Almost complete

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

The moment Izuku, F/n, and Katsuki made it into their home, Katsuki fell in the living room and passed out from tiredness. The other two were shocked and quickly made their way to Katsuki to make sure he was breathing.

Izuku had let out a sigh of relief once his friend began to snore lightly. He then headed to a closet near the stairs and grabbed blankets for Katsuki in case he was cold during the night.

While Izuku grabbed some blankets, he told F/n to check for any bites or scratches. Luckily, she had found nothing but dried blood and dirt. Katsuki was in good condition, aside from a scar near his wrist.

She then removed his green bag, jacket, and shoes so he could rest comfortably. After that, she grabbed a pillow and rested his head on top of him and shortly after, Izuku arrived.

The green-haired male laid a few blankets on top of his friend and sat next to him. He then sighed as he looked at his friends eyebags, "He must be exhausted."

F/n then sat down as well, her back against the wall, "The suns not even down yet."

"Who knows how much he's suffered out there. He was probably alone, and starving." Izuku said with a frown.

"Should we wake him up?" F/n said as Izuku looked at her, "If he's starving then he must be hungry."

Izuku shook his head and stood up, "No, we should let him rest. Tomorrow morning we'll give him something to eat. For now, let's put away the food."

Nodding, F/n followed Izuku and picked up the basket of food they had picked from the grocery store. They then headed to the basement where they stored all their supplies. While Katsuki slept soundly, the two downstairs talked in a quiet voice as to now wake the male up.

The sun's light on Katsuki's eyes bothered him, he covered them with his blanket but the sun was still bright. He then grunted and turned in his sleeping position, but the sound of floorboards creaking interrupted his sleep.

In a matter of seconds, Katsuki pounced on a figure, slamming them to the ground with his forearm around their throat and his other arm ready to spill blood, but he stopped when he realized who it was.

The h/c haired girl stared at Katsuki in shock, "...Woah."

From the basement, Izuku quickly ran up the stairs as the commotion worried him. He stared at them both with his arms waving, "Kacchan! She's not any threat! I asked her to check up on you!"

Scoffing, Katsuki rolled his eyes and let F/n get up, "I know that, idiot!"

F/n rubbed her neck, "You're pretty strong. I almost thought you were going to kill me."

The blonde-hair crossed his arms, feeling a bit proud from her comment, "Then don't sneak up on me."

Izuku let out a sigh, "She wasn't sneaking up on you."

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝Where stories live. Discover now