[S3] - Away with you

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

The sound of their footsteps stomping down the ground and rustling behind bushes as they ran alerted any rotters nearby. Their lungs ache but they couldn't afford to stop now, not when there was a horde chasing after them.

The horde wasn't right behind them but if they were to stop for a few minutes, they would catch up to the three. It seems like the more they eat the faster they get, almost like a human walking.

A pair of muddy red shoes, [color of choice] shoes, and black boots paced through the forest. They weren't exactly sure what part of the forest they were in, but they hoped they could see a road or homes nearby.

With his pistol kept down, Izuku was leading the group to safety, avoiding any sense of danger.

As for who was behind him, F/n slashed a rotter that came by with her machete. The rotter's head decapitated as it fell.

Behind her was Katsuki with a crossbow behind his back, and his pocket knife that F/n had previously given him. He scoffed when some of the rotter's blood sprayed at him and glared at the back of F/n's head as he wiped the blood off.

They come to a halt and crouch behind a berry bush, F/n, Katsuki and Izuku look at what's in front of them. Not much was in sight besides a few broken down cars and a road that went out for miles.

"If we follow the road then there should be a cabin or a house." Izuku quietly told his friends. From the corner of his eyes he saw F/n nod and Katsuki whipping his head around for any danger. With their responses Izuku then stood up and motioned for his friends to follow as he could slightly hear the groans and growling.

They ran next to the road and managed to stay covered by trees and bushes. It wasn't till maybe an hour or two when Izuku heard a river flowing by and eventually ran onto a bridge with a pile of cars—6 were present. They separated and searched inside the cars for any supplies.

Their stomachs growled when they thought of food or anything nutritious. Not eating for weeks besides rodents almost made their minds go crazy. They craved for something more as a squirrel wasn't enough to feed them all.

Izuku wiped the dust from a green car window so he could see what's inside. Apart from bags and luggages there seemed to be no danger. Searching inside the small tanned car he looked through the bags and found nothing but clothes and accessories.

He then popped the trunk open for anything else. His mind had shut down for a moment when he saw a dead woman tied up and reaching her arms out for him. He quietly shut the trunk and moved to a different car.

Inside a black truck, F/n rummaged through the owner's luggage. She sighed and rolled her eyes when her hands were met with clothes and photo albums. The bags also consisted of expensive jewelry like pearls.

She turned her head to the rear mirror; her face was sweaty and she then noticed her ear. She grimaced as she looked at it; it wasn't bad as it was now healed, but a slice was cut out as a bullet graced it. Looking away she then exited the car and headed for the trunk but left when all she spotted was an extra tire.

As for Katsuki, he stood a little farther from them, searching for the first car that seemed to block the rest. The red truck had dark tinted windows so it was hard to see inside. He tapped the driver's window and pressed his ear firmly against it to see if he could hear any growling or thumping.

With no sound he opened the driver's seat and began searching for anything. Sitting in the driver's seat appeared to be a camping tool set. Katsuki grinned as he examined the set; two pairs of hunting knives, a combat knife, hatchet, pocket knife, and a headlamp with a pair of batteries.

Though his grin fell when his eyes searched the backseat; a baby toddler car seat was placed behind the passenger seat. Blood coated the pink seat as a sippy cup laid in the middle of the backseat. He shut his eyes for a moment before exiting the car.

Jumping onto the trunk, Katsuki removed a black tarp and saw luggages along with coolers. He opened each bag only to see clothes and accessories. He then opened the cooler, and a bottle of water along with spoiled food were inside.

Putting the spoiled food aside and being careful to not touch any maggots, Katsuki grabbed every bottle and called his friends over. They each took one and heavily drank it, leaving no water behind.

The blonde then looked to the distance, his eyes brightening from the scene. He pointed and from afar, destroyed buildings stood along with some small ones.

"You were right." F/n started.

Katsuki then rolled his eyes, "'Course I am."

Letting out a content sigh, Izuku smiled, "Maybe this sanctuary you talked about is still standing. Maybe there's still people out there."

"A city like that, there has to be a horde. Just imagine how many dead are roaming, waiting for someone to pass by." F/n said as she shielded her eyes from the sun.

Katsuki shrugged, "We can do it. I'm done walking from place to place. If it weren't for those damn sons of bitches we wouldn't be here in the first place."

Izuku agreed and nodded as he once again led the group forward and headed towards the city.

With an hour passing, they had to take a detour as they city's entrance had barricaded the roads with concrete and on the other side were a few rotters with swat gear. Knowing they couldn't take them all out due to not having strength, they took the longer way to reach the city.

Night had fallen, which the three were thankful for as it was hot earlier that day. They swore they could feel themself getting a sunburn. With nothing but their weapons on them, F/n and Katsuki followed Izuku.

Groaning for the hundredth time, Katsuki shoved his hands in his pockets, "Do you even know where you're going, Deku?"

F/n swatted some bugs away, "I'm sure he knows otherwise he wouldn't be leading. Unlike some people, he doesn't wait until the last minute to tell us we're lost."

Katsuki sneered at her comment as he could tell it was meant for him. A month ago, he hadn't noticed he turned in the wrong direction and it wasn't until a few days later where he realized that they were lost.

Out of embarrassment, Katsuki didn't say anything. Thankfully, Izuku noticed. Which is why he's now leading the group.

Katsuki scoffed and quickened his pace, leaving the h/c haired girl behind, "Only happened once. Stop making it a big fucking deal."

F/n rolled her eyes and also quickened her pace. After three months of running, their feet's ached and they were sure eyebags had begun to form from lack of sleep. They weren't certain if this sanctuary that Katsuki had mentioned was still alive, but they were sure that something was waiting for them.

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