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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

Katsuki circled the hardware store, trying to find a location where he could park and load the fences to the truck without rotters interfering. After a few more times of circling, Katsuki parked behind the hardware store where fences and larger items were placed.

He backed the truck to the entrance of the gate and stopped when he was close. He then watched as Izuku and F/n got out of the car to open the gate. He waited and when Izuku gave him a signal, he continued to back the car until it was halfway in.

Once he was done, the blonde got out of the truck leaving the engine on as F/n said it would be a hassle to turn on again and open the trunk.

"How many do you think we need?" Izuku asked F/n.

She tilted her head, "As much as the truck can hold."

"What about the extras?" Katsuki asked and looked at the fences that were a couple inches taller than him.

"For fire." Izuku said and began to hold a side of a white fence, "Kacchan, will help me. F/n, you go get the tools we need."

Nodding and leaving the hard work to the males, F/n walks to the doors of the hardware store. She peeks inside before fully entering and venturing deeper into the store. She looks up the ceilings and sees an aisle number with information on the bottom.

As soon as she found what aisle to look at, she began to search the shelfs but hearing shuffling nearby made her pull out her revolver. The gun cocked in her hand as she took the safety off, she glanced around her to see the culprit but found nothing.

With her guard still up, she quickly scanned the items on the shelf until she found what she was looking for. She quickly grabbed the items she found as she heard shuffling getting closer. She zipped open her bag, putting the equipment in and zipping it back.

Quietly, F/n moved away from the shuffling and headed into another aisle. She tried hard to not draw attention, but her shoes tapping on the hard floor was loud from the store being silent. She internally cursed and proceed to move faster.

Though, she could tell that one of the rotters heard her as she heard growls coming nearer. Swiftly, with her other hand, she pulled out her knife and moved closer to the rotter that was alone.

With a quick movement, she stabbed the rotter's skull with her knife and carefully placed the dead to the floor as she feared that any noise would attract more rotters that roamed near.

She let out a low sigh and moved on to her task. Successfully grabbing every equipment and placing it in her bag, she turned around but let out a gasp as a rotter had snuck up behind her. She pushed herself back onto the shelf as the rotter tried to feast on her.

She grunted a bit and raised her hand that held her knife but the growl of another rotter pouncing on her made her drop her knife. She felt her eyes widen as she now had two rotters on her side.

Her left leg had to keep the rotter in front of her from tearing her insides while her right hand pushed the other rotter from biting her. But as the rotters tried their best to come at her, she felt pain on her back, like the feeling of something sharp trying to enter her.

She unexpectedly let out a cry as the feeling of something pierced her back. Her cry and struggle caused her to drop items that were behind her and caused an echo inside the building. She let out another gasp as she saw a lot more rotters coming her way.

She realized that if she didn't make up her mind this would be the end for her. Panting a bit, she cried out as she forcefully kicked the rotter in front of her while also shoving the rotter on her side.

With her revolter aimed at the rotter, she shot it and did the same to the other one. She hurriedly, picked up her bag and headed to where Izuku and Katsuki were, the pain on her back hurting tremendously.

From the outside, as Izuku and Katsuki finally loaded the last fence, the sound of gun firing caused them to be alarmed.

Katsuki looked at Izuku while he wiped the sweat off his forehead, "That's coming from inside the store."

"Which means," Izuku started, "F/n might be in trouble."

Not looking back to his friend, Izuku ran to the store and fished out his pocket knife. As for Katsuki, he jumped from the trunk and chased after Izuku but headed back to the truck and closed the trunk. He then ran after Izuku.

As they almost made it, they both saw F/n making it through the doors and panting in pain. Before they could speak, F/n yelled, "We gotta go now!"

Nodding and running back to the truck, they quickly got in and Katsuki drove off to their home. But they couldn't ignore the grunts and pain sounds coming from the backseat and how F/n placed her hand near her lower back, hunching.

Worried, Izuku jumped to the backseat and made F/n turn her back towards him. He felt uneasy as he saw blood seeping through her shirt, "Are you bit!?"

"She's bit!?" Katsuki asked as he glanced back to Izuku while also keeping his eyes on the road.

"I don't know!" Izuku yelled back. He then lifted F/n's shirt to see if she was bitten but relief washed over his face when he saw three nails, "She's not!"

"Then what's wrong with her!?" Katsuki asked as he made a left turn.

"Nails. It pierced her back." Izuku said as he tried to pull one of the nails that wasn't fully in but the sound of her crying made him stop.

"That fucking hurts!" F/n yelled at Izuku.

"I'm sorry!" Izuku said, "But I have to take them out, otherwise it'll get infected."

Reaching their home, Katsuki parked in the driveway and helped F/n get out. He then left Izuku to hold her while Katsuki opened the door and locked it when they reached inside.

Katsuki made F/n lay down while Izuku headed to get a first aid kit from the basement.

She then felt Katsuki cut the bottom of her shirt, and grunts as she felt his hands grazing her back, "At least take me to dinner first."

"Is this really the time to make fucking jokes!" Katsuki said and passed her a pillow to bite down on.

Finally making it to his friends, Izuku set the aid kit down and apologized to her, "Sorry, F/n, this is going to hurt."

She harshly bit down and closed her eyes as Izuku pulled the nails carefully. She began to tear as the process was painful and the feeling of the alcohol burned her. She could feel her blood dripping to her sides when Izuku removed a nail.

"How the hell did this even happen?" Katsuki asked and wiped her blood.

"Most likely fighting the dead." Izuku said and pulled the last nail out. Wiping her back and putting bandages over the wound, the three let out a sigh as it was now over.

F/n wiped her tears and sat on her knees, she then gave the males a thumbs up, "Let's do that again sometime."

"Yeah, I'd rather not, F/n." Izuku said as he threw the bloody nails and gauges away.

"I'm with Deku on this. Now I got your fuckin' blood on my hands." Katsuki said as he wiped the blood on a cloth.

Scratching her nape, she glanced at Izuku, "Should we get to the fence."

"No." Izuku shook his head, "Let your wound heal a bit, then we'll get to it."

Nodding, F/n got up and headed to the second floor to change out of her bloody shirt. While she did so, the males on the bottom began to unload the fences and bring them to the backyard. In just a few days, they would begin to expand their house, incase of any emergencies. 

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