sigh as she pulled to the side.

Izuku, who sat on the passenger seat worryingly eyed her, "No more gas?"

F/n nodded and set the keys to the side, "Now what?"

Izuku glanced behind to see Shoto and Katsuki already asleep in the backseat. He then glanced outside though it was too dark to see, "Maybe we should sleep it off here."

"That's a stupid idea." F/n then shook her head realizing what she said, "Sorry. I didn't mean it like that it's jus-"

Izuku gave her a smile, already knowing she didn't mean to respond bitterly, "I get it. You're tired. We're tired. We want to be somewhere safer than out here in the dark."

F/n nodded slowly and looked away. How could Izuku smile when they've been through hell and almost died several times. She looked at his shoulder, "Did you reopen it?"

"Oh." Izuku pulled his shirt to the side to see his wound, "It doesn't look bad. Just a little dirty."

"Let me see." F/n said and yanked his shirt. A small blush crept up his cheeks from how close they were. He had to avert his gaze somewhere else. "We need to clean it before it gets infected. Your hands too."

Izuku only nodded and let out and mentally let out a sigh of relief when F/n had let go of him. He looked as he passed out friends, "What do we do about them? They seem exhausted."

F/n hummed before she got out the car, "Wake them up."

Izuku stammered and followed after her, "Y-you're not going to look by yourself are you?"

F/n gave him a crazy look, "Do you think I'm that crazy? I'd probably die."

His heart eased a little, "But still. If we go out right now, we don't even know where we could be heading. We could either be getting farther from the sanctuary that we had in mind or closer."

The door to the backseat opened, startling Izuku. Shoto came out glancing at both of them, "What happened?"

"The car ran out of gas." F/n opened the trunk to take out the bags of supplies.

"Is Kachaan awake?" Izuku asked Shoto.

Shoto shook his head, "No. He's drooling."

"Oh." Izuku looked away for a moment before going to wake him up. Shoto helped F/n with the bags, "We're walking?"

F/n nodded, "Seems like the best plan."

"Best plan?" Shoto gave her a look.

"Well it's either that or we sit here and wait to get trapped by a horde and then die." Shoto gave her a deadpanned look to which she waved it off, "Quite frankly, I'm not ready to die yet."

Yet. Shoto noted that. The two looked as an angry disheveled Katsuki came out of the car. "If you had let me drive then I would've gotten us to a town faster."

"Without a map?" Shoto rhetorically asked.

Katsuki gave an irritated look towards him before yanking the bag of gun from F/n, "Which way we going?"

"The same way we were heading, duh." F/n closed the trunk and began walking forward with Izuku following behind.

Katsuki mocked F/n behind her back but shortly followed after her. They all stayed close to each other and listened very carefully to any twigs snapping or any noise they heard. Walking at night wasn't the best idea considering any rotter could jump out, but they were desperate.

Besides, they had to hurry and get back to their original plan which was going to the community Shoto had mentioned.

Hugging himself, Izuku shivered, "Maybe we could find a clothing store. It's starting to get cold."

Shoto hummed, "Winter might be coming soon."

"I don't feel a fucking thing." Katsuki said, looking out into the distance.

"That's because you're wearing a big ass jacket." F/n replied.

Katsuki only scowled at her. He would've shouted profanities at her but because they were at a vulnerable position, he chose to keep his mouth shut.

As they all walked in silence their minds were loud.

F/n wondered how long it would be until one of them dies. Any second, any moment, they could all drop dead. She didn't like to think about it, but the thought makes it easier for her to move on. Yes, she was glad she was no longer alone. But she kind of wished she was. Being alone makes it easier for her to not hold onto people. And she was afraid. She was afraid because she could feel herself getting closer to Izuku, Katsuki and Shoto. She knew that when they died, she'd be at the beginning once again.

Izuku, on the other hand, could feel it. As everyday goes by and everyday they fight for their survival and come across vicious people, he could feel his spark fading. 6 months and 7 days. That's how long he's been alive and most of it was because of the help of F/n or Katsuki or Shoto. If they hadn't been here, he would be dead and he knew he wasn't built for this world. Naive, kind and ignorant will be the death of him. Nights of restless sleep and dangerous thoughts plaguing his mind, he wondered how long it would be until death came knocking on his door.

Shoto's hope of his brother being alive has kept him going. He knew that the chances of Touya being dead and the chances of ever finding him was impossible. But he'd rather think the opposite. Even though he wasn't alone and had F/n, Katsuki, and Izuku by his side, the longing of his brother still sits on his heart. And it will always be there until he finds him. One of his family is still out and he couldn't give, not when he was so close. The sanctuary is the only lead he has and he'll rely on it for the rest of his life if he has to. The day his heart rests, is the day his family is truly complete.

Katsuki knew there was nothing left for him in the world. Yes, he's got F/n, Izuku and Shoto, but inside he lost everything. His parents are no longer living and the thought of their corpses still resting at his house saddens him. It destroys him and as every month goes by, he still has to process their death. He's contemplated on letting go of the damn family photo that rests in his pockets. Why couldn't he just have one more day with them? One more day to tell them how grateful he is and how much he loves them. Just one more day to cling onto them before they disappear again.

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