Safe in your arms

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

When Shoto found a map resting near his feet, he gave it to Katsuki, "We seem to be getting close."

A day had gone by and Izuku refused to talk to Katsuki. Katsuki, on the other hand, refused to apologize. It wasn't that he didn't want to, it was just that he was bad at communicating. He felt childish. He remembered when he was little how his mother would scold him for being mean to Izuku.

He wondered how his mother would make him apologize if she were to hear what happened now.

"A day." Katsuki gruffly said.

Yesterday when they pulled to the side of the road to switch driving, Izuku had found a 12 pack of water as well as dried up berries, nuts and fruits in a basket placed in the trunk. Although he was also mad at F/n, he eventually forgave her when she explained that the boy had a bite on his calves as his jeans were soaked in blood.

Izuku didn't remember the boy having a bite since he was too busy arguing with Katsuki, but he took her word. He hadn't realized the way she looked at him as she lied.

"Any second and the car will run out of gas." Shoto said, eying the gas meter.

"Tsk." Katsuki pointed ahead, "Told you we should've took the backstreets"

Leaning forward, F/n let out a groan, "Great. Who knew the freeway would be blocked."

Pressing the brakes, Shoto tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, "Now what? We can't move all of them."

"And we can't take a detour." Izuku added, "We're already too far from any other street."

The four gave each other a knowing look, "Walking it is."

Getting out, Izuku stayed by F/n as she walked further towards the cars. Katsuki and Shoto grabbed the duffel bag of ammo, guns and what little food they have left. Shoto eyed Katsuki from his side, "Are you ever going to apologize to Izuku?"

"Are you ever going to mind your damn business?" Katsuki walked off.

Rolling his eyes, Shoto closed the trunk and followed after. Seeing F/n on top of a car, Shoto passed her the binoculars, "You see anything?"

She scanned the highway and wasn't pleased, "Just loads of cars.'

"Any dead?" Izuku asked.

"Are you dumb?" Katsuki rhetorically asked, "There's going to be dead everywhere."

"I'm sorry?" Izuku glanced at Shoto then at F/n, "Do you hear something? I think I'm losing my humanity since I can hear these flies talking."

Shoto and F/n raised their arms in a surrendering way, "Don't get us involved."

Katsuki barked back at him, "Now you're just being fucking childish!"

"Swear, I'm losing my mind." Izuku hummed and walked to a nearby car.

F/n jumped off the car and gave Katsuki a look, "I already apologized."

Shoto patted his back, "Better do it sooner."

Rolling his eyes for what seemed like the millionth time, Katsuki marched after them. Katsuki stayed next to Shoto, not wanting to be near Izuku. If Izuku wanted to play a game, then so be it.

While F/n waited for Izuku to finish searching the truck, she munched on some stale pistachio, "You're going to have to make up with Katsuki. Preferably sooner."

Izuku didn't say anything and instead let F/n continue, "I don't exactly know your whole history with him, but you two are friends and you both mean a lot to each other. I remember when you first saw him, you were shocked yet relieved and happy."

She eyed Izuku and continued, "I know he said some pretty mean stuff, but he doesn't mean it and we can't start getting mad and turning on each other. That's how groups began to crumble. We're all that we have. We made it this far because we have and rely on each other. I don't want to die, Shoto doesn't want to die, Katsuki is too stubborn to die and I'm pretty sure you don't want to die."

Izuku then stared at her for a few seconds before looking away, "You're wrong."


"Since yesterday, I've noticed how right Kachaan is." He glanced down, " I have been living in my head because I'm scared to face reality. I'm scared to live in this world where we have to survive everyday and not turn into those things. And I can't wake up and face reality because I don't want to.

"I still cling onto the idea that there is still hope and that one day we'll awake from this horrible nightmare. I'll wake up and see my mom, my dad, my friends and everyone else including you living a normal life." He let out a small sad chuckle, "Could you believe how stupid that sounds?"

F/n swallowed harshly as she looked away and let him continue, "I'm 18 years old, heck my 19th birthday probably passed already and I'm still wishing like a child. Still wishing that the moment I wake up, I'll see mom in the kitchen making my favorite food.

"I'm so scared that there'll be some days where I don't ever want to wake up." A tear glided down his cheek before he quickly wiped it away, "Kachaan is right. If he didn't say it, I am weak. It's always someone saving me and before you know it, I'll be the one to die next."

Foolish, was all F/n could think as she hugged him and without hesitating, Izuku hugged her tightly.

Slowly looking away, Shoto placed the butterfly in his pocket and figured he'd give it to her later. He walked back to Katsuki and watched as the blonde threw papers out the car, "You're littering."

Katsuki gave him a look, "Like littering is the least of our worries. I don't see no damn cops out here rushing to give me a ticket–and where the hell is F/n and Deku? We're wasting daylight."

Shoto shrugged, "They'll be here any minute."

"What the hell are they doing that's taking so long." Katsuki rolled his eyes and looked away.

Hearing Izuku and F/n walking towards them while chatting, Shoto strolled off. Katsuki followed Shoto, "'Bout damn time."

"You guys find anything?" F/n asked.

"Shit load of cars is what we found." Katsuki replied.

Shoto pointed ahead, "There's this RV I found. Figured we would stay there until tomorrow. The sun's beginning to set and since we haven't seen any rotters, they'll soon probably come by. Better to stay hidden than to be at a disadvantage."

Agreeing with the plan, they head to the RV and drop off their stuff in there before searching the cars around. As minutes passed by, gray clouds began to form. Looks like tonight will be a big storm.

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