[S2] - During these two weeks

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

Two weeks had gone by since they settled in the tan house with loads of supplies. After they saw the basement they headed up towards the inside of the house. They cleared every room and let out a sigh of relief as no rotter or living presence was inside.

After that, they boarded up the windows with curtains and thin blankets so no one outside could peek in. They would eventually have to look for planks to secure the windows in case anyone decided to break in.

Rather than sleeping in the rooms upstairs, they decided to sleep close to each other down in the living room and not risk each other getting hurt. The first few days, Izuku and F/n would take turns watching and keeping the area safe but stopped after a week of seeing no danger besides a few rotters roaming.

While Izuku took watch, he wrote in his journal and noticed how some of the rotters that passed by moved slower than the others. Even if one rotter had a torn off leg or a bone sticking out, they seemed to move a lot faster. It was strange, but Izuku shook it off.

While Izuku had scanned through everything that was on the basement rack he found vegetable seeds along with fruits. He then headed to the backyard where he and F/n had secured by placing sturdy furniture in front of each gate door.

Although giving the plants water would be tricky, Izuku decided to plant the seeds, that way they wouldn't have to look store to store for a certain herb.

While Izuku planted, F/n stood in the corner of a bedroom, she would move her feet back and forth as the wood underneath creaked. She found it odd that where she stood was the only place that the floorboards were loose while the ones that surrounded it weren't.

She kneeled in front of the loose board and with her fingers she tried to remove it. She had little difficulty but after a few tries, her fingernails caught the edge of the floorboard. She delicately picked up the board until she could have a full grip on it. She then removed the other floorboard as the floor now had an open square.

Once she successfully removed the boards, her eyebrows raised in confusion when she spotted a brown shoe box. She picked it up and to her surprise, she saw stacks of cash with three pocket knives laying in the box.

She pulled the small lever that clicked and made the blade come out. Eyeing it, she pressed her index fingertip onto the tip of the blade to see if it were sharp. The blade seemed in good condition. If it wasn't sharp then she guessed she would sharpen it herself.

F/n then grabbed the knives and left the room leaving the cash behind as it was now deemed worthless. She looked for Izuku and after hearing a shovel scraping against dirt she made her way to the backyard and found Izuku digging.

Hearing her footsteps, Izuku smiled at her, "Hey, where'd you go?"

Smiling back at him she showed him the knives she found, "I was in the main bedroom and found these. Pretty neat, huh?"

Izuku grabbed a black one and inspected it, he then smiled at his friend, "How do you always manage to surprise me?"

F/n shrugged as Izuku handed her the knife back, "Guess I'm pretty impressive."

Izuku playfully rolled his eyes and continued to dig while F/n walked towards the basement's trap door and entered it. Once she grabbed two cans of chicken noodle soup she went to the backyard to prepare for dinner.

The home made fireplace was a pile of wood with bricks that Izuku found in the front yard. The bricks surrounded the wood and on top was a metal rack where a pot sat. She lit the wood that eventually engulfed in flames and let the pot warm up before she added the soup.

She sat and stirred for a few minutes until it was cooked. With a rag, she picked up the pot and walked to the kitchen where she sat the pot on the counter and picked up two bowls. She poured the soup onto the bowl and stopped when the bowl had the same amount.

Shortly after the soup cooled down, F/n called Izuku and the two began to eat their meals. They sat in the living room on the couches.

"Can I ask you something?" Izuku said as he looked at F/n and continued when she nodded, "I get the feeling that I've seen you around before. Did you used to go to U.A.?"

F/n looked at him for a few seconds before nodding, "Yea."

"What class were you in?" He asked as he took a bite of his food.

F/n scratched her head trying to think, "I was in class F, G and H were also with us."

At her answer, Izuku's eyes lit up, "Oh, the engineering class, so that means you were with Mei Hatsume!"

F/n smiled a bit, "You know Mei?"

The green-haired nodded, "Yeah, she would sometimes make stuff for me and my friends. She'd call her gadgets her 'babies'."

F/n laughed a bit, but her smile faltered, "Yeah, she always had a habit of making a lot of stuff, more than she needed to. What about you, what class were you in?"

This time, Izuku scratched his neck and looked away, "Don't be mean, but I was in class 3-A.

F/n snapped her fingers, "Oh, the smart class. Yeah, everybody hates you guys, we thought your class was a bunch of geeky nerds or show offs."

Izuku scoffed, "C'mon, I said not to be mean."

"Okay, Okay." She chuckled and then sighed, "It's crazy how we've been at that school and not once talked to each other. When I first saw you, you seemed familiar. It wasn't until I then realized that a friend had mentioned you."

"Who was it?" Izuku asked.

"I'm not sure if you know him, his name was Hitoshi Shinso." F/n finished and smiled at the thought of her best friend, she hoped that he was safe.

Izuku exclaimed, "Right, I remember him! I didn't know you were friends with him. He never mentioned having any friends."

F/n chuckled, "That's because he's been embarrassed by me ever since middle school. I figured out he like cats so I took him to a cat cafe but we accidently ended up walking to a maid cafe."

Izuku smiled and thought of his own friends and what they were doing. He to as well hoped they were safe and were not around any rotters. He hoped that instead of moving place to place his friends were in a community surrounded by other people and surrounded by walls that could protect them.

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