[S5] - Here

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Standing on a small cliff and hiding behind bushes, Shoto used a pair of binoculars that were stored in the car. Behind him stood Katsuki as he tied the pair of men around the tree. The blonde couldn't care less of their safety after the men told them everything about their camp. Neither could Shoto.

They both couldn't believe how bad society crumbled. Trafficking girls of all ages for food and eating people was unbelievable. But, yet again, they're living in a world infested with flesh eating corpses. These days, nothing is unbelievable.

"Vehicle three, come in." Shoto glanced at the blonde behind him then to the two-way radio on his hip then the men, "Who is vehicle three?"

When the men didn't respond Katsuki stepped on the driver's leg, "You gonna answer or am I going to have to break your damn leg?"

The driver only glared at him which annoyed Katsuki. He didn't take it kindly and forcefully stomped on his leg until he spoke. "Other people!"

"Shut it before you draw those damn things." Katsuki warned him.

"From your community?" Shoto quickly asked and spoke again when he received a nod, "Why three?"

SInce the passenger passed out a little while ago, the driver was their only source. Unfortunately, this only irked Shoto and Katsuki as the man seemed to share the same personality as the blonde.

"This is vehicle three, heading to first gate." Glancing away from the Katsuki and the driver, Shoto watched as a black car stopped at the gate.

Glancing away from the car, Katsuki added pressure to the man below him, "What vehicle are you?"

The man hissed in pain as he was sure a bruise was beginning to form, "Six!"

"Six?" Katsuki quietly asked himself, "What the hell you mean by six?" A feeling of nervousness eased into him as he once again stared at the black car ahead. He didn't like where this was going as it then clicked to him, "Six cars. There are other cars out there."

Shoto pulled away from the binoculars, "Which means they're looking for survivors."

They both glanced at the chuckling driver as he smirked at them, "You're so screwed."

Glaring, Katsuki pistol whipped the male while Shoto once again stared ahead. His eyes widened though. He quickly called Katsuki over. Their breath hitched as they saw an unconscious Izuku with his arms and legs tied being dragged out of the car.

With the help of the binoculars, Shoto could tell that Izuku was wounded. The left side of Izuku's shirt had dried blood which could possibly mean that his wound had reopened. His palms also seemed to be covered with blood and tiny cuts littered his arms.

Huffing, Katsuki grabbed the binoculars from Shoto's hand. He then watched as they dragged Izuku into a warehouse. Shoto quickly stood up, "We got to save him before they do something worse."

"Wait." Katsuki's eyes widened. From behind the warehouse in which Izuku was put in, Katsuki saw a struggling F/n being carried by two men and heading to the warehouse. Her arms and legs were tied as well as her mouth.

This time, Shoto grabbed the binoculars. A weight was lifted off his shoulders, "She's alive. They're both alive."

"But they won't be if we just sit here." Katsuki ran off to the car, "Hurry up, Icyhot."

Opening the trunk, Katsuki began to grab weapons and a wire cutter, "Do you see any snipers?"

Shoto scanned the buildings and windows, "No. Two are guarding the warehouse, four are on the other side, and ten of them are standing near a brick building."

Holding the pictures that displayed a gruesome image, Katsuki flipped through them once again as he noticed it had letters on the back, "Do the buildings have letters?"

Shoto nodded, "Warehouse is D, the brick building is G and the others are hidden by trees. Why?"

Katsuki pointed to where people are kneeling down then to the bodies hanging from the ceiling, "D and G."

They both gave each other a knowing look. Even though their blood was boiling from the images, they both had to play it safe and they had to hurry up before time ran out.

While handing Shoto a gun and wire cutters, Katsuki pointed down the hill in front of them, "You cut there. Those bushes are going to cover us. I go in first. You take out the one on the left."

Shoto nodded and began to slowly head down the hill, "Don't use your gun. You'll draw noise towards us."

Rolling his eyes, Katsuki followed after, "I fucking know that."

Shoto kneeled down and steadily began to cut the fence. Sweat glided down his face as he tried to not rattle the fence. Katsuki eyed the G building that stood next to the D building. Although they were going in with little info, they couldn't waste time. Any second and their friends might be dead.

They just hoped that when they found Izuku and F/n, they would both be alive and breathing. 

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