Don't die, not yet

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

"Izuku!" They all yell as they hurriedly rush to him as the green-haired male falls to the floor. Because Katsuki was closer to him, he was able to catch him before he fell. The blonde angrily stared at the other two that came to his aide, "What the fuck did you guys do!?"

Shoto scoffed and pointed to Izuku's gunshot wound, "That's not really the time. Izuku needs help!"

"He's right." F/n said as she immediately looked at a fainted Izuku, "If we don't do anything...he might die."

Though Katsuki was panicking he tried his best to not show it. His eyes fell on Izuku's right shoulder where the bullet impacted. He lifted his friend and looked at F/n, "You know how to heal wounds don't you!? I've seen you healing mine and Deku's wounds."

A bit of sweat dropped and glided down her cheek. Internally, she was panicking as she didn't know how to address a gunshot wound. She searched through her memories until she remembered her mother cleaning her cousin's gunshot wound.

Let out a shaky breath, she nodded and then looked at Shoto, "You have medical supplies right?"

The dual-haired male nodded his head towards the front of the building, "In the front but they might not be a lot. This place was used as supplies for the sanctuary."

"Ok." F/n nodded and ran towards the front in search of medical supplies while Shoto motioned for Katsuki to follow him to a back room where a mattress was laid.

The blonde set down Izuku on the bed and with his combat knife he ripped the injured male's shirt. His heart dropped when his eyes laid on his friend's bloody shoulder. He hoped that F/n would arrive soon as he feared that Izuku wouldn't last longer.

Shoto on the other hand felt relieved that he's seen his friend again but he wished that they met in other circumstances. One where Izuku was not on his deathbed.

"Hey, Half'n'half," Katsuki grabbed Shoto's attention, "what do you mean this warehouse was used for supplies?"

"Why do you think there's many supplies in here?" Shoto asked, his eyes lowering, "Did you not see the army truck?"

Confused, Katsuki wanted to press on but the sound of the backroom door opening harshly caught both of their attention. In her hands, F/n crouched near Izuku's injured shoulder and passed Katsuki a flashlight.

"I need you to hold the flashlight above the shoulder and you," She pointed to Shoto, "hold Izuku tightly down."

The blonde watched as she set down gauges, medical tweezers, rubbing alcohol, and medical tape. He peered at her, "You know what you're doing?"

"No." F/n said as she poured some rubbing alcohol on her hand, "But I've seen my mother do this to my cousin when he got shot. She was a doctor and had better supplies so lets hope this is enough."

She then let out a shaky sigh as her hands gripped the rubbing alcohol over Izuku's wounded shoulder, "Okay, hold him down."

Receiving a nod, the girl immediately poured the alcohol on Izuku's shoulder and began to dig out the bullets. Just as she expected, the green-haired male jolted in pain and screamed as his hands flew to stop the girl.

Thankfully, Shoto grabbed his hands and pinned them to the bed. With the hand that wasn't occupied, Katsuki held it over Izuku's mouth to muffle his screams in fear that the rotters outside would hear and barge in.

The blonde had to look away as tears began to fall from the green-eyed male. His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to think of something else that could occupy his mind rather than seeing his childhood friend in pain.

Shoto, who sat on Izuku's leg to keep them from possibly kicking himself, watched as F/n dug out the bullets. He wondered why she was taking so long, "Can't you hurry up the process?"

"I'm trying!" F/n yelled but her heart dropped when she pulled the tweezers out and looked at the shattered fragment of the bullet, "But...the bullet shattered."

"Is that a bad thing?" Katsuki quietly asked.

"I...don't know." The girl said with her eyebrows furrowed, a bit worried what a shattered bullet might mean. Her hands shook when she hurriedly returned back to picking out the pieces. She gazed at izuku for a moment, as the male let out more tears with his eyes tightly shut.

A few moments later, it had seemed that Izuku passed out once again from the pain as he stopped moving and his body no longer shook. Shoto and Katsuki seemed worried but F/n had told them that it was nothing to worry about, even though she didn't believe herself.

Maybe, a little after an hour or so, F/n let out a huge sigh as her shaky bloody hands wiped her forehead. The other two also let out a relief sigh and leaned back against the wall. The three watched as Izuku slept soundly, the wound cleaned and now covered by gauzes and medical tape.

They listened for Izuku's breath to know that he was still breathing and alive. They sat in silence before Shoto looked at F/n, "Sorry. For trying to kill you."

Shurgging, F/n responds, "I don't blame you. I would have done the same if I were you, but next time, shoot before asking questions."

Another moment a silence passed by before Katsuki questioning Shoto, "You said this place was used for a sanctuary, which one?"

"What?" Shoto asked, a bit confused.

Scoffing, Katsuki rolled his eyes, "Earlier you said that this place was used for supplies for a sanctuary. Which fucking sanctuary are you talking about?"

"Oh," Shoto said as his eyes flickered at Katsuki and F/n, "The one near us."

Eyes dreading, F/n looked at Katsuki, "Please let that be the one you were talking about."

"Rhote." Katsuki said, with hopeful eyes.

"Yes." Shoto nodded, but his eyes lowered, understanding why they were hopeful to see this sanctuary and feeling bad to bear the bad news, "If you came to the city for it, it's no longer standing."

"What?" Katsuki and F/n said at the same time. "How?"

Shoto shrugged and stood up, he removed his black sweater before opening the room door, "It just...isn't standing."

The other two watched as Shoto left the room. Their minds wondering what happened to the sanctuary they hoped to find and all feelings of hope vanishing. Their eyes peered back to a sleeping izuku, they wondered how they would tell him about the bad news.

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